We are writing to you because we are the parents of a vaccine -injured child. Taylor, our five old daughter, has seizures, developmental delays, and autism all due to an adverse reaction to the pertussis in her DPT vaccination.
Taylor was developing normally until her 4 month vaccination. Immediately following the doctors visit, Taylor developed a high fever and had her first seizure. The doctors told us it was a normal reaction and we believed them. She didnt have another seizure until she was seven months old. At that point, she began having seizures more often, sometimes as many as 5 grand mal seizures per day. We began to notice that she was regressing in skills that she had already mastered and many behaviors were not appropriate. The doctors couldnt give us a reason, but gave us numerous medications-none of which controlled the seizures.
In March of 1994, (Taylor was 15 months old) we saw a news-documentary on t.v. about vaccine injuries. What they described was identical to what we had experienced. We called the health department to find out what lot number Taylors vaccination had come from and matched it to lists of "hot" lot numbers from the National Vaccine Information Center. Taylors lot number came up on the list.
Since then, we have received lifetime compensation from the National Vaccine Compensation Fund-but this was after a two and a half year process. Taylor still has seizures often, despite numerous medications and has been diagnosed with autism and severe developmental delays.
We understand the stresses related to raising a child with special needs and the need to access information to help your child in any way you can. We would like to help-through support or information. Please feel free to contact us anytime.
Steve & Tracy Simmons
868 SW Raintree Dr
Lees Summit, MO 64082