Eleanora McBean Ph.D., N.D. quotes
Eleanora McBean Ph.D., N.D.    Quotes

"Dr. Shelton is one of the few practitioners who understands the cause and cure of disease, and seeing that New York is a city of sick people in need of help that they were not getting, he defied the un-American medically made law of New York which prohibits drugless doctors from practicing, opened up an office and was soon gaining fame by his superior results in healing. For this he was imprisoned without even a trial by jury. In accordance with the formalities of pretended justice, an investigator of the Court of Special Sessions in New York, wrote to the Investigator of the State Medical Board in Texas for information about Dr. Shelton. The investigator interviewed Dr. Shelton and after seeing the nature and quality of his work with its consistent effectiveness, had said to him, "I see nothing in your work that is a violation of the law. Stick to it and I will never bother you." He sent a fine report to the New York investigator which was never read before the court. The judge declared him guilty on the opinion of the medical witness and he was sentenced to prison. When he was released, he continued to help the sick and needy and was imprisoned again and again because he refused to respect a law that was enforced against public good and established without the approval or vote of the people.
        A little later, in 1948, Dr. Gian-Cursio, Chiropractor and Hygienist, was sentenced to prison when his drugless healing system and sanitarium, THE CASTLE OF HEALTH, was becoming noted for its successful healing of diseases that the doctors had not been able to cure. He was framed and sentenced to a year in prison without being allowed a trial by jury. (Even a murderer is permitted a jury trial). He was even denied an appeal. The charges were that he was harming people although no evidence was brought forth to prove this statement. A great many of his healed patients were anxious to testify but they were not permitted to do so. As he was a drugless doctor he did not use drugs or any of the dangerous methods such as X-ray, radium, surgery, or anything else that could harm a patient. His testimony was disregarded and only that of the medical "expert witness" (?) was considered valid. So this innocent man of high ideals and clean living had to serve a prison term with hardened criminals while his family was left without support. So openly unjust was this case that letters and telegrams from all parts of United States and even from England, France and Canada poured into the offices of the judge and Governor Dewey of New York, asking that this man he given a fair frial by jury, or an appeal to a higher court, but this was denied."--Eleanor McBean


"In l946, during one of our largest polio epidemics in Los Angeles, I wrote a book (POLIO CONTROL) exposing the polio racket. My statements were well documented and the doctors didn’t like it. I believe it would have eliminated polio epidemics if it had been allowed to reach the people. I had the manuscript examined by a lawyer before I had it published to be sure everything was legal and in order. I had the Los Angeles Post Office authorities examine it to be sure there was nothing in it for which I could be legally barred from the mails and it was declared within the law. The medical trust had their stooges work for two years trying to get something on me so they could legally put me out of business but when they failed they brazenly issued a fraud order without any legal grounds or lawful reasons. They knew I had no money to fight a case with so they thought I would probably "stay put" when they destroyed my business and put the book out of circulation. I talked to one of the post office officials and asked what I could do and he said, "You can take your lawyer back to Washington and fight but it won’t do you any good; those cases are ‘sewed up’ beforehand." I wrote a long and detailed letter refuting all their false charges but this was disregarded and I was notified by special messenger I was barred from the mails eight days before the day set for my hearing — in other words, I was condemned without a trial. I was convicted on the statement of the medical witness that my "book disagreed with accepted medical belief and therefore was dangerous." (I admit it could be dangerous to the corrupt medical policies.)"---Eleanor McBean

"According to a survey made in 1946 regarding the percentage of polio recoveries under the various methods of healing we have this interesting report: 91 % to 100% recover under certain Chiropractic treatment—(not all chiropractors understand this method),  97% to 100% recover under correct Hygienic treatment, 72% under Nurse Kenny treatment, 35% recover with no professional care, 17% under medical care."----Eleanor McBean

"They sprayed towns, crops and orchards with deadly poison DDT insecticide, suggesting that polio might be caused by flies. The chemical companies reaped the benefits but the orchards were seriously damaged, crops were ruined and people were killed by this wild and unwarranted experiment. An article on polio in "Your Health" magazine (1954, Fall Quarter, p. 69) comments on the fly situation by saying that in "Iceland where there are no flies . . there have been polio epidemics. Experiments on eliminating flies by spraying whole communities with DDT have not had any effect in combating epidemics."---Eleanor McBean

"The United States Public Health Bureau is extremely reticent about reporting diseases caused by vaccination but the report from 1922 to 1931 admitted that there had been 85 cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis, which DeKruif states "is the twin of infantile paralysis.""--Eleanor McBean

"In Australia when a few children died as a result of smallpox vaccinations the government abolished compulsory vaccination in that country and smallpox suddenly declined to the vanishing point. Australia had only three cases of smallpox in 15 years as compared with Japan’s record of 165,774 cases and 28,979 deaths from this cause in only 7 years (1886-1892) under compulsory vaccination and re-vaccination."--Eleanor McBean

"Then suddenly the deaths from Salk vaccine ceased to be reported. In a letter published in Defender Magazine, the writer stated: "I am informed by someone who works in a newspaper office that much of the bad news concerning the results of the Salk Program is being censored and deleted out of the news to keep people complacent and acquiescent.""--Eleanor McBean

"BACK TO EDEN and the GRAPE CURE were barred once before but were reinstated because there were no legal grounds for the action and someone had enough money to fight for them.  HEALTH RESEARCH had sold 500 copies of Back to Eden at $7.00 per copy with a money-back guarantee and the letters flowed in from the satisfied customers who had been healed or helped by its information. Yet, the selling of this book was one or the reasons why Health Research was being prosecuted.  Medically operated organizations and money-making schemes such as the cancer fund raising organizations, March of Dimes money-making racket, vaccination campaigns. etc., are allowed to make untrue and impossible claims and promises and accept fabulous sums of money year after year without ever performing the benefits or fulfilling their promises, yet they are never barred from the mails no matter how brazenly fraudulent they are. If even half of the money, that is filched from the public by these organizations, were put into the hands of some responsible organization like Dr. Shelton’s Hygienic Society and used for public health education purposes, the present disease crisis of this country could soon be brought under control."----Eleanor McBean

"Polio vaccine, not only did not wipe out polio, as the proponents had claimed, but it actually increased it over 300% in some of the states which had compulsory polio vaccination, and the polio was in the vaccinated."--E McBean (p23 Vaccination Condemned)

"In just the first six months of the war, there were not just seven vaccination deaths, but there were 62 deaths from yellow fever vaccine alone. The men received from 14 to 24 vaccinations of all varieties......The report of the US Secretary of War, Henry L. Simpson regarding the deaths from yellow fever "shots" reads in part: "RECENT ARMY EXPERIENCE WITH YELLOW FEVER VACCINE RESULTED IN 28,505 CASES OF HEPATITIS (disease of the liver) WITH 62 deaths, as of July 24, 1942."--Eleanor McBean

"This medical strangle hold did not just happen with the passing of time; it was a planned conspiracy against the American people, with an "eye" to the financial gains of the doctors. A sample of this strategy may be seen in the following speech of Dr. W. A. Evans, one of the top medical "bosses," and Health Commissioner for the city of Chicago, who gave these instructions to the doctors in their annual convention of the American Medical Association in 1911: "The thing for the medical profession to do, is to get right into, and man every important health movement; man health departments, tuberculosis societies, housing societies, child care and infant societies, etc. The future of the profession depends on it. . . The profession cannot afford to have these places occupied by other than medical men." This pronouncement was published in the journal of the A. M. A., September 16, 1911. Just how whole-heartedly this decree was carried out is clearly shown by how completely all the non-medical schools of healing such as chiropractic, naturopathic, religious science, hygienics, etc., have been excluded from such tax supported institutions as health boards, public hospitals, army camps, state prisons, workman’s compensation bureaus, asylums, etc."---Eleanor McBean

"From the New York Times, June 15, 1952, we read:   "Some rather expert observations of the art of lobbying as practiced in Washington assert that the A. M. A. is the only organization in the country that could marshal 140 votes in Congress between sundown Friday night and noon on Monday. Performances of this sort have led some to describe the A. M. A. lobby as the most powerful in the country."  "In 1954 sixteen individuals and groups reported to Congress that they spend more than $50,000 each on their legislative interests. The biggest one of these groups admitted it had spent $547,000 on this matter of influencing legislation through their powerful lobbying groups." — from "World Predictions," 1955.  "The Tarnished Record of the American Medical Association" published by the Milwaukee Federated Trades Council states:   The A. M. A. at its 1949 convention voted to make the $25.00 assessment permanent. It further urged its members to engage in political action to defeat congressmen whom it could not control….."In the 26th Pennsylvania district, a group of doctors calling themselves the Healing Arts Committees mailed out more than 190,000 letters, made more than 120,000 personal telephone calls, placed a series of 12 advertisements in every newspaper and purchased radio time to urge the defeat of the local congressman who had supported a measure not favorable to them." An excerpt from the speech of a congressman and recorded in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD says that the A. M. A. had "a record of almost unparalleled opposition to social and economic progress, blindness to need, and resistance to reform."  Many laws designed by and for the benefit of the A. M. A. have been "pressured through" without the vote or the approval or even the knowledge of people involved."---Eleanor McBean

"The word CURE has also been taken over by the medical trust as its private property and drugless doctors and writers have been barred from the mails and persecuted in other ways for teaching how nature cures or for using or speaking of a cure for some disease.  The latest encroachment on public rights is the medical monopoly on the word HEALTH. In some states they have made it a law that no drugless practitioner may use the word HEALTH on his advertising, signs or titles. The NATUROPATH magazine, January 1955 (published for Naturopathic doctors) reported this situation in the editorial, by Dr. T W. Schippell. Excerpts from this editorial are as follows:........"‘Some months ago I was called into the State Department of Education and Registration and was warned by that august body that I could no longer use the word NATUROPATH on my letterheads, doors or windows.  "‘I was informed further that I must substitute the word Chiropractor in the place of Naturopath as well as use it in my advertising. So returning to my Health Emporium, I took a razor blade and the word Naturopath disappeared from my signs on my doors and windows. My hope that I had met every medical requirement was quickly blasted. Just last week I received another communication from that same State Department of Education and Registration and upon calling at that office, was immediately pushed into the sanctum of its attorney. This gentleman opened the interview with a scowl and this remark: ‘It looks like we are having a little trouble getting you into line, doctor.’  ‘To which I required: ‘What have I done wrong, now?’.  "‘His beetle-like brows closed together; he clasped his hands before him on the desk and continued to scowl at me: ‘Get that word HEALTH off your doors, windows, letterheads — and do it quick.’  "To which remark I replied: My business has long been known as a HEALTH EMPORIUM. I built my reputation on that designation and have spent many thousands of dollars to bring it to the attention of the public. I can hardly remove the word HEALTH without ruining my business.’  "‘His reply was short and to the point: ‘The word HEALTH belongs exclusively to the medical doctors. It is illegal for anyone else to use it in any manner. There is a law now in effect which gives the medical profession a monopoly on the word HEALTH and you’d better get that in your head clearly right now!’"----Eleanor McBean