Autism Autoimmunity Project

The purpose of this public, non-profit, charity is to fund independent research into autoimmunity and autism. This organization plans to delve into the connection between autism, myelin and other autoimmune factors. Vijendra K. Singh, Ph.D. has found that 60% of autistic children test positive to myelin basic protein (MBP) indicative of an autoimmune condition . He has already gone a step further and indentified problems of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interferon-gamma (IFN-g), two key proteins of the immune system that cause autoimmune diseases. Hence, autoimmunity in autism. Further testing by Dr. Singh and other doctors have indicatedthat autistic children have problems of their immune system and that a large majority has elevated measles titers and gastrointestinal problems. To date there has been very little research into this field. We would like to correct that.

Vijendra Kumar Singh, Ph.D. is presently a Research Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He did his post-doctoral training in Neurochemistry and Immunology of the Nervous System Diseases, a topic he has studied ever since. Dr. Singh possesses over twenty years of experience in Brain and Immunology Research. He has authored more than one hundred research publications and presented over ninety scientific papers.

Dr. Singh while studing rubella immunology at Vancouver's Children's Hospital, developed his early interest in autism, and now twenty years or so later, he is a pioneer as well as an international authority in autoimmunity and autism.

Helen and Raymond Gallup and Denise and Doug Totter among others, have benefitted from Dr. Singh's research involving blood tests of the myelin basic protein and measles antibodies with their autistic children. We decided to form this organization to fund independent research by Dr. Singh and other top researchers in the immunology/gastrointestinal field of autism. We feel that this research will lead to answers of why our children are autistic as well as what treatment modalities will work. To devote as much money as possible to research, there are no salaried members.

Scientific Board Members: Board Members: Vijendra K. Singh, Ph.D. Teresa Binstock, Harold Buttram, M.D. Kim & Brian Bartlein, Brett Cohen, Ph.D.

Officers: Raymond Gallup, President Doug Totter, Vice-President Denise Totter, Vice-President Helen Gallup, Financial Officer

End of index.html page....additional page follows:

Suggested Reading:

1. Singh, VK. et al., Brain Behav. Immun. 7: 167-173 (1993).
2. Singh, VK. J. Neuroimmunology 66: 143-145 (1996).
3. Singh, VK. Progress in Drug Research 48: 129-146 (1997).
4. Singh, VK. et al., Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, Vol. 89,No. 1: 105-108 (1998).

Suggested Web Pages:

Immune Response to Brain Myelin in Autistic Children

The Autism Research Unit (UK)

The Society for the Autistically Handicapped (SFTAH)-UK

Autism Resources

National Vaccine Information Center

Checks should be addressed to the "Autism Autoimmunity Project" and sent
to: Autism Autoimmunity Project
C/O Raymond Gallup
45 Iroquois Avenue
Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034

We are looking forward to your response and hope you will join with us
in any of the following ways:

{ } I wish to become a member at $25 per year.

{ } I wish to order ____ copy (s) of "Eric's Story: Autism and the
Autoimmune Connection" at a cost of $25 each in the U.S. or $30 each
outside the U.S.

{ } I wish to make a Donation in the amount of $_________.

Thank you for your interest and kind support.




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The following is a letter to the Editor of the COSAC magazine, Update in   response to a page 2 item in their August 1999 edition which will be below my response.

Dear Jennifer Swenson, Editor of Update

The recent page 2 item in your August 1999 Update magazine titled Keeping Current.....Vaccines and School Attendance, does a disservice to parents with autistic children. Our organization, the Autism  Autoimmunity Project, was approved by the IRS as a 501 (c) (3) charity for autism research in October 1998 and does not want to perpetuate itself. We want answers to what is causing our children's autism and the vaccine issue is key to this. If the research is not done, the cases of autism will continue and we won't be able to help our children. Some autism organizations may feel that more autism is beneficial for their existence. We Don't!

The U.S. Constitution is a terrific document created by our Founding Fathers over 200 years ago. It guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all its citizens. There is nothing in the Constitution about mandatory vaccines to kill or maim children (like my son and others with autism). The U.S. Constitution applies to all Americans, including children, and overrules the New Jersey state sanitary code. The New Jersey State Statute on religious exemptions overrule any New Jersey state sanitary code. Religious exemptions cannot be questioned by schools....they have to abide by the State Statute.

Also, more important; if a child has a reaction to one vaccine it is like a boxer being punched in the head too many times when they get subsequent vaccines. More vaccines create More Damage to the Immune, Nervous, Neurological and Gastrointestinal systems of the child. By doing this, the state and the Federal government health authorities should be personally held responsible for the Financial Restitution to parents for the Care of their children due to Medical Malpractice. What these authorities are doing is saying it is alright to mistreat children by Medical Practices that are Intentionally Harmful. Autism Organizations that Sanction Harmful Vaccines are just as responsible as the Government Health Officials and Vaccine Manufacturers are in their Total Wanton Disregard for the welfare of our children. Shame on COSAC for printing this misinformation. Shame on COSAC for putting Vaccines and Money before Autistic Children.

Sincerely yours, Raymond Gallup, President Autism Autoimmunity Project

Can vaccines cause autism? Parsippany parents seek answers

Autism Autoimmunity Project Press Release on Major Sonnie Bates/Anthrax/SonAutistic from Vaccines
