Arthritis & vaccine citations
Arthritis & vaccination
Biasi D, et al. A case of reactive arthritis after influenza vaccination. Clin Rheumatol. 1994 Dec;13(4):645. No abstract available.PMID: 7697972; UI: 95212114.
D, et al. A new case of reactive arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination. Clin
Exp Rheumatol. 1993 Mar-Apr;11(2):215. No abstract available.PMID: 8508565; UI: 93284771.
D, et al.[Rheumatological manifestations following hepatitis B vaccination. A report
of 2 clinical cases]. Recenti Prog Med. 1994 Sep;85(9):438-40. Review. Italian. PMID:
7938876; UI: 95025084.
Bracci M, et al. Polyarthritis associated with hepatitis B vaccination. Br J Rheumatol. 1997 Feb;36(2):300-1. No abstract available.PMID: 9133957; UI: 97279516
Brown MA, et al. Rheumatic complications of influenza vaccination. Aust N Z J Med. 1994 Oct;24(5):572-3. No abstract available.PMID: 7848162; UI: 95150894.
Clavel G, Grados F, Cayrolle G, Bellony R, Leduc I, Lafont B, Ducroix JP, Fardellone P. Polyarthritis following intravesical BCG immunotherapy. Report of a case and review of 26 cases in the literature. Rev Rhum Engl Ed. 1999 Feb;66(2):115-8. Review. PMID: 10084173 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Cooper LZ, Ziring PR, Weiss HJ, Matters BA, Krugman S.Transient arthritis after rubella vaccination.Am J Dis Child. 1969 Aug;118(2):218-25. No abstract available.PMID: 5794817 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Gerth HJ. [Polymyalgia rheumatica and influenza vaccination]Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1992 Aug 14;117(33):1259-60. German. No abstract available.PMID: 1499526 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
K, et al. Arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination. Report of three cases. Scand J
Rheumatol. 1995;24(1):50-2. PMID:
JA. Arthritis after rubella vaccination of women. N Engl J Med. 1969 Jul
10;281(2):109. No abstract available.PMID: 5784773; UI: 69205374.
A Geier, Mark R Geier
adverse reactions associated with hepatitis B vaccination
The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2002: Vol. 36,
No. 12, pp. 1970–1971.
In conclusion, our study demonstrates that
adult HBV is statistically associated not only
with acute neuropathy, neuritis, myelitis, vasculitis, thrombocytopenia,
gastrointestinal disease, multiple sclerosis, and
arthritis, but some of these
patients go on to develop chronic adverse reactions that persist for at least 1
year following HBV. These types of chronic adverse reactions following
adult HBV should be discussed with patients contemplating being immunized with
HBV and should be included in the differential diagnosis of those who develop
them following adult HBV.
Geier DA, Geier MR.
A one year followup of chronic arthritis following rubella and hepatitis B
vaccination based upon analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
(VAERS) database. Clin Exp Rheumatol
2002 Nov-Dec;20(6):767-71. MedCon,
Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.
OBJECTIVES: This analysis examined the incidence rate of chronic arthritis
adverse reactions reported following adult rubella and hepatitis B
vaccinations. In this analysis, etiologic mechanisms for chronic arthritis
following adult rubella and hepatitis B vaccines were also explored. METHODS:
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed for
the incidence rate of reported cases of chronic arthritis in comparison to
Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) and tetanus toxoid adult vaccine control groups.
RESULTS: Chronic arthritis adverse reactions following adult rubella
vaccination were primarily reported in females (female/male ratio = 3.0), at
about 45 years-old, and at a mean onset time of 10-11 days following
vaccination. Chronic arthritis adverse reactions following adult hepatitis B
vaccination were also primarily reported in females(female/male ratio = 3.5),
at about 33 years-old, and with a mean onset time of 16 days following
vaccination. The incidence rates of chronic arthritis following adult rubella
and adult hepatitis B vaccinations were statistically significantly increased,
by chi 2 analysis, in comparison to the adult vaccine control groups. The
attributable risk of chronic arthritis following adult rubella vaccine ranged
from 32 to 53 and from 5.1 to 9.0 following adult hepatitis B vaccine in
comparison to the adult vaccine control groups. CONCLUSION: This study
revealed that adult rubella and adult hepatitis B vaccines were statistically
associated with chronic arthritis which persisted for at least one year.
The etiology for these adverse reactions may involve autoimmune mechanisms.
Furthermore, potential biases in the reporting rates of adverse reactions to
VAERS were not observed. PMID: 12508767
[PubMed - in process]
Hassan W, Oldham R. Reiter’s syndrome and reactive arthritis in health care workers after vaccination. British Medical Journal 1994; 309: 94
R, Lorentzen JC, Lu S, Olofsson P, Wester L, Holmberg J, Pettersson U.
Arthritis induced in rats with nonimmunogenic adjuvants as models for rheumatoid
arthritis. Immunol Rev. 2001 Dec;184:184-202. PMID: 12086312
[PubMed - in process]
Rat models are useful for studies of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since
rats are extraordinarily sensitive to induction of arthritis with adjuvants. Injection of
not only the classical complete Freund's adjuvant but also mineral oil
without mycobacteria and pure adjuvants such as pristane and squalene,
induce severe arthritis in many rat strains. Models like pristane-induced arthritis in
rats are optimal models for RA since they fulfill the RA criteria including a chronic
relapsing disease course. Arthritogenic adjuvants like pristane, avridine, squalene and
mineral oil are not immunogenic since they do not contain major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) binding peptides. Nevertheless, the diseases are MHC-associated and dependent on the
activation of alphabetaTCR (T-cell receptor)-expressing T cells. However, it has not been
possible to link the immune response to joint antigens or other endogenous components
although immunization with various cartilage proteins induce arthritis but with different
pathogeneses. To unravel the mechanisms behind adjuvant-induced arthritis, a
disease-oriented genetic approach is optimal. Several loci that control onset of
arthritis, severity and chronicity of the disease have been identified in genetic crosses
and most of these have been confirmed in congenic strains. In addition, many of these loci
are found in other autoimmune models in the rat as well as associated with arthritis in
mice and humans.
E, Ittig R, Vogt N, Michel JP, Gold G. Polymyalgia rheumatica
following influenza vaccination.J Am Geriatr Soc. 2000
Nov;48(11):1533-4. No abstract available.PMID: 11083341 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
S. Laoussadi, V. Sayag-Boukris, C.-J. Menkes, André Kahan.
Department of Rheumatology A, Cochin Hospital, Paris V University, Paris,France. HBV
vaccination may induce hypersensitivity and autoimmune reactions in susceptible
individuals and healthy
Subjects. Seven patients (4 F, 3 M; mean age 35 ± 10 yrs),
developed severe rheumatic disorders after the first (4) or the third (3) injection of HBV
vaccine. Before HBV vaccination, one was a healthy subject and 6 were previously suffering
from: eosinophilic fasciitis (1), systemic lupus (1), HLA B27 positive axial ankylosing
spondylitis (2), sickle cell disease (1) and idiopathic cutaneous urticaria (1). The
underlying disease was in remission induced by treatment (4 cases), including NSAIDs (2),
corticosteroids (CS; 1), sulfasalazine (SZ; 2) and hydroxychloroquine (HC; 1) and in 3
cases there was no treatment. Fourteen days (mean) after vaccine injection, they developed
rheumatic disorders including: 3 severe symetric polyarthritis fulfilling ARA RA criteria,
associated in one case with vasculitis and 2 monoclonal IgM cryoglobulins. Two cases of
oligoarthritis (one associated with palatine and laryngeal oedema, ocular sicca syndrome,
hypereosinophilia, positive ANA, and C4 defect), 1 case of Sjögren syndrome, 1 severe
systemic flare of lupus with arthritis, pleural effusion, vasculitis and a grade IIIa
In all patients these disorders were controlled using prednisone therapy (0.3 to 1
mg/kg/day; 7) combined, according to the underlying rheumatic disease with HC (2), SZ (2),
cyclophosphamide (1), azathioprine (1), methotrexate (1) and IV Ig (1). Six patients met a
remission after 2 months to one year treatment, but they are still under treatment. In one
patient, with eosinophilic fasciitis, a total recovery was observed after 7 years and he
has stopped any treatment for 2 years.
Hepatitis B virus vaccination may induce severe reactions requiring the use of a long term
treatment (mean period of time of 32.5 ± 24.8 months) in healthy subjects and in patients
who suffer from autoimmune diseases and from ankylosing spondylitis or reactive arthritis,
even if a complete remission has been already obtained. Abstract: 1186 November 10, 1998
Poster Session D: Miscellaneous Rheumatic Diseases 12:30-2:00 pm, Hall B1/C
Maillefert JF, et al. Rheumatic disorders developed after hepatitis B vaccination. Rheumatology (Oxford). 1999 Oct;38(10):978-83. PMID: 10534549; UI: 20006401[See Related Articles]
Aim: to obtain an overview of rheumatic disorders occurring after
hepatitis B vaccination.
Methods: a questionnaire was sent to rheumatology departments in nine french hospitals.
Criteria for entry were rheumatic complaints of one-week duration or more, occurrence
during the 2 months following hepatitis B vaccination, no previously diagnosed rheumatic
disease, exclusion of bacterial or viral reactive arthritis.
Results: 21 patients (18 women, 3 men; mean age = 30.7 years +/- 12.6 SD) were included.
All received recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. The time interval between the vaccination
and occurrence of complaints was one week or less for 10 patients, between one week and
one month for 8 patients, between one and two months for 3 patients. In 9 patients, the
next vaccinal dose was inoculated despite the complaints. The symptomatology worsened in 7
cases, and was not modified in one case (effects unknown for the last patient). The
observed disorders were as follows: rheumatoid arthritis for 6 patients, systemic lupus
erythematosus for 2, reactive arthritis for 5, polyarthralgia-myalgia-fatigue for 3,
suspected or biopsy-proved vasculitis for 3, miscellaneous for 2. Conclusion: hepatitis B
vaccination might be followed by various rheumatic conditions, and might trigger the onset
of underlying inflammatory and/or auto-immune rheumatic diseases. However, a causal
relation between hepatitis B vaccination and the observed rheumatic manifestations cannot
be easily established. Further epidemiological works are needed to establish whether
hepatitis B vaccination is associated or not with an incidence of rheumatic disorders
higher than normal.
Missioux D, Hermabessiere J, Sauvezie B. Arthritis and iritis after bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy. J Rheumatol. 1995 Oct;22(10):2010. No abstract available. PMID: 8992017 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
M, et al. Arthritis after mumps and measles vaccination. Arch Dis Child. 1995
Apr;72(4):348-9. PMID: 7763072; UI: 95283345.
N, et al.Factors associated with clinical reactions to rubella vaccination in women.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1987 Jun;25(3):207-16. PMID: 2886379; UI: 87276843.
Price GE. Arthritis and iritis after BCG therapy for bladder cancer. J Rheumatol. 1994 Mar;21(3):564-5. PMID: 8006904 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
ME, et al. Bone changes after rubella vaccination. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1984
Jul;143(1):27-8. No abstract available. PMID: 6610325; UI: 84228049.
BF, et al A controlled comparison of joint reactions among women receiving one of two
rubella vaccines. Am J Epidemiol. 1982 Jan;115(1):19-25. Review. PMID: 7034531; UI:
Perez C, Maravi E. Polymyalgia rheumatica following influenza vaccination.Muscle Nerve. 2000 May;23(5):824-5. No abstract available.PMID: 10797410 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Pope JE, et al. The development of rheumatoid arthritis after recombinant hepatitis B vaccination. J Rheumatol. 1998 Sep;25(9):1687-93. PMID: 9733447; UI: 98402283.
Ray, P, et al. Risk of chronic arthropathy among women after rubella vaccination. Vaccine Safety Datalink Team. JAMA. 1997 Aug 20;278(7):551-6. PMID: 9268275; UI: 97412162.
SL, et al. Chronic arthropathy associated with rubella vaccination. Arthritis Rheum.
1977 Mar;20(2):741-7. PMID: 849368; UI: 77157350.
M, et al. [Erosive polyarthritis triggered by vaccination against
hepatitis B]. Presse Med. 1997 Feb 1;26(2):75. French. No abstract available.PMID:
9082414; UI: 97226581.
Thompson GR, Weiss JJ, Shillis JL, Brackett RG.Intermittent arthritis following rubella vaccination. A three-year follow-up.Am J Dis Child. 1973 Apr;125(4):526-30. No abstract available.PMID: 4699891 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Tingle AJ, Chantler JK, Pot KH, Paty DW, Ford DK.Postpartum rubella immunization: association with development of prolonged arthritis, neurological sequelae, and chronic rubella viremia.J Infect Dis. 1985 Sep;152(3):606-12.PMID: 4031558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Vautier G, et al. Acute sero-positive rheumatoid arthritis occurring after hepatitis vaccination. Br J Rheumatol. 1994 Oct;33(10):991. No abstract available.PMID: 7921766; UI: 95006007.
Weibel RE (1996)., et al Chronic arthropathy and musculoskeletal symptoms associated with rubella vaccines. A review of 124 claims submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Arthritis Rheum. 1996 Sep;39(9):1529-34. PMID: 8814065; UI: 96409082.
Court case--Jessica Muchnick
(1998)--arthritis (case rejected)
Court case--Donna Wagner (aged 39, Rubella vaccination)--arthropathy, The testimony
indicated that arthropathy is present in somewhere between forty and sixty percent of
patients with Sjogren's. Similar findings regarding Sjogren's Syndrome were made in the
Omnibus Proceeding. Accordingly, the sixth element of the test specifically lists
Sjogren's Syndrome as a disqualifying factor. Thus, if a petitioner has Sjogren's
Syndrome, then under the Omnibus Proceeding's test, she cannot recover under the Vaccine
Act for arthropathy allegedly resulting from a rubella vaccination. (case denied)