The dowsing ability of ancient people.

Ron Perry (Copyright)


Many papers have already been written quoting The Bible and ancient rock drawings, but what have we, the dowsers of today, found that points to dowsing as the original guidance behind some of the works of the ancient people?

The polarity of mass is probably the first subject to look at as it covers not only the size but also the alignment of some structures and in one example it seems to link with the polarity of plants. Most of us who have tried to set up a standing stone or cairn, even a small one, will know that it’s potential properties change as we add more stone to create a greater mass or if some is removed to reduce the mass. Most standing stones have a surrounding mass of small stones rammed in around the base that are thought to be there to support the monolith but, if in contact with it in a soft soil surround, they become part of the overall mass and were probably used to tune it to the original requirement. (Ref 1) As an experiment, place a plastic bucket half full of gravel on an energy line and add more gravel until the line is no longer detectable. It is possible to dowse for the exact weight of gravel needed to "stop" the line. At that point the total mass of the gravel has a harmonic affinity with the energy line. A small line through a house may be "stopped" with a plastic drinks bottle containing a measured quantity of sand. Dowse to find the quantity reqired.

Can we, as dowsers, demonstrate to the non-dowsers that the quality of the energy line has been altered in such a case?. We can. There is an excellent test that can be applied in a country area where the overhead electricity cables have small transformerâ mounted on one or more of the wooden pole supports. In very cold weather some of the transformers emit a humming sound that can be quite a nuisance to nearby residents. Dowse around the pole for energy lines. If more than one is located, ask which one is causing the trouble and from which direction is it coming. Dowse up the line and ask for the best place to "stop" or intercept it. Then dowse for the exact weight of gravel that will be needed to stop the noise. It is usually about 35 pounds of builders gravel. If the ground is clay or soil, dig a basin shaped hole for

it. If the ground is gravel or shale, the new gravel will blend with it, so it needs to be insulated from it by digging a larger hole. Place the gravel in a white plastic bag or bucket and surround the container with silt or clay before filling the hole in.

If the dowsing was correct, the noise will stop instantly. If a slight noise is still there, try adding or removing a handful of gravel. It can be tuned precisely. The distance from the pole is usually about 12m. (39ft) The sound can be turned on and off by removing and replacing some gravel.The gravel used was hard pit gravel being a mix of flint, quartz and quartzite sandstone similar to beach gravel, only broken.


When it was found that changing the mass of the stone would alter the quality of the energy lines connected to it and it’s influence on the Earth Energy system, it was decided to experiment to find the basic laws that may apply to it. A concrete lawn curb was laid flat on the grass and tested for it’s polarity value which is the same at each end. It was noted that the value changed as the slab was rotated. When it was aligned with magnetic north, the value was positive 84 as dowsed on the percentage protractor or a metre rule. We have seen above, that the value will change if the mass is altered, so small pieces of concrete were added until the polarity read 100% positive. It was then rotated to the East-West alignment where the reading was 100% negative at each end. A zero reading was obtained when it was aligned either NortheastSouthwest or Northwest-Southeast. All the intermediate readings were available between a zero line and the 100% positive or negative line.

What else could this be called but the polarity of mass?. It seems that an upstanding mass can have it’s polarity reset by changing either the mass or the alignment. It may not be a fixed polarity for the polarity within the mass of a

building changes ~ay by day with the phases of the Moon. Our late tutor, Major Bruce McManaway, taught us that the polarity of the energy field within a building can be altered by adding or reducing the mass of the structure. A few extra bricks or stones, even a bucket or bag of sand or coal, will change

it. They need to be placed close to a solid wall and the quantity dowsed for to achieve the desired polarity.


We know that the energy line projected from a pyramid should be towards the Northeast and Northwest, for along those lines lie the major axis and the centre of mass -- along the diagonals. The energy projected from an upstanding mass is projected as an extension of the major axis unless another mass nearby acts as a major point of attraction. The energy projected by a pyramid is therefore likely to have a polarity value of zero because it is aligned NE and NW which would be difficult for a dowser to locate, for the dowsing reaction is greatest where there is a polarity differential. The greater the difference between the polarity of the energy line and it’s surroundings, the easier it is to locate by dowsing and the greater will be the influence on all biological recognition systems, leading to irritation and ill health of plants and animals, now termed "geopathic stress". Was that one purpose of the design of the pyramid, to limit the harm that the energy lines could do by tuning all those that passed through it to a zero polarity? There will be present day exceptions to that action due to erosion of the structure by man and weather. The NE and NW lines were dowsed as global by using as a link the homoeopathic form of Silica, the Tissue Salt No 12.

It should be explained here that the danger to health in an energy line is mainly caused by the polarity reversal at each node point in the energy line flow. It can travel only so far before it has to form a vortex. The process is repeated at intervals that form a great half wave between each vortex. The vortices alternate from positive at one to negative at the next and may be spaced many miles apart. If the polarity of the line is a high value, then it follows that the change to the opposite polarity will be a traumatic situation for any living tissues in that area. A cross country energy flow normally has vortex areas large enough to ~cover a village or it may have terminated on a roundabout or silo that would reradiate the influence to a greater local area. That may be the basic cause of many problematical health patches. The identity of the contents of silo or roundabout flora will be included in the outflow; Homoeopathy being our main defence for that problem.


That method or reducing a high polarity value in an energy line, by aligning and br adjusting the mass, can be seen in many places in the UK. Most of the hilltop cairns were constructed to a set polarity that can be tested for, as the dowsers have the advantage of being able, when in dowsing mode, to "turn back the clock" and dowse for the polarity-of-mass of each cairn or structure as at the time of it’s construction. It is possible to do this on a large scale map that shows the cairns and mounds. Old maps are best as many of these earthworks have now been removed and are no longer shown on maps but their position may now coincide with the source point of present day health problems, so a quest for health problems or harmful energy is also required. The polarity value of most was set between 6 and 9. Some may have been set for a human fertility

problem as they were tuned to 6.66, some positive and the next negative. That is the value that was dowsed as the body polarity needed to stimulate the sex glands (Ref 2) Some were set at negative 12.65, the value that is revealed if we dowse for the best polarity for bone healing. That is also the polarity of a plant. It is Comfrey, our recognised bone healer. That is the connection between the polarity of mass and the polarity of plants mentioned above. There may be many others. We can compare these cairn settings with the average polarity of the Bach Flower remedies which has been dowsed as negative

7.08. So the cairns seem to have been tuned to a polarity value that was beneficial for the people in the area. They were usually construct~d on a natural energy radiation point that was harmful to the area and br was spreading it’s influence to other hills in the area from which it would be reradiated.


In other areas, various earth banks were constructed across a strong

energy flow. Near the Welsh border lies the well known stone circle called Mitchell’s fold and in a hillside gulley to the West of it is a mysterious cross formed of two large earth banks that collect all the incoming energy lines and convert them to a harmless outflow. Only healing energy is detectable at the two Eastern ends where the energy leaves to flow towards Corndon hill from which it is sprayed East over the Midlands. The stone circle was placed between the cross and the hill and was placed on the intersection of 24 mountain-to-mountain energy lines. (Ref 3) The cross therefore "cleaned up" the energy before it entered the circle and passed on East. It is similar to placing a filter in a water-flow system.

Roman camps in Britain were constructed with earth banks having rounded corners and always aligned a bit off the North line which has been a puzzle till now. We have seen how the polarity of a concrete beam changed as it was rotated. So also does an earth bank change if the alignment is altered. It is possible to set the alignment to achieve a desired polarity value. With that theory in mind, it was decided to check the polarity within the Roman forts as at the time of first occupation. A local one at Forden was checked on site and others were tested on the large scale maps by placing a pointer on the fort. Most of them were found to have been set on negative 12.65 with a few exceptions - perhaps where they lacked a suitable dowser? That standard polarity setting would not give them all the same magnetic or geographic alignment to North due to the local energy fields given off by hills and rock faults that would distort the relation to true North. They probably had no knowledge of our centecimal scale readings which give us this understanding of polarity values, but they may have had some rule-of-thumb method that achieved the same object. Could a piece of comfrey give them a base line on which to align their earth banks? A test was set up with a fresh piece of comfrey and a compass. A fundamental ray was found at 14 degrees, so perhaps that is how they did it.


Other earth banks that are arranged exactly across an energy flow are shown on the OS maps as "Pillow Mounds" that are generally described as Norman rabbit banks. Rabbits are known to constantly reopen old warrens, so the absense of holes reduces that theory as there are always odd rabbits about in the area. Each bank is about 20m(65.5ft) long (depending on the total width of the energy flow on which it was placed) by 4m(l3ft) wide by 1.5m to 2m (6ft) high and are spaced about 50m(l64ft) apart. They were made by digging two ditches and the soil from them was piled in the centre between them. Each bank is just long enough to cover the band-width of each multiline energy flow; several parallel flows being present at one site and all traceable to one sourcepoint. As the waveform of the energy flow goes over the bank, the wavelength is cut by 50% at each bank. The shorter the waveform, the safer it is for any lifeform in it’s path.

Some of these mounds have been dowsed for their age which was indicated as 540 years, so they may have been the work of the Monks. The harmful energy that the mounds were processing was dowsed back to a montain with water rising on the top. The vertical strata can be seen in the nearby quarry. Today, many of the mounds have been removed or eroded and the passing energy flows are now processed by the new pressure treated wire—netting fences that collect and radiate energy like aerials. A health problem in those energy flows is now MS.


A harmful energy flow from the same source was detected towards the South East where it focussed onto an isolated hill before spraying East down the Severn valley into shropshire. A large number of pits surrounded the hilltop which were not the start of a ring ditch as they were not in line and each pit has a turf covered mound in the centre like a large grave. The pits are about 4m (l3ft) long (across the slope) by 3m(lOft) wide down the slope and 1.5 to 2m (6ft) deep. The hilltop within the circle of pits was dowsed for energy lines and only very harmful lines were detected going out as a radial pattern. Each line was intercepted by a pit and beyond each pit only good or "healing energy" could be detected.

The principle used there can be experimented with by dowsing around a plain glass or pottery bowl with the quest for healing and harmful energy. Repeat the dowsing after placing in the bowl a round stone or an upturned plain eggcup when only good or healing energy may be detected. A bag or ball filled with sand would also be suitable but the quantity of sand may have to be adjusted to get the desired effect.

The principle may have been known to some of our ancient quarry workers for

some of our old quarry holes have a large rock or a heap ot stone ±ett in tne centre and they only emanate good energy.

In hill country there can be found a flow of energy along the ridge partly due to the folded strata below and partly because the upstanding mass of the ridge attracts both local and distant energy that then seeks to flow East. Where it leaves the ridge, it will spray out as a set of harmful overland lines each one of which may have an affinity with one element as can be seen if we test across the spray by holding a sample of one metal or element. Living tissue seems to interpret it as a dose of the actual substance and so starts to reduce that same element from the living plant or animal leading to health problems due to deficiencies. At one time I had some black current bushes that had purple leaves, a typical symptom of potassium deficiency. Dowsing over them while holding a sample of potassium as a link revealed a strong energy line that reacted only to that one element.

Our ancestors took steps to stop this by various means. Walking over a farm one day I came across a valley that had nothing but healing energy lines flowing along it that all traced back to the East end of a ridge. On the rounded end of the ridge, at the source point of these lines one could dowse the outline of a pit with a round mass — a boulder perhaps - in the centre. It had been dug there to rectify the harmful energy flow and is still doing a good job.

Where a major energy flow had to be controlled, other methods were used to prevent the flow reaching the end of the ridge where it would spray overland. A deep ditch would be cut across the ridge with the soil piled outside the ditch, on the wrong side for defence which is what they are described as. One can dowse the flowing energy lines into the ditch and follow their diversion down into the valley below where they were channelled by the hills on each side where they were safe until a major mountain-to-mountain line crossed them. At that point an even greater danger errupted and was controlled by a massive mound of stone, gravel and turfed over. They were marked on the maps as cairns but contained no burials and so many of them have now been removed and their health pattern is now being spread by rail and road works and rectified by the NHS.

It may be worth noting that pictures of the Egyptian god Horus show a bowl shape on the head with a circle or ball in the centre. Horus is depicted as a hawk which we may take as a symbol of energy and power in flight.

In other areas the energy flow was changed by using a row of square pits which have yet to be evaluated.


Some of the original standing stones are very wide, much wider than is needed. One in a valley south of Sennybridge stands at the narrowest point between two hills. The energy flows from West to East, to an isolated hill that would reradiate the energy Eastwards, good or bad. The stone was dowsed around asking for harmful energies and a flow was detected going to the stone from the West. Nothing was detected on the East side. The quest was changed to find healing energy and a strong flow was detected going East from the stone to the isolated hill. When the centre of the energy line was located, it was passing through near one side of the wide stone but when date dowsed back in time it could be traced at various contact points across the width of the stone.

It had been selected as wide enough to cover the lateral line-drift over the thousands of years. Were they thinking of us when it was placed there to safely cover that energy flow over the thousands of years ahead? How many such stones have been removed and what fate awaits that one if a modern road is made through that valley. Will it end up in a layby with a brass plate on it? A wide stone serving a similar purpose can be seen in the stone circle near Penrith.

Further North, between Builth Wells and Llanidloes lies an example of a wide stone system that has gone wrong. The term system is used for two touching stones had to be used to make one mass that was wide enough to cover what can generally be dowsed as a five thousand year one way drift or a 10,000 year cycle. In this case one of the two stones has fallen. If it had survived, the original setting has been upset by a nearby overhead electricity supply cable which has a dowsable field that has pushed over the energy flow that the stones were designed to rectify. They now need to be replaced on the new lineflow as can be seen by map dowsing for harmful energy lines across the map. The energy in that flow was the total outflow from many springs and rock faults from a large basin surrounded by hills where the only Eastern outlet was that narrow gap in the hills which concentrated all the lineflows before they contacted the next node point which is an isolated hill that sprays all it’s energy East over central Wales and the Midlands. At that critical point, early man intercepted it

with a wide stone mass that was sufficient to rectify all, over the continuous cyclic side drift. Whoever did that was a good dowser and it hardly seems credible that they did it on foot without the aid of map-dowsing for only map dowsing shows clearly the spraying energy flows from that area.


There has been recent interest in the large breast shaped stones. My first observation of them was described in the Journal in 1985 (Ref 4). Several were found at Mitchel’s Fold where one can dowse around the stones asking for harmful or healing energy. From the rounded breast shaped stones only healing energy is detected. It emanates from the stone in multiples of seven energy lines, 21 being the most recorded. The harmful energy is projected from the angular corners and spikes which were all turned inwards towards the centre of the circle so that it could be reprocessed before leaving. The "healing" energy radiates outward and mostly towards the East but some radiates back towards the source by latching onto the 24 incoming lines as parasitic waves on which they may find their way back to the mountain sourcepoints. It was therefore important for the designers to prevent these soucepoints being contaminated with the harmful energy feedback, so they turned the breast shapes outwards from the circle to ensure that only good energy escaped outside the circle.

In other areas the early dowsers were concerned with the different layers of energy which may have caused them to design the tall breast stone in Monmouth churchyard as described in a recent Journal article(Ref 5). There can be seen a tall square stone with carved breast shapes on each side repeated up the stone at regular intervals. A simple experiment may throw some light on this stone pattern.

Hold the pendulum at ground level and allow it to rotate. Then slowly raise

it. It will rotate anticlockwise for the first few inches, between 75mm (3")and 230mm (9") being usual. It then reverses for roughly every lm (3ft3") that it rises. Dowsing tests indicate the presence of 72 alternating layers of polarity that cover the Earth with an indication of two more such bands, all three being spaced by two 3m (lOft) gaps.


There is little doubt that early man could navigate, but he may have used methods unknown today. We have seen recently, the BSD Journal article describing the use of oval stones to indicate North (Ref 6). My article in BSD Journal of 1985(Ref7) described the manipulation of the energy lines that were detectable by the Navigator who held the appropriate link, the identity of which had been programmed into the energy source-point. That system involved the use of everyday objects such as nuts,wool or feathers as dowsing links that the early navigators would carry with them. Since then, other systems have been revealed.

The search for one was triggered by the fascinating photographs collected by Erich von Daniken and similar books showing early civilizations. One shows a Sumerian cylinder seal depicting what looks like a survey party with a square and dividers - or was it a dowser’s forked stick? They seem to be on a day-by-day journey for each day is shown by a separate sun and a circle of eight small spheres and an extra one in the centre. Did they set up a daily stone circle? If so, what for? It was decided to try one.

Nine stones about the size of a grapefruit were arranged on a small blind spring in the same pattern. It was dowsed around with rods and pendulum, not knowing what to expect. A wavey line was followed from it towards the South a few metres where it started an anticlockwise outline of the British coastline leaving a map about 9m long. The sourcepoint where I stood occupied the correct position on the map that even marked the tidal reaches of the rivers. Maps with a recognizable outline could be drawn from such an exercise. If the surveyor shown with the dividers had measured the distance across a small peninsular, he could have used it as a yardstick to measure the relative overall size of the landmass.

It looks as though the energy from the blind spring rises as a vortex until it reaches the radio-reflective layers that surround the Earth that may be collecting a "curtain" of energy thrown up from the coastline. The energy may have been generated at the edge of the moving mass of salt seawater and an almost contiuous line of silica sand beach. The vortex from the stone circle may have collected this information from the radio-reflective layers and projected a miniature version of the coastline onto the ground. Some evidence that may support that theory has been gathered by scientific observations from satelites of our Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights which seemed to follow the coastlines. It was recently confirmed by the satelite observations.


Pictures of the possessions of Columbus included a small glass bottle which roused speculation in the press. Was it used for perfume or medication? At the time when I read this I was tracing biological and elemental influences in the energy lines by map dowsing with samples in a small glass bottle as a link. In case the bottle was having an influence on my findings, it was separated from the contents and used on it’s own as a link. As the map dowsing was passing over a coastline the pedulum rotated rapidly. It may have been a link between the glass and the beach sand. The dowsing was repeated without a cap or cork on the bottle and no rotation occurred but it started again when the bottle top was closed with the thumb. The pendulum rotation over the sea was clockwise as it moved West towards a coastline and anticlockwise as the dowsing moved East towards a coast.The pendulum rotation reverses as it crosses the coast.

If the sealed bottle is held while dowsing within a circle, even a pencil drawn circle or over a plain plate the same response is obtained as the dowsing meets the East or West edge of the circle leaving a clear division between the two at the north and South points. Here we should look back at the Sumerian surveyor with the dividers. Even in a fog they could have drawn a circle with the dividers and noted the dowsing reaction as they dowsed from the centre towards the perimeter. A similar exercise could be done with two pegs and a cord as was carried by Otzi, the Ice Man who also had a stone with a hole in it that may have been a pendulum.

Pictures of old ships have been seen that had a large graduated circle marked on the rear deck. The navigator, with bottle and pedulum in hand would have become the compass indicator. If he held a sample of barley as a link, the dowsing would indicate the "navigation line" into Milford Haven or the direct course towards it. (Ref 8)

The Abbe Mermet experimented with what he called the fundamental ray. A ray given off in a fixed direction for each metal. The ray dowsable from iron is South. If a piece of iron was placed within the deck circle on an old ship, the dowseable ray from it would strike the circle due South. If too much iron was already present in the form of deck nails, a piece of copper could be used that would throw out a detectable ray towards the Southwest or Zinc that has a ray Southeast. Whatever may be used, a regular fixed point can be obtained from which to take a bearing. It is doubtful if these other metals were used as links due to the fact that few were pure samples of the metals.

Another method that can be used to indicate North is to place in the centre of a plate or inscribed circle a sample of almost anything. It’s identity, displayed as a set of rays representing it’s elemental content is then displayed outside the Southern half of the circle, split into positive and negative on each side of the N-S line passing through the centre. During the day the spray on the West side is negative and gives an anticlockwise rotation which reverses at sunset and sunrise. On the East side it is the opposite, being positive during the day and negative after sunset. The East-West line is also clearly defined as the rotation reverses as the pendulum crosses it. These rays extend at least one metre from the plate and can be be identified for their harmonic affinity with an element by dowsing over them using samples of individual elements as dowsing links. They can be used to analyse the elemental content of a substance if one has enough test samples for comparison. In a thick fog, one could even get the exact time of sunrise or sunset by keeping a constant dowsing watch on the rotations outside each Southern quarter to detect the moment of reversal.


While dowsing maps of Wales, it was decided to use colour samples as a dowsing link. While holding Yellow, a whole spray of radial lines were detected that were traceable to one hill called Bryn Melyn which translates as Hill Yellow. The Welsh placenames are very descriptive and as the language has changed little over thousands of years, there may be much to be learnt from place names. It used to be thought that the colours in a name referred to the foliage colours in the changing seasons, but this yellow hill was detected by dowsing for yellow lines when the hill did not look yellow.

At this point we should look at the colours and their Welsh names as set out below so that members may dowse their maps with this information.

Black = Ddu pronounced thee

White = Gwyn " gwin

Yellow = Melyn " melin

Red = Coch " kogh Blue = Glas " glass

If one knew the position of these coloured energy beacons, then dowsing in a fog with a few colour samples would enable the dowser to detect these radiating lines and establish his position relative to them. There are at least three Black Mountains in Wales and many places with blue in the name. Water dowsers know that pure water rising gives off an energy that has a harmonic affinity with the colour violet. What is not so well known is that falling or fast running water gives off an energy line that has a harmonic affinity with the colour blue. One can test for this effect by dowsing around a running hose pipe. Many of our most harmful energy lines can be map-dowsed to a weir or waterfall. In 1936 I saw a blue energy flow near a waterfall that looked like a stair carpet of blue wriggling worms on the grass. It was near a waterfall on a mountain stream called "Blue Lins Brook" which is half English (blue) and half Welsh, Lins being the Welsh version of lines.

The early Welsh named many of their hills after the colour that would locate them by dowsing. The energy flows from moving water cause ill health and have a harmonic affinity with blue and violet which colours attract these energy flows if the point of attraction is made of synthetic material that may carry static and in layers it is found to be a capacitor, storing and reradiating this harmful influence. Take a look in the average home at the clothes, furnishings and food packaging colours and ask how well they keep. In the 1930s it was rare to find a Welsh person dressed in anything other than black or grey.


Early maps show a maze of lines that intersect at large and small embellished centres like a fantastic spiders web. I have no knowledge of a dowser passing comment on them. There was quite a lot of artist’s license with the early maps that showed sea monsters etc., but were the major line centres as shown really involved with the map making or were they just a cartographer’s cartouch?

We know that mountains link with energy lines to many other surrounding hills and mountains. The larger the mass of the mountain , the longer may be the connecting line, even over the horizon and well out of sight. Island links with Island and all these link lines are there for the dowser, just by asking for them. Where they cross they create a vortex and a radial spray. The rays from a large spray would cross a coastline. Each coastal crossing point could be marked on these rays and then connected by dowsing for the missing bit of coast in between. Columbus was known to have an early map with him, but then , he also had a Geni in a bottle to help him!

R.S.Perry. November 1999.

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