THE FAUCI FILES, 3( 71): AZT "Post-Partum Abortion": Funded by
Republicans for Women of Color!
August 21, 2000

Proof that AZT not only causes AIDS but has a 70% effectiveness
as an 18-month post-partum abortion "treatment" which has been
preferentially funded by Republicans in the U.S. Congress
... and mostly for women of color:

   "In this retrospective study, the risk of RPD (Rapid
    Progression of Disease) was five to six times higher
    among infants born to (AZT-) treated compared
    with (AZT-) untreated mothers."

   "The overall proportion of perinatally infected infants
    who developed RPD (Rapid Disease Progression) by 18
    months of age was 43%. The proportion of infected infants
    with RPD was higher among those born to treated mothers
    compared with infants born to untreated mothers
    (12 of 17 or 70.6% versus 10 of 34 or 29%; p = .01;..."

   "Neither maternal CD4+ cell counts (Table 2) nor maternal
    symptoms related to HIV were associated with disease
    progression in infected infants (data not shown). In
    contrast, the risk of RPD (Rapid Disease Progression)
    was clearly related to maternal treatment: the proportion
    of infants with RPD was 29.4% (10 of 34) in the no ZDV(AZT)
    group compared with 70.6% (12 of 17) in the ZDV(AZT)
    group (OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.04-0.73; p = .012; "

   "The respective proportions of infected infants with
    RPD (Rapid Disease Progression) versus NRPD (No Rapid
    Disease Progression)  in the treated group (71% versus 29%)
    was the reverse of what was observed in the non treated
    group (29% versus 71%, Table 2)."

   "A similar relationship between maternal ZDV monotherapy
    and disease progression in perinatally infected children
    has been suggested in a study from Italy (32). However,
    that report did not control for important maternal
    factors associated with disease progression, such as
    maternal clinical and immunologic status at delivery.
    Although frequency of RPD in the treated group (70.6%)
    was higher than the frequency reported in the Italian
    study (57%), it was within the 95% CI reported by the
    Italian investigators (40.9%-74.3%)."

       Journal AIDS, June 1, 2000, pages 154-161

As the Faucian antiviral junk science hoax continues to
collapse, the struggle to cover up the truth seems to have
become a survival instinct for even the most die-hard
HIV junk scientists, such as Dr. David "One Year Cure"
Ho and Dr. Paul "Grateful Dead" Volberding. This time,
these Journal AIDS editors saw fit to censor this proof
of AZT "post-partum abortion" (e.g. AZT causing AIDS)
from the eyes of the International AIDS Conference at
Durban, South Africa, during July 2000.

The evidence is as blatant as it is intentional: the
publication date appears as June 1, 2000 (several weeks
BEFORE the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South
Africa) -- yet it did not appear on the Journal AIDS web site or
in the database indexes until August 21, 2000 (several
weeks AFTER the end of  the South African AIDS

These are but a few of the legacies of NIH/NIAID
Director Dr. Anthony  "Mussolini" Fauci. the shepherd who
now tells his AIDS research flock that "drug holidays"
are the way to go, but only after he presided over two
decades of failed human experimentation; one fraudulent
patent invention claim for IL-2 "intermittent therapy"
(undisclosed to the public); and the approval of
nearly 30 very expensive "life-saving antiviral drugs"
that never actually saved anyone, but instead seems
to have killed everyone; and all this despite being the
ONLY drug treatments funded by the U.S. Congress for
ANY disease (and even funded in excess of Clinton's budget
requests by the Republicans in Congress, who, interestingly
enough,must be demonstrating their closeted compassion
for homosexuals, blacks, latinos and drug addicts rather
than their golf buddies in big business ... not!).

Hmmm. I wonder how these Republicans will squirm when
the public learns about the outrageous hypocrisy
of their funding a "post partum" abortion pill for pregnant
mothers (mostly of color) -- and just a mere 10 weeks away
from a very close Presidential election?

And just think, you heard it first in THE FAUCI FILES!

W. Fred Shaw, Editor

for full article, see