
See: Heart

[2010 Jan] New Web Site Launched For Gardasil Victims  In Holly’s case, she was eventually diagnosed with pericarditis, an inflammation and swelling around the heart, which the doctor said was caused by the Gardasil shot.

Desson JF, et al.     [Acute benign pericarditis after anti-influenza vaccination]. Presse Med. 1997 Mar 22;26(9):415. French. No abstract available.PMID: 9137397; UI: 97283264.

Streifler JJ, et al.    Recurrent pericarditis: a rare complication of influenza vaccination. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1981 Aug 22;283(6290):526-7. No abstract available.PMID: 6790054; UI: 81257662    

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