have been in the world of special-needs advocacy for 10 years, and in that
time I have come across countless people who are defensive, close-minded,
and extremely indoctrinated about their across-the-board absolute statements
that vaccines can’t cause autism. These people are often applauded or even
possibly financially compensated for their stance.
After a decade of some disappointing and one-sided conversations, I refuse to go toe-to-toe with these people anymore, because they are not going to hear me, and I am not going to hear them. But I would like to go on record with a quick list of how I know it did (in my son’s situation), and does happen. VACCINES CAN CAUSE “AUTISM.” THEY CAUSED MY SON’S “AUTISM.” THEY CAUSED MANY OF MY FRIENDS’ CHILDREN’S “AUTISM.”
Here’s what I want to say to all the people who say it isn’t so:
1) Many people have been compensated in vaccine court for medical issues that are a part of their autism and even autism itself. If the American government is paying people who have autism due to vaccine-injury, how can you say vaccines don’t cause autism?
2) Many autoimmune issues are scattered throughout my family including lupus, epilepsy, asthma, allergies, and eczema. How do you attempt to trick a baby’s immune system, when that system is likely not functioning properly? Thirteen needles worth of maniuplation by six months of age without consideration for family history is just plain old insanity, actually. But that’s what happened to my son.
3) Speaking of family history, my sister spent a week in the hospital after the MMR at age 7, and my cousin contracted a “rare blood disease” after her nursing school vaccines at age 24. My sister was never vaccinated again per her pediatrician, and my cousin will never vaccinate herself or any child she may have, either. Which leads to the argument that there are people who cannot handle vaccines, and that’s why everyone ELSE should be vaccinated – to create herd immunity for those that are contraindicated, immune-challenged individuals like my son. Well, no one is considering each child’s vulnerability. No one. Every child is vaccinated with no questions asked (unless the parent refuses). In addition, herd immunity is nothing more than a theory. I haven’t been vaccinated in years. And I certainly wasn’t vaccinated against much. Studies show immunity wanes in 2-10 years. I’ve had maybe seven vaccines. How many adults do you know who are fully vaccinated?
4) I worked for a pediatrician as an autism family advocate. I did intake for approximately 300 families with children with autism. I took my story to the CDC. From what I saw, many of these families and their previous doctors linked vaccines to their children’s issues. There were no “coincidences.” Like my family, more than half had autoimmune family histories.
5) As an activist in children’s health, you meet many moms who have
sick children. Some of them have kids with autism, some with
PANDAS/PANS, some with life-threatening allergies, others with the most
terrible of attention/behavior issues, skin issues, learning issues, sleep
issues, breathing issues. Some with mitochondrial disorders, some with
genetic issues in the family, some even courageously face cancer. Because
most of these issues can overlap, we may not even see it because we don’t
know what “normal” looks like anymore. Children with chronic
health issues have become the norm. Many things can be connected
to the declining health of America, but some things stand out: the uptake
in vaccines; the uptake in the use
of Roundup and GMOs; the
uptake ingeneral
use of chemicals with no
safety data, making vaccines just that much more potentially harmful. All
combining to poison our children.
6) My son’s issues have improved dramatically from treatment for vaccine injury. He has been treated for heavy metal burden, immune system dysfunction involving hard to treat systemic pathogens, gut dysbiosis and inflammation. And his life is going to turn out great, you know why? We TREATED the vaccine injury. He was basically non-verbal at four and not toileting at age five. He is now a seventh grader and is fully included. You can read more about him and our path in the last chapter of The Thinking Moms’ book.
7) And finally, here’s the rub. My son’s pediatrician concluded that his autism was caused by his vaccines. You do not know my child. His doctor and his parents do.
I am completely aware that this might not be your child’s story. I am only telling ours. Our TRUTH.
~ Blaze
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