Early allopathic
[back] Smallpox
[You can see why they made the diseases so dreaded, and then they injected more poisons and germs with vaccination. Also sells vaccination.]
See: Allopathy Death by Allopathic Medicine Case mortality Mercury medicines Arsenic
Medical men (1885) using alcohol as a remedy, causing 17% smallpox mortality instead of 11 or 8% without it's use |
Weed, Booze, Cocaine and Other Old School
"Medicine" Ads
Spanish flu and Aspirin
Pink disease
Charles Darwin took arsenic to treat his eczema while at university,
something that could explain his lifetime of ill-health. Physicians also
maintained that it could cure asthma, thus directing patients to smoke pipes in
which tobacco was mixed with the lethal poison.
Their belief in the medicinal properties of arsenic was based
on the notion that the body was out of kilter during illness and that the
violent symptoms it produced could somehow shock it back into balance.
Although this was nonsense, it was true that very small doses
of arsenic could stimulate circulation and increase weight gain. There was great
excitement in 1851 when a Viennese medical journal reported on the sexual
benefits which arsenic consumption was supposed to have brought the peasantry of
Styria - a remote mountainous region in Austria.
[2010 Jan] Found in wallpapers, dresses and
even libido pills: Arsenic, the Victorian Viagra that poisoned Britain
It pays to also know that
orthodox treatment in those days, of most of the diseases we know of today,
was not just laughable, it was plainly ridiculous. For example, a common
treatment of measles5 was to "withdraw 25 c.cm. or
so of blood from the parent's arm and inject this intramuscularly into the
child's buttock, putting half into each side."
Similar treatment was used for polio. Worse
than this was a different letter commenting on the use of:
"anti-measles serum from the placentas of
normal women, which had been tried out on 4000 children, and was found to be
quite as good as, if not indeed better than, convalescent serum."
Until 1928, another universally useless method
of treating disease was the use of alcohol for diphtheria. It was only in
1927, when a British hospital decided not to use alcohol, and found that the
mortality rate became much lower, that doctors realized alcohol increased
myocardial degeneration. Yet very few listened. In 1935, standard
alcohol-infused treatment was still pretty appalling:
"Every case of diphtheria is put on to a
mixture of digitalis and squills . . . and also given calcium by mouth or
intramuscularly . . . with the sudden onset of cardiac arrest camphor oil
given intramuscularly . . . acts like a charm. In regard to toxaemia the
solution is the administration of Pituitrin . . . brandy too is valuable
both by mouth and intramuscularly. Post diphtheritic paralysis .
. . port wine and other such stimulants, even in children, give apparently
valuable results."
[Book June 2006] Just A Little
Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler p227
[1961] In 1961, Dr. Ian MacKenzie, a physician in Nova Scotia, examined a
patient with rapidly-growing breast cancer. He noticed that the skin on her
chest showed signs of radiation burns. She explained that she had had
tuberculosis and that, as part of her treatment, she had had "artificial
pneumothorax therapy" (one of her lungs was intentionally collapsed); this
therapy included about 200 fluoroscopic x-rays of her lungs. (A standard x-ray
makes an snapshot image on photographic film; in fluoroscopy, examination of a
patient takes place while the x-ray beam stays turned on so the physician can
observe what happens when the patient, or the patient's organs, are in motion.
Fluoroscopes deliver a much larger dose of radiation than normal x-ray
Dr. MacKenzie then studied 800 women who had been treated for
tuberculosis in one hospital between 1940 and 1949. He found that women who had
not had "artificial pneumothorax therapy" had a 1-in-510 chance of getting
breast cancer; women who had had the therapy had a one-in-21 chance of getting
breast cancer. In other words, women who had had many fluoroscopic exams of
their lungs had 24 times as great a chance of getting breast cancer as women who
had avoided fluoroscopy.
MacKenzie's work caused quite a "stir" in the radiation
community. Happily, it stimulated a Japanese researcher, C. K. Wanebo, to
examine the data gathered from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
Japan in 1945. In 1968, Wanebo reported that radiation exposure at Hiroshima and
Nagasaki had caused a demonstrable increase in breast cancers among surviving
[1862] "Last year a patient came to me with both arms paralyzed. Three months before he had, acute rheumatism--a disease I have treated scores of cases of, and never failed to cure within two weeks--for which his physician prescribed mercury, antimony, colchicum, and potassium hydroxide. The drugs had cured the rheumatism, but ruined the patient. And what do you suppose his physician proposed to "try" next? Why, strychnine, of course!"---Dr Trall, 1862.
In 1904, and for several hundred years prior to the beginning of the 20th century, medical science regarded teething as a dangerous disease. In fact, many death certificates during this era would list teething as a cause of infant death. The "state of the art" in treatment of teething involved "releasing" the baby’s teeth, typically by cutting the gums. The theory went that the danger of teething could be reduced this way. Articles from this period describe infants whose gums were cut as often as twice per day. http://www.natickpediatrics.com/healthykids/outofthecave.html
Unhappily the tenacity with which the medical fraternity cherish traditions of
the past, and welcome new absurdities, is largely accountable for the sluggish
advance of medicine. The experience of Mr. John Gadsby, a traveller and author,
who sought a cure in sunnier climes, illustrates this, and does not stand
alone. He writes, in
Gadsby's Wanderings " :—
" I consulted some of the most eminent medical men of
the day . . . and was by them blistered, bled, cupped, and physicked, according
to their respective fancies, until I was certainly too weak to bear any more ;
and then I was pronounced to be in a consumption. . . . One said my right lung
was the worst, another my left; one recommended leeching, and another dry
cupping ; one counter irritants, and another emollients ; one excitants, and
another depressants; one stimulants, and another refrigerants; one acids, and
another alkalies; one purgatives, and another astringents ; one tonics, and another sedatives ; one blisters, and another
cataplasms; with almost every other contradiction that their pharmacopoeia
contains ; yet, like a lamb, I submitted to all that was prescribed without
experiencing the slightest improvement in my health." LEICESTER: SANITATION versus VACCINATION
"Four years ago, the young man--he was a youth then, and of excellent
constitution--had lung fever. His physician reduced his fever and his vitality
with powerful doses of antimony, and kept blisters on the chest
continually. In two weeks he appeared to be convalescent, but soon relapsed,
when calomel was given in large doses. And lingering several weeks, the
disease was said to have run into the typhoid, for which more calomel was
prescribed. The fever next assumed the intermittent form, attended with profuse
sweating, for which iron and quinine were liberally administered. He was drugged
continually for six months, when it was discovered that the liver and spleen
were badly congested and enlarged, and he was put on a course of mercury
in a new shape--blue-pill mass. After this the disease assumed many
complications, as well it might, for which a promiscuous medley of medicaments
were prescribed for two years longer, among which was hellebore,
irritating plasters, several kinds of pills, and a variety of homeopathic
pellets and placebos."--R.T. Trall M.D. (1862)
"Five years ago he had the ague, for which he took quinine in huge dozes. This treatment so paralyzed the functions of the liver that it became greatly congested and enlarged; for which mercury was prescribed. The mercury induced chronic inflammation of the duodenum--mercurial duodenitis --for which antimony and opium were administered. These drugs extended the inflammation to the kidneys, prostrated the external circulation, and torpified the action of the skin; for which more mercury, in the shape of blue-pill, with narcotics, was given. These remedies so exhausted the vital energies, that the next phase of disease was termed "nervous debility," and then strychnine was prescribed. After the nervous debility had been sufficiently cured with strychnine, the doctors diagnosed "spinal disease," and proceeded to blister and cauterize the back. Lastly, neuralgia "set in," and the doctors resorted to henbane."--R.T. Trall M.D. (1862)
"I don't think there's been any major shift in the medical profession's general approach to new ideas. I don't think there ever will be that kind of wholesale change. Three hundred years ago, when the major disease was smallpox, Sir Thomas Sydenham [1624-89] developed a new treatment that reduced the death rate from about 50 percent to 1 percent or 2 percent. His reward was being challenged to a duel. The English medical association wanted to drive him out. He wrote: "A new idea is like a sapling in the middle of a road, and if it's not fenced in, it will be galloped over by the trampling hordes." That's a really great statement, and it's also my view of what happens to medical discovery." -----Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD 1997 Interview by Peter Barry Chowka.
"Under conventional medical treatment, patients were drugged heroically, bled profusely, were smothered in blankets, wallowed in dirty linen, were allowed no water, fresh air and stuffed with milk, brandy or wine. Antimony and Mercury were medicated in large doses. Physicians kept their patients bundled up warm in bed, with the room heated and doors and windows carefully closed, so that not a breath of fresh air could get in, and given freely large doses of drugs to induce sweating (Sudorifics), plus wine and aromatized liquors. Fever patients were put into vaporbath chambers in order to sweat the impurities out of the system. Given no water when they cried for it and when gasping for air were carried to a dry-hot room and after a while were returned to the steam torture. Many must have died of Heat Stroke!"--Dr Shelton DC http://www.whale.to/vaccine/shelton.html
"Healing is frequently an affair of weeks, and may be aided by mercurial treatment."---Dr. Charles Creighton M.A., M.D. Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1888
"His first series of cases he summarises thus:—"Twelve persons, mostly young adults, vaccinated from a healthy-looking child. Satisfactory progress of the vaccination in all. Indurated chancres on the arms of ten of the vaccinated in the eighth week. Treatment by mercury in all. Rapid disappearance of the primary sores; constitutional symptoms in four of the patients five months afterwards, the vaccinifer showing condylomata at the age of six months." These cases, Mr. Hutchinson states, were brought to the notice of the medical officers of the Privy Council, and Dr. Seaton requested that he should investigate them. I call attention to this to disprove a widely current inaccuracy, an example of which I extract from Mr. Ernest Hart's "Truth," to the effect that "No case of syphilis caused by vaccination has ever been discovered by the Medical Department of the State during the twenty years that it has supervised the vaccination of the kingdom."(The Truth about Vaccination," by Ernest Hart. 1880.)---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. (1883, Sir Lyon Playfair's Logic)
"Not one case receiving homeopathic care died, while the "old school" doctors lost twenty percent of their (smallpox) cases.....I gave about three hundred internal vaccinations, five to adults acting as practical nurses; to the man who installed the telephone and lights in the pest-house; to mothers who slept with their children while they had smallpox in its severest form. All of these people, exposed daily, were immune."--W. L. Bonnell, MD
Medical men (1885) using alcohol as a remedy, causing 17% mortality instead of
11 or 8% without it's use
I shall be entering upon what is considered as a
sacred domain in speaking of the treatment of the patients at the Leicester
Fever Hospital. In my opinion it was open to criticism on account of the
liberal use of alcohol, and in the omission of other remedies known to be
beneficial, but not recognised in the pharmacopoeia of the faculty. I
believe most of the lives of the children might have been saved by the adoption
of these remedies. How long the public will submit to this medical perversity it
is not for me to say......Why in such a variety of conditions and physical
constitutions was the treatment the "same in all?" Champagne and brandy might be
moderately administered to old "topers" like the tramps, or even to strong
adults, without much harm, but would it not be calculated to unduly raise the
temperature of the children, increase their fever and delirium, and minimise
their chances of recovery? It must not be assumed that I am opposed to the use
of alcohol where it is necessary, but the following medical testimony is
valuable and significant, showing without its use a saving of nearly 50 per
cent, in the mortality. Dr. John Moir, L.R.C.P., Edin., Medical Superintendent
of West Haiti Infectious Diseases Hospital, writes:—
"That in the outbreak of the disease, 1884-85, two
thousand odd cases were treated by me in the usual routine method, with the use
of alcohol ......the average mortality of the 2,148 attended by me in the
West Ham Guardians' Hospital, in addition, to that of nearly 700 cases treated
by me elsewhere was 17 per cent. In the hospital ships at Long Reach, Deptford,
Dr. Birdwood, the Medical Superintendent, in 1886-87, treated the cases under
his care there without alcohol, with the surprising result that the mortality
was only 6 per cent. The results obtained by Dr. Birdwood determined me to
treat my small-pox cases since 1886 without alcohol, with the result that the
average mortality in the last 500 cases treated by me has diminished from 17 per
cent, to 11 per cent., and in the last 200 cases has been only 8 per cent. So
many apparently hopeless cases have I now seen recover r without the use of
alcohol, which, in my former experience did not recover with its use, that I do
not regret the substitution of safer remedies, and I should be afraid again to
treat small-pox cases with alcohol, fearing that the mortality might again rise,
and that my treatment was responsible for that rise, and consequent loss of
life. This record may encourage other observers to adopt the non-alcoholic,
treatment, and will most assuredly confirm them by their own experience of its
trustworthiness and superior efficacy." A result like this would have saved at
least seven out of the fourteen children. Here we may have an explanation of the
high temperature, delirious lever, and lengthened suffering which the Medical
Officer affirms distinguished the unvaccinated children.