robert~1.jpg (45271 bytes)

This is what I sent to Nancy Aprill at VAERS when she called to follow up on our report. She asked me to send her any relevant information and although I knew she meant test results and medical records I thought this would help her to really see what happened.  I also sent her a photo of him before, story he wrote before his shot that his teacher had published and a note he tried to write recently to compare.

This isn't a pretty picture, but it doesn't even come close to revealing the damage this vaccine caused.  I believe that it is important to let other know so if you want to use it, please do so and you can include my name and info with it.

I want to warn you that this is difficult for me to look at and I have no problem if you don't want to see it.  Feel free to delete it.

You can respond at the chat room FRI or SAT evening if you want.

Take care,

 Beth Topp

Robert's mom  

Our families story about the devastating effects of the Hep B vaccine law June 1999---Beth Topp

[Vaccination]  [Hepatitis vaccines]