From: Bart Classen, MD
Dear Readers,
Deja vu! It appears that the US
government is using the same
tactics that they used in the past when they lied to the American public about the
safety of above ground testing of nuclear weapons. The DOD was so paranoid
about the risk of a nuclear war that they exposed many service men to
radiation from bombs detonated just miles away. They repeatedly detonated
nuclear weapons up wind of cities in the southwest. The US government and
its suppliers as well as friends in academia lied about the risks of
radiation and withheld data that nuclear fall out was dangerous. They also
ran illegal experiments and gave people radioactive material in their food
without their knowledge or consent. This is a historical fact.
Today the US government as well as
suppliers of vaccines and their
representatives in academia are making false statement about the safety of
vaccines. It seems the paranoid people in government have switched their
attention from nuclear to biological threats. They have even been caught
running illegal vaccine experiments.
I have the following statements regarding
the DOD's attack on my
research. You can read my congressional testimony on my website www.vaccines.net
1. Regarding the link between vaccines and diabetes in the military.
The DOD clearly misstates my points on
the risks of vaccines and
diabetes in the military. My point was that in Sweden the men are drafted, get
military vaccines and have twice the risk of diabetes compared to women who
don't get the vaccines. The difference between the rates of diabetes in men
and women in Sweden can not be explained by a general increased risk of
diabetes in men. In the US Navy where men and women both get the military
vaccines the risk of diabetes is about the same, with the women having a
25% increased risk. The point being that women may be expected to have an
equal or greater risk of diabetes then men and thus the increased risk of
diabetes in men in Sweden would be unexpected except for their increased
immunization. I also showed that men and women in the navy have an
increased risk of diabetes compared to civilians who do not receive the
military vaccines.
My testimony
"I have done some preliminary work
in military populations looking
for an increased risk of diabetes following immunization, unfortunately the
military lacks a sufficient infrastructure to properly evaluate the risk of
immunization. Several papers have been published indicating that there is
a very high risk of insulin dependent diabetes in the navy (American J.
Epidemiology 138:984-987, 1993) and diabetes in the air force (Aviation,
Space, and Environmental Medicine 66: 1175-1178). The risk seems to
increase with the time in the military. The paper on insulin dependent
diabetes in the navy shows that those under 20 who enter the military have
a similar rate of diabetes to those of similar age in the general US public
(Diabetes Care 16:841-842, 1993) but those in their 30s, and who presumably
have been in the military for several years, the rate of diabetes exceeds
the age specific rate in the general population. Data from Sweden also
suggests that the military vaccines may be leading to an increased risk of
diabetes. In Sweden traditionally almost all men, but not women were
drafted and received vaccines. The incidence of diabetes in Sweden is about
the same in men and women prior to the age of the draft, 18. However, the
incidence of diabetes is about twice as high in men then women between the
age of 20 and 35 (International Journal of Epidemiology 21:352-358, 1992).
By contrast in the US navy between the ages of 17 to 34 white women have a
25% higher rate of insulin dependent diabetes then white men. These data
support a causal relationship of vaccines on diabetes in the military."
2. Regarding Neal Halsey
There were two meetings on vaccines and
diabetes. There was no
consensus reached in either meeting however people are misrepresenting the truth by
claiming there was a consensus. Neal Halsey appeared to admit under oath
that the people at the Johns Hopkins meeting told him they refused to sign
a consensus statement refuting my findings. Neal Halsey continues to claim
a consensus however. It was brought up under oath that Neal Halsey's
vaccine organization was receiving in excess of $100,000 from vaccine
manufacturers and the conference was not an objective conference.
Two month after the Hopkins conference
the NIH had a meeting on
vaccines and diabetes. This time the government did not take a vote or ask the
persons to agree to a consensus. However an unethical government employee
tried to claim a consensus without every taking a vote. Congressman Henry
Waxman and I debated the issue of these two meetings. I brought up the
point that a consensus was not reached at the NIH meeting because no vote
was taken and that it was dishonest to claim a consensus without taking a
vote. Congressman Waxman did not disagree with the later.
I have published many articles linking
vaccines and diabetes. In
one study, a clinical trial on the hemophilus vaccine, I showed that the risk
of the vaccine exceeds the benefit. This is published by the British
medical Journal http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/318/7192/1169
3. Anthrax vaccine.
The DOD's misrepresents the truth on my
statements and my finding
on the anthrax vaccine. I did research with the anthrax vaccine and concluded
this was not suitable for widespread use in humans because it was not
properly tested and was likely to cause problems. I also stated it would
cause an increased risk of autoimmune disease when given to adults. My
animal studies suggests vaccination at birth is associated with a decreased
risk of diabetes however when the anthrax vaccine is given latter in life
it will increase the risk of autoimmunity.
My testimony:
I studied the ability of the vaccine to stimulate the immune system in
ways unrelated to its protective effects against anthrax. These
experiments involved using the anthrax vaccine to alter the risk of
autoimmune diabetes in the rodents. The data, which has been published in 2
separate papers (Autoimmunity, 24: 137-145, 1996; Autoimmunity, 27(3):
135-139, 1998), showed that even low doses of the anthrax vaccine caused
significant stimulation of the immune system. I attribute this strong
effect to the many different immunologically active molecules in the
vaccine including the aluminum adjuvant. The vaccine is made from an
unpurified filtrate from bacteria grown in culture media and thus contains
many different molecules which can stimulate the immune system.
My published animal studies indicate that
immune stimulatory effect
of the anthrax vaccine is additive with other vaccines such as the diphtheria,
tetanus and pertussis vaccine. The results of my studies indicated that
immunization starting in the first month of life can prevent autoimmune
disease including diabetes however immunization starting after 2 months
increases the risk both in humans and animals. My work with anthrax vaccine
involved giving it in the first month of life however, based on its
similarity to other vaccines I have studied, it would be expected to
increase the risk of autoimmunity including diabetes when given to adults.
This conclusion is supported by a number of human population studies
(Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 6: 449-454, 1997). I have
discontinued research on using the anthrax vaccine for preventing diabetes
based on the risks of giving it to large number of people.
4. Patents
The US government deliberately
misrepresents my position by citing
documents drafted by lawyers. My statement on giving anthrax and other
atypical immunogens (plague, leprosy, yellow fever, HIV) at birth is clear,
as discussed above. I do not favor this. The government's propaganda
officers try to misrepresent the truth again. I own some patents but
patents are worthless unless they are based on important discoveries. The
US government's continual fixation and statements on my patents is proof
that I have made important discoveries regarding the effect of vaccines on
diabetes. Unlike the government employees in the 8 years I have worked on
this issue I have not made any money but have spent most of my earnings on
this research.
5. The CDC
The CDC did two studies that supports my
findings on the risk of
diabetes following immunization. In both CDC studies they showed immunization at
birth is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes compared to
immunization starting after 6 weeks of life. In the original study
(Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Vol 6, Supl 2, S60) the data
supported my finding that immunization starting after 2 month increases the
risk of diabetes. They changed the design of the second study as discussed
My Testimony
"Employees of the CDC did
preliminary studies which supported my
data that the hepatitis B vaccine was linked to an increased risk of diabetes. In a
follow up study they changed the study design by adding unorthodox
mathematical coefficients "fudge factors" to substantially reduce the true
risk of diabetes associated with vaccination and now their data would
make it appear that the vaccine is safe. Even their new data however
indicates those receiving the hepatitis B vaccine starting after 2 months
of life may be at a 50% increased risk of diabetes compared to those
receiving it at birth. The real tragedy is that our research indicates that
technology is available to make vaccines much safer but public health
officials are hindering the development of safer technology by denying
there are safety problems with existing products. These actions are also
preventing individuals from receiving the compensation they are entitled
to. "
6. The DOD studies.
The DOD has performed studies on
biological warfare workers at Fort
Detrick. The studies are essentially worthless since there was no control
population and many workers were lost to follow up so one could not
determine if the rate of autoimmunity was elevated in these workers.
7. The anthrax vaccine safety studies.
The anthrax vaccine was approved without
every doing a controlled
clinical study. There is no long term safety data on the anthrax vaccine. The
government admitted this in congressional hearings. It is a distortion of
the truth to say there is substantial safety data. The FDA letters I
presented showed the FDA admitted that no proper studies were ever
My Testimony
My research involves studying the long
term effect of vaccines on
autoimmune diseases including diabetes. I began working with the anthrax
vaccine over 8 years ago. The product I used was produced by the Michigan
Department of Health which is the same product being given to US military
personnel. During my studies with the vaccine I did an literature review of
the vaccine which included retrieving documents on the vaccine from the FDA
as part of the freedom of information act. Enclosed are four letters from
the FDA/Public Health Service (Exhibits dated 2/6/1969; 2/10/1969;
9/30/1969; 11/2/1970) which clearly reveal that the anthrax vaccine was
approved for marketing without the manufacturer performing a single
controlled clinical trial. It is impossible to demonstrate safety and
efficacy without performing a clinical trial and the FDA was aware of this
but approved the vaccine for marketing anyway. I am not aware of any proper
clinical trials with this anthrax vaccine being performed after marketing
commenced so strong consideration should be made for removing the vaccine
from the market until proper clinical trials are performed.
8. Why can't government employees be honest ?
Government employees need to be held
accountable for their actions.
My Testimony
"I am greatly concerned about the
safety of the anthrax vaccine and
other vaccines. It is clear to me that the government's immunization policies,
both the military and civilian, are driven by politics and not by science.
I can give numerous examples where employees of the US Public Health
Service lack a commitment to medical science and instead appear to be
furthering their careers by acting as propaganda officers to support
political agendas. In one case I can demonstrate that employees of a
foreign government, who were funded and working closely with the US Public
Health Service, submitted false data to a major medical journal. The true
data indicated the vaccine was dangerous however the false data that was
submitted indicated there was no risk. An employee of the NIH who manages
large vaccine grants jointly published an misleading letter about the
subject with one of these foreign civil servants. As you are aware it is
illegal to falsify data from research funded by the US government.
In May employees of the US Public Health
Service assured
Congressman Mica's subcommittee that the hepatitis B vaccine was safe. Weeks later
US Public Health Service changed its hepatitis B immunization policy
because there was too much mercury in the vaccine. It is hard to imagine
they did not know a problem existed when they tried to convince Congressman
Mica that the vaccine was safe. Employees of the CDC did preliminary
studies which supported my data that the hepatitis B vaccine was linked to
an increased risk of diabetes. In a follow up study they changed the study
design by adding unorthodox mathematical coefficients "fudge factors" to
substantially reduce the true risk of diabetes associated with vaccination
and now their data would make it appear that the vaccine is safe. Even
their new data however indicates those receiving the hepatitis B vaccine
starting after 2 months of life may be at a 50% increased risk of diabetes
compared to those receiving it at birth. The real tragedy is that our
research indicates that technology is available to make vaccines much safer
but public health officials are hindering the development of safer
technology by denying there are safety problems with existing products.
These actions are also preventing individuals from receiving the
compensation they are entitled to.
I have several recommendations. First,
there is a need to hire a
special prosecutor to determine if public health officials are following the laws
enacted to ensure vaccines are safe and if public health officials along
with manufacturers are misleading the public about the safety of these
products. France investigated the actions of its public health officials
and found they had not followed the law in ensuring the safety of
biological products. After the imprisonment of several public health
officials in France, government employees have taken a leadership position
in vaccine safety as demonstrated by their discontinuing school age
hepatitis B vaccination."
For more information please see my
website www.vaccines.net
Bart Classen