[Extract] The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean



"If syphilis were as infectious as most medical men believe it to be, there would not be an uninfected person in the world."—John Tilden, M.D.

Dr. M. Ricord, one of the most noted authorities on syphilitic affections, in a lecture to medical men in Paris, said:

"At first I repelled the idea that syphilis could be transmitted by vaccination.

The recurrence of facts appearing more and more confirmatory, I accepted the possibility of this mode of transmission, I should say, with reserve, and even with repugnance; but today, in the face of all these facts I hesitate no more to proclaim their reality Who, pray, will run such a risk to escape smallpox?"

Dr Brundenell Carter, surgeon to St George s Hospital, London, observed: "I think that a large proportion of the cases of apparently inherited syphilis are in reality vaccinal; and that the syphilis in these cases does not show itself until the age of from eight to ten years, by which time the relation between cause (vaccination) and effect (syphilis) are lost sight of."

Dr. Ballard, one of the vaccine inspectors for the English government stated:

There can be no doubt that the vaccine virus and the syphilitic virus may both be drawn at the same time, upon the same instrument, from one and the same vesicle. The vesicle which is thus capable of furnishing both vaccine and syphilitic virus may present, prior to being opened, all the normal and fully developed characters of the true Jennerian vesicle as ordinarily met with"

In his book entitled COMPULSORY VACCINATION, from his years’ world wide research, Dr. J. M. Peebles (M.D., Ph.D.) gave an account of seventeen school girls who developed syphilis as a result of vaccination at Lebus, near Frankfort Yet the vaccinator’s report stated that the vaccinations were from the regular, official calf-lymph "absolutely pure, glycerinated, sterilized, all germs but the ‘vaccine sporule’, destroyed, hermetically sealed until used."

Protesting the vaccination laws in various cities he says:

"Think of it, fathers and mothers, who would bring your daughters up to be comely, chaste and pure, that your state and municipality should place you under absolute compulsion to observe a rite to taint these maidens with the disease against which civilization revolts."

Nichols adds, "At the present time little children are subject to the assault (with a deadly weapon—the poisoned needle) , and a healthy, unvaccinated child, in the eye of the law, is considered a nuisance and as dangerous at time of an epidemic as a mad dog."

"Viewed in this light," Nichols continues, (in his BLUNDER IN POISONS page 41) the blunder, perhaps of greater gravity than that of transmission of tuberculosis by vaccination, again becomes the crime; vaccination for mere business interest would be (and is) a deliberate assault on the health of a community, and the medical man committing the assault might well be termed ‘a perverter of common sense and an enemy of the human race’ ".


"Think of the unparalleled absurdity of deliberately infecting the organism of a healthy child with the poisonous matter obtained from the sores of a sick animal, under the pretense of protecting the victim of the ingrafted disease, against the contagion of another disease.

"So-called successful vaccination is nothing less than the implanting into the body, the virulent products of diseased animal tissue, with the effect of inducing actual disease. The performance of such an operation, in the very nature of the case, violates every principle of modern aseptic surgery, the legitimate aim of which is to remove from the organism the products of disease and never to introduce them."

Professor Scott Tebb, in a treatise against compulsory vaccination stated:
"Once admitted that the risk of contracting venereal disease is real, and one which no amount of care can guard against even if vaccination were a preventive of smallpox, all ground for compulsion vanishes, for it then becomes a ground for personal responsibility, as in any other operation or treatment involving risk of life and health No surgeon would dream of administering chloroform or per-forming the most trivial operation without first gaining the patient’s consent, and therefore, no authority, whether medical or state, has the right to override the patient s scruples Compulsory vaccination is now beginning to be recognized, even by medical men, as a grievous and mischievous mistake, and I have not the slightest doubt that the profession would gladly relinquish it tomorrow, if their credit and prestige were not so deeply involved."

So enormous are the profits from vaccination that many efforts are made by members of the medical profession to minimize the dangers of syphilis caused by vaccination. One of these, Dr. Henry A. Martain, of Boston wrote a paper denying the possibility of syphilitic infection from this cause. The London Lancet (Medical Journal) in criticizing this paper said: "The notion that animal lymph would be free from chances of syphlitic contamination is so fallacious that we are surprised to see Dr. Martain reproduce it."

Professor Fournier said: "A real and serious danger incurred in vaccination is that every (vaccinated) individual is destined to undergo, one or several times in his life the danger of vaccinal syphilis. For myself alone, I have knowledge of two actual epidemics of this disease (vaccinal syphilis)".


In the Encyclopedia Britannica (9th edition) under the heading "Smallpox— Cowpox," Dr. Charles Creighton says:

"The real affinity of cowpox is not to smallpox, but to the great pox (syphilis). The vaccinal roseola is not only very like the syphilitic roseola, but it means the same sort of thing. The vaccinal ulcer of everyday practice is, to all intents and purposes, a chancre (syphilitic ulcer)."

"The photographs, Fig. 1 and 2 show the marked similarity between the smallpox vaccination roseola and the syphilis ulcer.

In his voluminous work on vaccination Crookshank tells us that "Auzias Turenne, of France, was the first to point out that cowpox is analagous to syphilis; but even the earliest opponents of vaccination regarded the disease as "lues bovilla", (syphilis) and it had even been suggested that the cow had derived the complaint from milkers who were affected with syphilis. However, there is no more ground for believing in the latter theory than there is for believing that cowpox is produced by milkers suffering from smallpox.

It is the course which the malady runs which brings it so closely into relations with syphilis…….There appears to be very little doubt that syphilis may be transmitted by vaccination; but many cases which are attributed to syphilis are unquestionably the full effects of cowpox virus; and nothing could more clearly point to the analogy between the two diseases than the difficulty in diagnosing the exact nature of vaccinal accidents (diseases)".

"Again, if we study the effects of syphilis artificially inoculated on the human subject, the appearance in some cases are strikingly similar to inoculated horse-pox. Without entering into a prolonged discussion of this subject, I will refer, as an example, to the progress in Dr. Ricord’s cases of syphilization. As in inoculated horse-pox we have the stages of papule, vesicle, ulcer, scab and scar; and no one can compare his plates with Jenner’s without being struck with the similarity in their appearances. (See Fig. 2 and 3)

Fig. 3

"The results of the artificial inoculation of syphilis were unknown to Jenner, but if they had been he would scarcely have failed to have observed the likeness between them. So striking indeed are the appearances, that it is possible that. by judicious selection, a strain of syphilitic lymph might be cultivated which would produce in time, all the physical characteristics of the ‘vaccine’ vesicle."



"To the scientific physician, conclusive evidence of the real affinity of cowpox is furnished at a glance, by the pathological diagnostic table of M. R. Leverson, M.D., Ph. D. . .. which was read before the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons at Indianapolis, (Jan. 1896) and has been unquestioned by the profession.

"The table which I now present to you, is a condensed statement in paralleled columns, of the primary and secondary symptoms of smallpox, cowpox and syphilis, from the separate descriptions of the most renowned authorities upon these several diseases. It shows an almost complete likeness between the two latter and the total unlikeness of each to (natural, uninduced) smallpox. Here we have some of the highest authorities who have produced the clearest evidence showing that vaccinia (vaccination disease) is modified syphilis. The chronic and protean manifestations which, at times, follow vaccination must have impressed us all with their close analogy to syphilitic lesions."



1 — Eruption general, superficial.
2 — Constitutional or general symptoms precede the eruption and are relieved on appearance.
3 — Eruption first felt as a No. 8 bird shot beneath the skin, it then appears as a papule; then a vesicle, becoming pustular about the 5th or 6th day, is from one to three lines in length; but the pustules are of various kinds, irregular, elevated, generally perforated by a hair, induration, if any, very slight, no tendency to gnawing ulceration of the skin.
4 — The fluid is contained in two chambers — a superficial and a deep, which communicate around the edges of the separating membrane.
5 — The smallpox pustules leave no scar if properly treated.
6 — The smallpox eruption does not affect the lymphatic system.
7 — Infectious.
8 — Inoculable.
9 — The smallpox epidemic seems to be taking its rise in filthy locations. (also, when the body is contaminated with vaccines, drugs and incompatible foods and impure water, etc.)

COWPOX (vaccination) Primary Lesion

1. Eruption local, deep, in corium of skin or subcutaneous tissue or in mucous membrane.
2 — Constitutional symptoms do not precede but follow the eruption in all cases.
3 — Pustule (chancre) always the same, first a papule, then a vesicle, becoming pustular about the 8th day, 7 to 10 lines in diameter, round, centrally depressed, margin indurated and not perforated by a hair, has a cellular membrane at floor, tendency to gnawing ulceration.
4. The fluid is contained in a single chamber, reticulated, is non-volatile, and the infection is communicated only by immediate contact with an abraded surface.
5 — The cowpox leaves a foveated scar.
6 — The cowpox poison permeates the lymphatic channels and ganglia, causing inflammation, buboes, and abscesses.
7 — Not infectious.
8 — Inoculable.
9 — Cowpox is independent of time and place; communicated only by direct inoculation.

SYPHILIS or Greatpox

1 — Eruption local, deep, in the corium of skin or subcutaneous tissue, or in the mucous membrane.
2 — Constitutional symptoms do not precede but follow the eruption in all cases.
3 — Pustule always the same, first a papule rapidly becoming pustular without perceptibly passing through a vesicular stage, 7 to 10 lines in diameter, scooped out, deep funnel-shaped with sloping often elevated, .not perforated by a hair, has a fungoid membrane at floor, tendency to a gnawing ulceration.
4 — Absolutely the same as the cowpox.
5 — Similar to the scar of cowpox.
6 — Absolutely the same as the cowpox.
7 — Not infectious.
8 — Inoculable.
9 — Absolutely the same as cowpox.

"The smallpox patient, upon recovery, is free from the disease even if he is marked by scars. Smallpox will not beget cowpox or syphilis.

"On the contrary, there are various subsequent manifestations in vaccination, or cowpox, which are remarkably like those that appear in what are known as secondary and tertiary periods of syphilis.

"We have tabulated in parallel columns some of the many manifestations that appear in both these diseases, and a glance will reveal their striking similarity."


Phagedenic sores same
Nodes in the head same
Ophthalmia same
Dentition delayed in children, with pro-duction of the so-called syphilitic teeth same
Eczema of all kinds same
Herpes same
Ready fracture and difficult healing of bones, also probably canes in some cases. Caries of bone (cavities)
Insanity, probably same
Scrofula same
Mucous patches on tonsils, tongue and lips tending to ulceration. same
Bronchitis same
Tuberculosis (arrest of development) same


Smallpox, to a large extent, went out when improved sanitation came in, except in countries where vaccination is compulsory. There the smallpox epidemics continue to ravage the population at frequent intervals.

Un-refutable, scientific evidence proves that smallpox and cowpox are not the same disease, therefore, cowpox vaccination cannot introduce anti-bodies into the system that fight smallpox, as is claimed by the medical doctors.

As stated before, smallpox, (as well as disease in general,) is an enforced cleansing effort of the body. If the patients get eruptive diseases, like smallpox, after vaccination it merely indicates that they have internal vitality enough to throw off some of the excess poison in this violent way. Usually, however, the vaccine poison so lowers the resistance of the body that it cannot rally enough reserves for a defensive action in the form of an eruptive disease. Therefore, the poisons are retained where they corrode and destroy the tissues of the heart, kidneys, lungs and other vital organs. This suppression of symptoms and masking of one disease with another — this delayed reaction in disease causation — is what the medical profession calls the conquering of disease by antibiotics.

Dr. Chauven, in an address before the French Academy of medicine, October, 1891, reviewed the results of his years of detailed and carefully tested experiments. In the face of undeniable facts he was forced to the conclusion that:

(1) "Vaccine virus never gives smallpox to anyone." (Although it produces many diseases, some of which resemble smallpox and are diagnosed as smallpox and are more damaging than smallpox.)

(2) "Vaccinia (disease produced by vaccination) is not even attenuated smallpox.

"Vaccinia is, in all probability, a modified form of syphilis, as has been clearly pointed out by Doctors Charles Creighton and E. M. Crookshank, Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in King’s College, London, two of the highest authorities on these subjects."