It reminded me of the time we inadvertently caused a similar blue hole in a blizzard, right over Orgonon when we set up our then-new orgonite cloudbuster in the parking lot of the motel in Rangely, Maine, seven years ago.
The One-O-Eight was apparently responsible for this one and the guys told us that the blue hole had persisted for a week since they first laid out the device, which is a hundred eight two-ounce orgonite bits arranged in a geometric pattern. Carol was quite impressed with the energy the device was producing, also with the associated Very Big Elemental who had decided to reside in that new vortex. Kelly and Cesco sensed its presence and Carol apparently could see the happy elemental.
People who are steeped in materialistic science have a pretty hard time contemplating the existence of elementals, I understand. It may be that educators in the not-distant future will recognize our essential relationship with these 'people made of clear fire,' which is what Muhammad called them. Meanwhile, it's probably okay to discuss them, at least, with the caveat that this is our subjective understanding; not authoritative by any means.
Most of our African cohorts have no trouble at all seeing the importance of these issues because they weren't conditioned to ignore etheric dynamics. That's a real advantage, these days.
Last week, while Cesco was staying with us, we made and deployed an Eighteen, which is eighteen of the little orgonite bits arranged in a smaller hexagram/hexagon pattern. We dropped it in Lake Roosevelt, which is the reservoir on the Columbia and Spokane Rivers upstream from the Grand Coulee Dam in Eastern Washington.
I think both of these devices grew out of Kelly's initial discovery that putting six towerbusters in a circle on a pirated earth-energy grid line quickly restores the vitality of the energy line when a single towerbuster won't get it done.
Carol originally dowsed six pipes for the orgonite cloudbuster and at the time we didn't question or comprehend the parameters she dowsed but some of that is coming into focus by now. Seven pipes is less effective but we don't know if less than six works as well--maybe someone will experiment with that, someday, and more clearly identify the parameters. Reich used six pipes, though they were arranged in a different way.
For all the work many of us have done, none of us have applied a lot of science to our efforts. I've just started studying the sky in a systematic way, for instance, and it's for flying, more than for understanding how orgonite makes the atmosphere healthier. Real science involves observing orgone dynamics, of course, so at least many of us have earned some working knowledge by now and what we can do counteracts the poisonous atmospheric efforts of the HAARPies, who probably include the top (sic) meteoroligists.
I just got the book, UNDERSTANDING THE SKY, by Dennis Pagen. It's the first book on meteorology I've seen that has a practical approach and is easy to understand. 'Meteorologists' are generally as arcane and obscure as pedophile priests are, otherwise, and they seem to enjoy confusing people with technobabble. It was written for hangglider pilots. He also wrote a book on towing hangliders with an ultralight, which I'll also get

We took our little motorized dinghy to the confluence of the Spokane and Columbia Rivers and Cesco went out and dropped the Eighteen. It was a windy day but the wind suddenly stopped where we were. A blue hole in the overcast ceiling started to open up above us about twenty miles before we got to that place and continued to grow during the time we set up to drop the device. It also followed us away from the area.
The cessation of wind, locally, was probably the quickest confirmation of the device's effect. It was weird to see the little cumulus clouds rushing past us when there was not even a breeze on the surface of the water.
A better confirmation was when we dropped Cesco at the Spokane airport that evening, near sunset (right after we met Kelly at PF Chang's Chinese Bistro, downtown---delish!). We could see one open spot in the overcast sky, then: in exactly the area where we dropped the Eighteen. I chose that spot because no gifting had been done near there and the sky above it was clearly visible from Spokane, which is about fifty miles east of there.
I bought a roll of Tyvek to make a pattern for the One-O-Eight to use in our upcoming Desert-Reversal effort. I also got a bulb planter that picks up a clot of dirt so one can plant an orgonite bit in each of the hundred-eight requisite spots on the pattern.
For the pattern designs, go to Cesco's site, materiaetherica.com
Also, when he's ready he's going to share the Cescolator coil design, which we've been experimenting with. He and Kelly arranged it in an orgonite box with a hand-held electrode and copper headband attached and the device seems to put the wearer into an instant alpha state. I enjoy lying down with the thing on becuase it's a good lazy-man's meditation aid.
I got a report from Stan Cayer, years ago, indicating that he finally got rid of the HAARP whiteout over Vancouver, BC, by laying out some towerbusters in a geometric pattern. He described the pattern but I've forgotten the details. Stan had done a prodigious amount of gifting and the atmospherer and weather in the region had gotten very balanced but the HAARP effect was troubling him. I put his claim in the 'wait and see' file but after what I've seen with the later configurations I'm inclined to believe that he was giving an accurate report, not a wishful one. He's a mature psychic and energy sensitive and that made me less inclined to dismiss his claim.
Steve and crew in Toronto also endured continuous HAARP whiteout for years after they had disabled all the thousands of new death towers and HAARP arrays in that metro area and it may be that their solution was to finally get farther afield to disable all of ghte HAARP facilities within hundreds of miles. Since they did that the skies have been blue most of the time, as they are in Vancouver. Whether they could have done in Toronto what Stan apparently so easily did in Vancouver isn't clear but busting all those distant HAARP arrays was sure worth doing and was a fine public service and yet another nice gut-shot to the parasitic world order

For every problem we encounter it's important to know that there are always more than one solution, of course. What I always aim for is the simplest possible solution because this is what empowers a larger number of people. The Eighteen and One-O-Eight may fit this parameter for very specific applications, perhaps including having one in the backyard to generate a healthy vortex. I don't think anything other than gifting individual death towers and HAARP facilities will disable those weapons, of course, but by now most of our readers are cognizant that new inventions don't negate what we've been using. Not long ago, the mere mention of a new invention would cause a flurry of noisy sycophant activity and the blind-imitation cacaphony threatened to drown out the still voice of rationality, which is why so many people, for a time, loaded up their orgonite cloudbusters and other field pieces with useless and even counterproductive baubles and doodads. Thank God we're all past that stage of development!
I hope gifters will take extra care, when deploying devices that take a lot of time to install, that the sewer rat agencies won't zero in on the activity and locations because it would be a shame if the professional parasites could remove any of these wonderful devices. There's not a lot of orgonite in them but they require some painstaking effort and sometimes some travel to get them in place. A Succor Punch (to block their omnipresent surveillance tech), some observant eyeballs and some attention to timing and location will probably ensure success.
These two pioneers have been very busy and productive, lately!
It was a lot of fun for Carol and I to have Mr Soggiu around and he's a wealth of practical information, inspiration and laughs, as many of our readers know firsthand by now.