[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of
Ernst Zündel -- 1988
An Interview With JOSEF GINSBURG by Eric Thomson
[1962] Guilt and Fate by Joseph G. Burg
Scapegoats by Joseph G. Burg
Zionist Nazi Censorship in the Federal Republic of Germany
Joseph G. Burg
National Socialist Crimes of Bad Conscience by Germans Against Germans under
Zionist Direction by Joseph G. Burg
Major Attacks of Zionists against Pope Pius XII by
Joseph G. Burg
German Governments by Joseph G. Burg
“World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine.”---Joseph Burg
"You bring up this recurrent theme of German Nazi-Zionazi collaboration," I said. "This is a fairly new concept to me." "And rightly so," he said, "for that is just the way the Zionazis who control the media want their collaboration to be: secret. Eichmann was one of their weak links. That's why they had to kidnap him from Argentina and murder him in Israel. They locked him in a glass box in the courtroom, supposedly for his protection, but really to keep him from hearing the real questions and giving real answers. Eichmann was a fool. He did not even know that he had a dangerous secret, for he had done nothing wrong. He should have kept his mouth shut and gone into hiding when he heard about the Zionazis' murder of his jewish counterpart, Joel Brandt, in Israel." "So, innocence can be deadly," I said. "Yes," he agreed, "the guilty know why they should cover their tracks and they know how to do it." "So what was Eichmann's role in German Nazi-Zionazi collaboration?" I asked. "He worked with Joel Brandt and others to smuggle jews out of Europe and into Palestine, against the wishes of the British who governed the territory under a mandate." "Would Eichmann have known about the Ha'arev or Transfer Agreement which allowed jews emigrating from Germany to take their wealth with them in the form of German-made goods?" I asked. "Another reason for his judicial murder," said Ginsburg. An Interview With JOSEF GINSBURG by Eric Thomson
"The Gestapo had a department called the Stachel (barb), composed of Jewish agents who spied on fellow Jews who were hoarding and black marketeering. The agent received a reward in the form of a percentage of the value of any contraband he discovered. Wiesenthal was such an agent." An Interview With JOSEF GINSBURG by Eric Thomson
Burg had spoken to hundreds of people who had been in Auschwitz and had visited the camp in the fall of 1945. Burg had wanted to see the crematoria, the hospitals, and in particular, a large new bakery. He also wanted to find the gas chambers although at that time gassings were not yet in fashion. He did not find any gas chambers. Burg formed the opinion that there were no "extermination" camps at all, that gas chambers had never existed and that there had been no plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg also visited Majdanek three times. He did find gas chambers in Majdanek,
but testified that they were disinfection gas chambers for liquidating lice and
fleas: bugs which caused epidemics. The chambers were standard in each camp and
had the German words "Attention! Poisonous Gas!" under a death skull. Zyklon B
was the new formula used to disinfect the clothing. It destroyed the bugs but
not the fabric. (25-6839)
After the war, Burg heard a lot about the allegations
that people were gassed at Auschwitz and Majdanek. He proved that it was either
out of stupidity or propaganda. Up to now, he pointed out, no document had been
found showing who gave the order for gassings, who built them and where they
were built. The German authorities especially had been called the "super-bureaucracism."
It therefore couldn't be that after all these years not a document could be
found. (25 6840)
[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg testified that he spoke to hundreds of people who serviced and operated
the crematoria but the people who operated gas chambers were impossible to find.
Nobody had published anything in which it was claimed that he worked in a
gassing institution for human beings. There was literature about gassing that
was completely contradictory. Why? Because it was all made up. These opinions
were published in his books. (25-6840)
....In every camp there were crematoria. It was a practical issue. People
died. When the Germans occupied the eastern territories, the huge camps were
established and there were larger and more crematoria as the war progressed.
Epidemics broke out causing an increased number of deaths. The question of
crematoria was one of hygiene: the process was more hygienic than burial and
took less space. (26-6897, 6898)
....Like all other activities in the camp, the inmates
looked after the crematoria. It was the most difficult work because of the heat
and the lifting of corpses into the ovens. The inmates worked very often in
three shifts around the clock. (26-6998) These workers did it voluntarily. They
were asked by the Jewish council or the Jewish police. It was important to ask
how the Jewish council or police co-operated with the German SS. (26-6900)
[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of
Ernst Zündel -- 1988
In 1946 Burg attended the Nuremberg trials at times when matters involving Jews were being raised. During one of these attendances he met Ilya Ehrenburg and a Jewish publisher who had been in Auschwitz for several years. Burg asked the publisher whether he had seen any gassing institutions for human beings and he said no. Ehrenburg, who had been the head of propaganda for the Red Army during the war, told Burg he had been to Auschwitz but he too had not seen anything of gassings. Burg had discussed this information with Zündel in general. (25-6857, 6858) Burg could not understand the emphasis on gassings. (26-6904) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg had discovered that the German Zionist leaders requested as early as 1933 that the Jews be required to wear the yellow star. The Zionists saw it not as an insult but as a heroic gesture, just like the SS wore the swastika. In 1938 the director of the Zionist movement in the Third Reich brought about the wearing of the yellow star by the Jews against the wishes of both Goering and Goebbels. (25-6850) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg testified that the emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany who did not go
to Palestine was hindered by the Zionists. The Zionists prevented the Jews from
going to other countries because their interest was in making the Jews go to
Palestine. Furthermore, most countries blocked entrance to Jewish emigration.
......The German Reich wanted to get the Jews out: how
and where were secondary questions. The people under Goering dealing with the
Jewish question picked up a plan which came from the founder of the Zionist
movement, Theodor Herzl, which involved moving the Jews to Uganda or Madagascar.
Both of these colonies belonged to France. The plan did not work out, but the
existence of the plan alone proved logically that a liquidation of the Jews did
not exist. Their labour was needed as well. Burg emphasized there was no
liquidation of the Jews by the Germans. (25-6842, 6843, 6844)
[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of
Ernst Zündel -- 1988
The Transfer (Haavara) Agreement of 1944 was one of the most important incidents in the Holocaust framework. Under this agreement some 2.5 million Jews were to be traded for trucks. The agreement never came to fruition because the Zionists could not take that number of Jews to Palestine. (25-6853, 6854) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg wrote in his books about the co-operation which existed between the
Zionist leadership, including David Ben-Gurion, with the Nazi regime prior to
the war. (26 6877) Several days after Hitler had been named Chancellor, Rabbi
Leo Baeck, a leader of the Zionist organizations in Germany, announced publicly
that the interests of Jewry were identical with the interests of National
Socialism. Burg testified that Baeck meant "Zionism," not "Jewry." The Zionists
at that time in Germany constituted one and a half percent of the Jewish
population. A few days later another Zionist leader made a similar declaration.
The sense of these declarations, testified Burg, was as follows: 'We nationalist
Jews, meaning Zionists, are in agreement with this regime. We are not ashamed of
our nationalist thoughts.' The Germans who had to deal with the Jewish question
co-operated immediately with this minority of Jews in order to prove to the
whole world that they were not anti-Jewish but were co-operating with the Jews.
(26-6878, 6879)
......In the early 1930s, as result of this co-operation between the
Nazis and Zionists, some 120,000 Jews emigrated from Germany to Palestine.
Difficulties began, however, when Britain, which administered Palestine, refused
to issue any more immigration permits because of Arab unrest. (26-6879, 6880)
[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of
Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Zionists in Germany worked at organizing schools for children in the Jewish language, workshops for young people, etc., to help prepare people to emigrate at some point to Palestine. The Zionists were interested only in emigration to Palestine and did everything they could to make sure that outside of Palestine no Jews were admitted. The Nazis were interested in getting the Jews to emigrate wherever they could. Nevertheless, co-operation continued between the Zionists and the Nazis, such people as Adolf Eichmann, Golda Meir and David Ben-Gurion, until 1942 when the Zionist leaders were of the opinion they had reached their goal. Burg stated that even at that point Germany's defeat could be seen and the Zionists became like "rats leaving a sinking ship." (26-6880 to 6884) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg discussed the topic of Nazi and Zionist co-operation often with Zündel.
Burg believed that the Zionists were the guilty party and that the Germans had
been trapped. To brush everything over, the Zionists behaved like the cunning
thief who runs ahead of the police screaming "Stop the thief!" It was Zündel's
duty to fight against it and Burg stated he would help. Why? "Because otherwise
it will never come to a reconciliation of the people. The truth is slowly coming
out, and this is how, provoked by the Zionist leaders, a hatred against the Jews
is growing." (26 6885)
Zündel had told Burg that thanks to
his book Guilt and Fate, published in 1962, Zündel had become what he now was, a
fighter for the truth, a fighter against the false accusations made against his
people. (26-6885)
[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg testified that there was no liquidation in the concentration camps. The healthier people were used for free labour. Burg pointed out that even a golden cage was a limitation of freedom and even a crime, but the invention of gassings came from sick minds. Burg wanted to prove that even at Birkenau, where gassings allegedly occurred, Jewish men and women could get special treatment. An example was Benedikt Kautsky, a Jew who was a spiritual personality in the Socialist-Marxist world movement. Kautsky was in Birkenau during the war doing office work. His mother, aged 79, was also sent to Birkenau. When she became sick she got a separate room and a special diet ordered by the doctor. This was "special treatment," given so the woman's life could be prolonged if not cured. She died when she was 80 years of age. When he was liberated, Dr. Kautsky returned to Vienna, Austria where he continued his scientific work. (26- 6893, 6894) In 1946, immediately after the liberation, Dr. Kautsky was one of the first to publish a book. It had the German title Teufel und Verdammte (Devil and Damned). Burg testified that the book was the truth and had historical value. However, the whole edition was burned. One and a half years later, he published another edition in which he rewrote portions and made changes. But he didn't completely rewrite it. There was no documentation about gas chambers and Kautsky himself admitted he never saw a gas chamber himself. (26-6902) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
In Schuld und Schicksal (Guilt and Fate) Burg dealt with the Warsaw and Lodz
ghettos. When the German troops occupied Warsaw, they wanted to concentrate the
Jewish population. Real ghettos had been there for centuries but the assimilated
or emancipated Jews had lived far way from the ghettos. Now the Germans wanted
to have the Jews all together. In a practical sense, the ghetto was also
organized for the protection of the Jewish population. (26-6885, 6886)
The Zionists were happy with this
arrangement. An appointed Jewish Council was the governing body of the ghetto.
They had their own police, jails and everything else. Naturally, there were some
who were cruel. One of these was the vice president of the police, who was later
executed. In Burg's eyes, this execution was evidence that Jews defended
themselves against the minority of Zionists who were using the majority of Jews
for their own purposes. (26-6886, 6887)
In the Lodz ghetto there was a
Jewish police force, a Jewish bank, Jewish money, a Jewish post office, stamps
only for Jews. There were workshops for Jews. If there was a German plan to
liquidate the Jews, why were there workshops?, asked Burg. Why those expenses?
Why train children for jobs? Thanks to Berlin, Burg testified, the Jews
practiced a small Israel. These things could not be said today, however, because
it was now said that there was a "Holocaust" and the Jews were murdered.
(26-6888, 6889) [Joseph
G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
The German people, not just the Nazis, had been blamed falsely; and not just Germans living in Germany but Germans living throughout the world. Burg had an interest in this because he believed it provoked hatred against Jews. Zionist leaders even today had a interest in the origination of pogroms against the Jews and Burg was testifying to prevent this. (26-6889) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg had frequently discussed the subject of German restitution with Zündel. In Burg's opinion, if the Holocaust hadn't been invented, the Germans wouldn't be paying restitution and, he pointed out, "they are paying." He dealt with the subject in his book Guilt and Fate which Zündel read in the 1960s. (25-6850, 6851) Israel was created in 1948 and in 1951 still had no diplomatic ties with the Federal Republic of Germany. In that year, Israel gave Dr. Nahum Goldmann, a representative of the World Jewish Congress, authority to negotiate with Dr. Adenauer, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, concerning Germany's guilt. Israel, under Ben Gurion, wanted money from the "damned Germans" but didn't want to sit down at a table together with them to negotiate. The negotiations between Goldmann and Adenauer resulted in a recognition by Germany that it had committed a holocaust against the Jews. (26-6904, 6905) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg testified that it was important to distinguish payments to the state of Israel. Israel did not exist during the war. It was Palestine then and belonged to the British administration. During the whole of the Second World War, not one single German soldier was in Palestine. What was there to make good again, to repair?, asked Burg. (26-6905)
Israel submitted a document to Germany stating that of four European Jews, three had been killed and for those dead people Israel demanded restitution. The document did not claim that 6 million died. Neither gassings nor murder were obvious from the document. The word used was "killed." The initial sum of 3.5 million marks had grown and not only today's Germans would pay but also the newborns. The sums were justified by inventions that 40 million Jews were gassed, then 25, then about 6 million, the level at which it had stayed. (26-6907) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg testified that the reason for the continuation of war crimes trials in
both the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States was to prove to
everybody that the Germans, even the ones born in America and Toronto, were to
be blamed for the murdering and gassing of Jews. (26-6907)
.....Israel existed on the basis that a Holocaust happened. The German
people of the Federal Republic paid money honestly earned by work to Israel, a
barrel without a bottom. (26-6916)
[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst
Zündel -- 1988
Burg agreed that Zündel had shown a sincere curiosity about the Jewish question. Zündel was a German and he was defending his country, said Burg. Zündel had told him that he saw it as his life's work to defend his people because they were being defamed. Burg himself believed the German people were being defamed. He had expressed this view in his books "again and again" and suffered personally as a result. Burg was happy that Zündel had learned a little from him, by not talking automatically of "Jews" but instead emphasizing "Zionists." (25-6848 to 6851) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
If the Holocaust story went on the way it was going, said Burg, there would never be a sincere relationship between the Jews and the Germans. The Zionist leaders would see to that. Burg had told Zündel that films such as Holocaust and Shoah were fortifications of a falsification of history, made for the purpose of showing Germans why they had to pay and that the paying would go on for another few generations. (25-6851, 6852) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Burg discussed with Zündel who was responsible for the upset in the world between Germans and Jews. He told Zündel that the First World War had brought the Zionists a homestead in Palestine but not a nation. This was much too little and everything had to be done to create a state of Israel. This was only possible by war activity. A world war had to come about. The Zionists therefore co-operated with what was known as Wall Street. Wall Street brought about the Second World War, just as they had brought about the First World War. Burg noted that the Hitler regime had also been supported because it was supposed to fight the Communists. Like the National Socialists, the Communists did not want to subordinate themselves to Wall Street. The plan of Churchill, together with the Zionists and the Americans of Wall Street, was to ensure that the National Socialists and Communists "knocked each other out." Chaim Weizmann had stated that he was willing to sacrifice German Jewry in the interest of a state of Israel. (26- 6912, 6913, 6915)[Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988
Jew-wise Gentiles know about the "jews' oath" or
Kol Nidre prayer,
which all devout jews say every year to absolve them from telling the truth in
the year to come. But there is a way to make a religious jew tell the truth,
according to Josef Ginsburg, who was himself the son of an orthodox rabbi.
"First, all Christian symbols must be cleared from the room. Then, a Hebrew
bible and a rabbi must be present. The jew must don a skull cap and take a
rabbinical oath which nullifies the Kol Nidre anti-oath oath." After this
procedure, Josef Ginsburg claimed that "99.5% of all the sick holocaust stories
would become truthful silence!" Jews are not otherwise bound to tell the truth,
because their courtroom oath (as well as their pledge of allegiance) is deemed
by them to be of no account, whatsoever! An Interview With JOSEF GINSBURG
by Eric Thomson