The Case of Zachary

Another Tragic Incident of Childhood Vaccination

A day like any other day, she said to herself, although he did seem to be a bit sore in his legs and buttocks when she gave him his morning bath. And during the day he did cry, the sitter said, when the other kids touched him, no way they could have known.

"Just a little tired", they thought, as he quietly, lazily wandered around the house that afternoon, unwilling to take his usual nap. "Really tired!" they excused, when he began to confuse names and faces of friends he had known since he was born.

A day like almost any other day. But it wasn't. It was the day after Zachary Helms received his childhood vaccinations. The events described are those of a child who would go to sleep that night and never wake up again. Zachary died that night, just 33 hours after his visit to the place where Michelle Helms, his mother, like countless other mothers, take their precious children to immunize, and supposedly safeguard them against deadly diseases.

She, like those countless other mothers, didn't recognize the symptoms of the deadly reactions to those vaccinations. Unaware of what to look for. Unaware of the true dangers, she kissed Zachary good night and laid him in his crib where he quietly slipped into a coma and died.

She didn't know the side effects, the long term effects. She didn't understand that she was allowing "live viruses" to be injected into her son's body. Ignorant of widely known but rarely disclosed facts about these vaccines, she did what she was conditioned to do - vaccinate her child.

Her older daughter, Nichole, was vaccinated right on schedule, and (thank God) nothing ever happened. So, it seemed natural that Zachary should get the same "loving treatment."

As Cindy Rondberg stated in her article "Aren't We Entitled to the Truth?' published in the July '95 issue of the Chiropractic Journal, "We are told our children will not be allowed to aftenc public school without their immuniza tions, and worse, (we are told) we are terrible parents if we don't do exactly as our pediatrician says.

She trusted the system. She trusted the doctors. She was conditioned to trust them. It didn't occur to her to ever question the system. She trusted, just like Zachary trusted her.

She truly believed she was preventing diseases from harming her child. Since then, she have learned and shared the grief of families who have lost children and those who's children have been irreparably injured by these vaccines.


Their sorrow is great. Their anger is fierce. They all ask the same questions, "Why weren't we told about the harmful side-effects? Why can't we have the freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate? Where are the medical facts that will help us make informed, wise choices? Why aren't we made aware of the REAL dangers that these vaccines pose?"

Good questions! Some may not want the truth about these vaccines to be exposed. Some may have too much to lose should these vaccines be found unsafe and taken off the market. Some obviously count the "Human Sacrifices" of our children a small price to pay for the greater good of the whole. But is it really greater good? To what conditions of compromised health are all these children being exposed?

Certainly they are not waging a biological warfare on our children, and the idea of protecting our young ones from disease is noble, but not at the expense of sharing vital information that could spare t innocent lives.

Having known that information, she could have seen the tell tale signs of the reactions Zachary was experiencing. She could have done something to save his life. She might not have let him receive the vaccinations at all, had she known then what she knows now.

Her daughter, Nichole, suffers, too. She bears the pain of finding Zachary in his crib that morning, cold and lifeless. The emotional damage will take years to heal, and she is another innocent victim of these drugs. The numbers continue to rise.

It is time we demanded more studies, more information. Many medical professionals are of the opinion that further tests are necessary to determine the truth, to assure us of the safety and the effectiveness of childhood immunizations.

Let's not sit idly by and allow ignorance to reign. Get informed. Know the facts. Educate yourself, before you have your children vaccinated. Don't be misled, vaccines can kill! Michelle Helms sincerely believes they are the reason her son, Zachary, died.


Health Freedom News - September 1995
