Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education, or PROVE
[back] Vaccine groups

[Dawn Richardson and Rebecca Rex are co-founders.]Dawn Richardson

Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE--Texas)

[2010 march] No More Fear by Dawn Richardson

[Jan 2007] Proposed Childhood Cervical Cancer Vaccine Mandate: Bad Policy, Questionable Science By Dawn Richardson and Rebecca Rex

Dawn Richardson is President and Co-founder of PROVE (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education) in Austin, Texas.  An activist Mom who has built a statewide parent rights advocacy network, Mrs. Richardson led a highly successful twelve year public information campaign in Texas and in the Texas Legislature to promote awareness about vaccine safety, medical privacy and informed consent issues.  Her work has contributed to positive legislative changes, including the passage of a statewide conscientious belief exemption to vaccination, the vacating of a gubernatorial executive order for mandatory HPV vaccines for 6th grade girls, and institution of medical privacy protections in a statewide vaccine tracking system and a newborn DNA storage system. 
    Dawn graduated with a BS in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut and her vocational and educational experience in science and computer engineering has helped to shape her leading role in the criticism of mandatory one-size-fits-all vaccine policies and vaccine tracking systems. She has appeared in many media reports in Texas and nationally defending parents’ right to refuse vaccines. Her February 2007 appearance on the NBC “Today Show” calling for the repeal of the  Texas Governor's Executive Order mandating Gardasil vaccine for all sixth grade girls was instrumental in raising public awareness in Texas that the Executive Order should be overridden by the legislature.