Hendrick MJ, Kass PH, McGill LD, Tizard IR.Postvaccinal
sarcomas in cats.J Natl Cancer Inst. 1994 Mar
2;86(5):341-3. Review. No abstract available.PMID: 8308925 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
H, Azcona-Olivera J, Scott-Moncrieff C, Snyder PW, Glickman LT.Vaccine-induced
autoimmunity in the dog.Adv Vet Med. 1999;41:733-47. No
abstract available.PMID: 9890057 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
I. Introduction
II. Materials and Methods
A. Animals
B. Vaccination Schedule C. Viral Serology D. Hematology E. Endocrinology F. Immunology
G. Lymphocyte Blastogenesis Assay
H. Enzyme-Linked hnmunosorbent Assay (ELISA }
I. Necropsy
J. Statistical Analysis
III. Results
A. Viral Serology
B. Clinical Observations, Hematology, and Endocrinology C. Immunology D. Necropsy
IV. Discussion Acknowledgments References
PH, Barnes WG Jr, Spangler WL, Chomel BB, Culbertson MR.
Epidemiologic evidence for a causal relation between vaccination and fibrosarcoma
tumorigenesis in cats.J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1993 Aug
1;203(3):396-405.PMID: 8257557 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Summary: Within the past 2 years, a putative causal relationship has
been reported between vaccination against rabies and the development of fibrosarcomas at
injection sites in cats. A retrospective study was undertaken, involving 345 cats with
fibrosarcomas diagnosed between January 1991 and May 1992, to assess the causal
hypothesis. Cats with fibrosarcomas developing at body locations where vaccines are
typically administered (n = 185) were compared with controls (n = 160) havingfibrosarcomas
at locations not typically used for vaccination. In cats receiving FeLV vaccination within
2 years of tumorigenesis, the time between vaccination and tumor development was
significantly (P = 0.005) shorter for tumors developing at sites where vaccines are
typically administered than for tumors at other sites. Univariate analysis, adjusted for
age, revealed associations between FeLV vaccination (odds ratio [oR] = 2.82; 95%
confidence interval icl] = 1.54 to 5.15), rabies vaccination at the cervical/interscapular
region (oR --- 2.09; 95% cl = 1.01 to 4.31), and rabies vaccination at the femoral region
(oR = 1.83; 95% cl--- 0.65 to 5.10) with fibrosar-coma development at the vaccination site
within 1 year of vaccination. Multivariate analysis, adjusted for age and other vaccines,
also revealed increased risks after FeLV (oR = 5.49; 95% @ = 1.98 to 15.24) and rabies
(oR = i .99; 95% cz = O. 72 to 5.54) vaccination. The risk of cats developingfibrosarcoma
from a single vaccination in the cervical/interscapular region was almost 50% higher than
in cats not receiving vaccines at that site; the risk in cats with 2 vaccinations was approximately 127% higher and the risk with 3 or 4
vaccines was approximately 175% higher. However. the frequency of fibrosarcomas in the
population is low (estimated at 20/100,000 cats). In approximately half of the cats in our
study, fibrosarcomas were at sites where vaccines conventionally are given, and of those
cats, approximately half (depending on vaccine) had previously received a vaccine at the
tumor site. Although we believe that veterinarians should not alter their vaccination
protocols, precautions in vaccine administration (administering different vaccines at
varied sites) and further informed consent (presenting current information in a proper
benefit/risk context) appear to be advisable.
Tom R. Phillips, Jean L. Jensen,
Michael J. Rubino, Wen C. Yang and Ronaid D. Schultz.
Effects of Vaccines on the Canine Immune System Canadian
Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol. 53, 154-60
The effects of several commercially available
polyvalent canine vaccines on the immune system of the dog were examined. The results
demonstrated that the polyvalent vaccines used in this study significantly suppressed the
absolute lymphocyte count and that most of the polyvalent vaccines significantly
suppressed lymphocyte response to mitogen, but had no effect on natural effector cell
activity, neutrophil chemiluminescence, nor antibody response to canine distemper virus.
The individual vaccine components from the polyval-ent vaccines when inoculated alone did
not significantly suppress the lymphocyte response to mitogen. However, when canine
distemper virus was combined with canine adenovirus type 1 or canine adenovirus type 2,
significant suppression in lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogen occurred. The results
indicate that interactions between canine distemper virus and canine adenovirus type I or
canine adenovirus type 2 are responsible for the polyvalent vaccine induced suppression of
lymphocyte responsiveness.
Rehulova E, et al. [Neural complications after preventive vaccination of beagles against rabies]. Vet Med (Praha). 1971 Sep;16(9):571-4. Czech. No abstract available.PMID: 4400548; UI: 72107112.
DH. A survey of mycoplasma detection in veterinary vaccines.Vaccine. 1986 Dec;4(4):237-40.PMID: 3799018 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
Nine live virus veterinary vaccines from six sources were found to be contaminated with
mycoplasma. The vaccines were for use in canine, feline and avian species, and 53 batches
of the products were at fault. The isolates were identified as Mycoplasma hominis, M.
arginini, M. orale, M. hyorhinis and M. gallinarum. Investigation of the contamination
rate of other batches or other products from the same source in some cases helped to
determine the source of infection. Mycoplasma contaminants can be considered important not
only because of their role as pathogens but also because they may indicate that
insufficient care has been taken during vaccine manufacture or quality control.