A great deal of careful research into this question, however, has now
convinced me beyond any doubt that the allegation is not merely an exaggeration
but an invention of post-war propaganda.
Weber testified that this was not
quite accurate as the essential extermination story began during the war in the
fall of 1942. The first organization to make the charge seriously was the World
Jewish Congress through its President, Rabbi Stephen Wise. In December of 1942,
the Allied governments (the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and
France), issued a Joint Declaration claiming that the Germans were exterminating
the Jews. Privately, however, the American and British officials responsible for
what was going on with the Jews in Europe urged their superiors not to issue the
declaration on the grounds that there was no evidence that such an extermination
programme was being carried out. This was set out in David Wyman's book The
Abandonment of the Jews.
Weber pointed out that it was clear
from the official history of the World Jewish Congress, Unity in Dispersion,
published in 1948, that the World Jewish Congress was very instrumental in
pressuring the Allied governments to issue the declaration in December of 1942.
It was now known that some of the statements made by Rabbi Stephen Wise about
the alleged extermination were utterly baseless and false. Wise claimed that in
1942 the Germans were turning the Jews into soap bars. No serious historian
believed that anymore. Wise also claimed in November, 1942 at a press conference
in Washington, D.C. that the Germans had stopped gassing the Jews and were
adopting the more economical method of having teams of doctors line up Jews and
inject them with poison in syringes. No serious historian believed that anymore
either. But the World Jewish Congress, throughout the war, was a major vehicle
for putting out these kinds of stories. (23-5758, 5759)
[Mark Weber]
The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Episode 9: Reader's Digest
WMV An article in February 1943 first brought the
holocaust story to mainstream America. The article also mentioned six
million--an uncanny number to throw out since the supposed fact hadn't happened