Judi Amber Chase

[2003 Interview] Sergeant Richard Valdemar, an L.A. County sheriff who is a ritualistic crime and child trafficking networks specialist.    lot of these kids that are missing are six, five, and three years old...." "These kids are not running away! They are abducted and they are disappearing into a system... and this system eats them up." They are used for sexual abuse... they are killed and we don't hear about it..." What you hear on the news, that no one has been prosecuted for satanic murder, that is not true!!! If you want to look back in history you can look at Boston Strangler, Charlie Manson, Leonard Lake, you can look at the St. John case in San Francisco where there is human sacrifice. It is all documented and Janet Reno prosecuted the people in Dade County

Web: http://www.theportalsmemoirs.com/  http://www.lovestarrecords.com/earthharmonyfoundation/Judi's_Bio/Judi_Bio.html