Dairy Cows, Bovine TB and Badgers
[back] TB 
Food Inc  Animal Abuse Inc

[Dr Hamer said pulmonary (lung) tuberculosis in humans is death-anxiety conflict.  Badgers are just the scapegoat for the factory farming of dairy cows (and Allopathy Inc disease racket), shown by their lifespan, culled at 5-7 years when they can live for over 22.  Fed on monocultures of grass (heavily chemically NPK fertilised see ryegrass usually, instead of organic farmed permanent leys with 15 or more varieties of herbs and grasses), and concentrates containing grain (see) and soya.  Traumatised by calf removal and then made pregnant while lactating.  Bred to produce up to 12 gallons, many times more than they would produce in nature (the Pilgrim Father cows, c. 1620, produced up to a quart, so 50 times that now 1 ).  Also shown by the need to pasteurise milk, the use of prophylactic antibiotics and the outbreaks of e coli.
     Bovine TB
in 2005 cost the UK taxpayer £90.5 million.  The medical industry would rather the taxpayer went bust than admit diseases like TB are due to stress and nutrition---it would bust The Disease Protection Racket, the gravy train that is Allopathy Inc.  And the dairy industry is behind the Foot and mouth (FMD) slaughter.  It is pure barbarism (Reptilian consciousness) to kill animals for disease control (this also killed over 50 farmers through suicide with last UK FMD outbreak---
FMD suicides, see also: Farmer suicides).  They also need to keep up the mass production of one of their prime junk foods (pasteurised milk, and green milk also), not forgetting it is the very first junk food, called Baby milk, the main villain, after vaccination, in child illness--$$$.]

See: Animal Abuse Inc Nina Planck Nutritional Medicine  The Disease Protection Racket Baby milk  Milk Cats  Cetaceans Deer  Horse Badgers Pigs

[2014 July] Badger Cull - TB not Infectious

Stop the British Badger Cull

King Corn (2007) - IMDb

[2011 July] The Truth About Badgers, Farmers, TB And The Government by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc


[2010 Aug] As a vet, I weep for these poor cash cows

PDF:    Powerpoint:

Where does this particularly virulent strain come from? It's not found in the intestinal tracts of cattle raised on their natural diet of grass, hay and other fibrous forage. No, O157 thrives in a new - that is, recent in the history of animal diets - biological niche: the unnaturally acidic stomachs of beef and dairy cattle fed on grain, the typical ration on most industrial farms. It's the infected manure from these grain-fed cattle that contaminates the groundwater and spreads the bacteria to produce, like spinach, growing on neighboring farms.  In 2003, The Journal of Dairy Science noted that up to 80 percent of dairy cattle carry O157. (Fortunately, food safety measures prevent contaminated fecal matter from getting into most of our food most of the time.) Happily, the journal also provided a remedy based on a simple experiment. When cows were switched from a grain diet to hay for only five days, O157 declined 1,000-fold. Factory Farms & E. coli by Nina Planck

Owners put the dairies next to whisky distilleries in order to feed cows a cheap, unhealthy diet of spent mash called distillery slop. They were remarkably efficient. In 1852, three quarters of the milk drunk by the 700,000 residents of New York City came from distillery dairies.   'Slop milk' was so poor it could not even be used to make butter or cheese. Unscrupulous distillery dairy owners sometimes added sugar, starch, or flour to give body to the pale, thin milk. Others thinned it with water to make more money. Conditions were unhygienic. Bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis were common and cow mortality was high. The people milking cows were often dirty or sick. As distillery dairies became common in the early 1800s, many deaths from diseases such as infant diarrhea, scarlet fever, typhoid, undulant fever, and human tuberculosis were caused by contaminated milk. Infant mortality (often due to diarrhea and tuberculosis) rose sharply, accounting for nearly half of all deaths in New York City in 1839. Reformers blamed the slop milk industry and some began to call for pasteurization, which kills pathogens such as tuberculosis that could be carried in contaminated milk. How Raw Milk Got a Bad Rap by Nina Planck

Celebrated author, lecturer and clinic director John McDougall MD presents part of the massive research showing that -- contrary to advertising -- dairy products promote a multitude health problems including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. Milk is unhealthy and causes many diseases


Treating cows as machines