Lily Loat
[back] Smallpox Vaccine critics  Diphtheria  Smallpox

[Lilly Loat was the main UK layperson anti-vaccinist in the first half of the 20th century.  She was the Secretary of the The National Anti-Vaccination League]

Better than Wikipedia.  Her page was deleted by the Allopath editors. See: Wikipedia


[Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization by Lily Loat

[1927] Address by Miss Lily Loat January, 1927

[1957] THE   BRAINS  OF  THE   INOCULATED Speech by LILY LOAT At the Annual Meeting of the Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society on 17th December 1957


Criticism of the latest official defence of vaccination. Author: Loat, Lily. Publication: London, National Anti-Vaccination League 1921 

Anti-typhoid vaccines (a reply to the pamphlet issued by the Research defence society) by the secretary of the National anti-vaccination league [1915]--Ox Radcl.Science 1561 e.42 RSL Stack