MMR death (George Fisher)
[back] MMR deaths
[Usual vaccine death cover up. "doctors, paediatricians and consultants told the hearing at Gloucester shire hall there was no evidence of a link between George's death and the jab." All the Allopaths agreed it wasn't their medicine. Professor Miller is hardly likely to say it caused the death as she is a main MMR advocate, sat on the JCVI committees that approved it, and has been saying MMR is safe for years.]
[2009 Jan pdf] To
Encourage the Others by Martin J Walker MA
[Martin Walker MA]
[2009 Jan] To
Encourage the Others by Martin J Walker MA
[2008 dec] On Media: Why I Hate the British Press By Anne Dachel
[2008 Dec] MMR and the Inquest into the Death of Toddler George Fisher By Allison Edwards