cowboy » Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:44 pm
I would like feedback for those who see energy around towers.
Before a tower is gifted I see dark to black shape clouds
hanging around the boxes attached to the towers. I've seen
various shape devices and see this dark matter usually on the
outer side of them. Sometimes I see it come and go and what
looks like a thick rod shooting up above the tower. All this
dark matter seems to pulsate and fluctuate but it's constantly
there. Once I gift the tower I have seen from 10 to minutes
later those dark clouds seem to be gone and in there place I see
white energy similar in shape to the previous dark matter.
Sometimes above the tower I see a little pink mixed in the the
new white energy. I'm new to this so I need to know if others
see this to.
Now to take this one step further. I take pictures of the towers
I gift. When looking at the photos I can see the field of energy
similar to what it looks like when I'm looking at the real
thing. The strange thing is that a gifted tower shows white
energy. So I took pictures of un-gifted towers and saw dark
energy in the photo but using the same photo (you probably think
I'm nuts) once I gifted these towers I'd look at the same photo
which I saw dark energy coming from and whala I just see white
energy and every time I look at the photo it shows white energy,
even white energy shooting out the top.
What I plan do is keep a collection of my gifted towers and
check them from time to time to see if any dark energy appears.
And if so I'll see if gifting again will take care of that.
It would be great if someone else who can see this energy could
conduct some experiments and post them.
I thought that checking photos like this would be helpful. And
you can call me nuts that's fine to.
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- Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:47 am
nat » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:34 am
Thank you for sharing. I cannot see the energies to the extent
that you describe, but I find what you said about the photos
fascinating. I wonder if this is the same with photos of people?
Like a person who wears orgonite presently but did not
before...could you look at a past photo of them and see white
(?) energy in their aura? Interesting.
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 7:16 pm
cowboy » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:36 pm
Great questions. I've been doing this all my life and it works
for me. I think it should work for everybody. I wrote how to
train your eye muscles to see this energy on the ethericworrior
site. I learned from others that a photo is a facimally of the
actual image contained within. Voodo doll hmm?
A friend made a living dowsing maps helping oil companies find
deposits underground. maps? He got big bucks doing it.
I took it a step further to reseach photos to see if the energy
would change with the current subject. Sure enough it did. I
suggest testing it out yourself and let me know. Read my article
and see if you find it useful in finding your own way to see
this. I would love some feedback on your observations. Prove me
right or wrong. I don't care. I'm just looking for the truth.
Please let me know what you find out.
If you look there it might help answer your question better. I'm
new to this group. Don has helped me a lot and its an honor to
be here.
Thank you everyone
or Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers [Download
Topic] Author Message cowboy
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Posts: 12

For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
I would like feedback for those who see energy around towers. Before
a tower is gifted I see dark to black shape clouds hanging around
the boxes attached to the towers. I've seen various shape devices
and see this dark matter usually on the outer side of them.
Sometimes I see it come and go and what looks like a thick rod
shooting up above the tower. All this dark matter seems to pulsate
and fluctuate but it's constantly there. Once I gift the tower I
have seen from 10 to minutes later those dark clouds seem to be gone
and in there place I see white energy similar in shape to the
previous dark matter. Sometimes above the tower I see a little pink
mixed in the the new white energy. I'm new to this so I need to know
if others see this to.
Now to take this one step further. I take pictures of the towers I
gift. When looking at the photos I can see the field of energy
similar to what it looks like when I'm looking at the real thing.
The strange thing is that a gifted tower shows white energy. So I
took pictures of un-gifted towers and saw dark energy in the photo
but using the same photo (you probably think I'm nuts) once I gifted
these towers I'd look at the same photo which I saw dark energy
coming from and whala I just see white energy and every time I look
at the photo it shows white energy, even white energy shooting out
the top.
What I plan do is keep a collection of my gifted towers and check
them from time to time to see if any dark energy appears. And if so
I'll see if gifting again will take care of that.
It would be great if someone else who can see this energy could
conduct some experiments and post them.
I thought that checking photos like this would be helpful. And you
can call me nuts that's fine to.
If anyone is interesting in knowing how to develop this vision or
sharpen it up please feel free to PM me and if there is enough
interest I might post a lesson or two.
Joined: March 2009
Posts: 176

Re: For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
Thanks or sharing. I think having a psychic around when gifting
would be a great advantage.
What you said really clicked in with the idea / observations of
black helicopters. I mean how fast can they get into a newly gifted
spot. Or is something being revealed when a target is gifted? Are
they the same 'flying saucers' that Reich was shooting down?
Kong John
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Location: Hong Kong

Re: For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
Wonderful to get this out in the open. For me personally -- I'm
more "body oriented" or kinesthetic in my perception so often I have
felt the tingling of a TB in my palm when I approach an ungifted
tower. I think we all have our different ways or "gifts" of
perception. My teenage son was with me gifting a tower the other
day and he described the energy of the tower like a "brain fog" or
"brain confusion" energy. He is much more in tune than me.
Don mentioned the Hong Kong based movie "PUSH" in a previous posting
and I saw it on the plane recently. There's a lot in the movie but
one of the major things I got from it was how we all have different
gifts of perception. In the end the "psychic warfare Triad fellows"
implode on themsleves...which I feel aligns with my experience of
them. when the whole triad-run NWO silliness does implode, I think
we'll be able to explore more fruitful endeavours, pick wild flowers
in the forest yet at the same time send those suckers a gigantic
orgasmic blast of healing energy if they get out of line. They are
simply fellows in deep need of healing...maybe their hearts haven't
been blasted open wide in deep orgasmic bliss for a long long is really quite silly.
Loved your sharing Cowboy. we all have great courage.
All the best...Hogn kong john
Joined: July 2009
Posts: 12

Re: For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
I got 2 PMs asking for tips on how to see this subtle energy. A and
D thanks for asking. I'm going to start and keep it simple because
actually its something everyone has done as a child. I've never
seen anyone discribe a way of how it can be done. I know most
people can do it because it's just muscle adjustments. Nothing
psychic about that. I know there are many ways to see this and
different types of seeing. To show those of you who would like to
see something I hope this method will help. Let me know if it
doesn't seem to work for you because a little tweak may be all you
need to open that vision for you. Let me know and I can help you
until you have it.
OK let's get started. Short, simple and easy. Some eye muscles are
stronger than others depending on the work you have been doing with
them. Practice shifting between focused vision and wide angle
vision. Shift back and forth many times so you get used to doing
this at will.
Practice this 100 times a day as long as it doesn't hurt and if it
does that's your limit for the day, ad more everyday so you can do
this easily.
Now once you know what I'm talking about and can do this
easily. Pick out a pine tree and wide angle gaze about six inches
from the tips of the branches in daylight. It can be sunny or
cloudy it doesn't matter. I like to do this against a blue
sky. It's easier to see a greyish whitish smokey pulsating misty
something wavering off the branches.
Now for some of you this is easy to see and others you might not get
this at all. Those that don't see anything post or PM me I can help
you tweak your vision. For those you want to move on great. Those
that see this pine tree energy can now see auras around things
because that is what your seeing. The thickest part of the trees
life energy or a form of chi. From here towers are so easy because
their energy is dark and thick.
But I'd like to get you a bit further. it takes a little work and
patience and practice of course.
I forgot to mention before you must be in a relaxed state and be
aware of your breathing. After working out while your body is
relaxing is real good for beginners because thier body, heart and
breathing is calming down.
OK now on a clear day preferably sit or lay down on your back
looking into the sky either straight up or at an angle. Now extend
you hand palm up wide angle your eyes and shift focus to your finger
tips and look for those sparkly things falling down hitting your
fingers. Isn't that amazing? You've seen it before as a child but
either don't remember or thought it some kind of eye thing. No my
friend that's a type of orgone, chi, life force energy of at least
on type that falls only in the day time, never at night. Now I have
a question is this really orgone because chi is around day and night
so I'm not sure it's a type of chi or its something else. Oh well
the purpose here is to show you the type of muscle action you need
to see the energy around towers. If you just get as far as my tree
lesson will be enough to see what type of energy a tower has.
I've taught hundreds of people this procedure and every single on
has been able to at least see the energy around a pine tree. No
pine trees? Well try a palm tree these two types of trees are the
only trees in the world I know of that send out positive chi energy
in this way.
Put your back to either stand there for 10 minutes and this will
charge your body batteries right up.
Let me know how it works for you. I have many other ways to work on
this way to see this energy.
I realize most of you already see this energy. Great!! This lesson
is just for those that doubt or think they don't see it.
I hope this helps some of you.
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Location: New Zealand

Re: For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
Thanks for posting about this Cowboy and for the tips. I've been
practicing with pine trees off and on and I can see what you mean.
It does look like a kind of vapor or mist. Like steam rising. It
comes and goes for me so I'll keep practicing. I haven't managed to
see anything from towers yet tho, but trees are my friends and
towers aren't so maybe that has something to do with it. The sparkly
stuff in the sky I've seen all my life but I only started taking it
seriously about 10 years ago, after reading Trevor Constable and
Reich (previous to that I just thought it was "something in my eyes"
or some other similar rubbish that was fed to me). I just assumed
that it was some kind of energy after that. As time goes on I wonder
if its not more than that. Probably most of it is energy but some
maybe lifeforms (like Constable's critters or 'rods') and some maybe
machines. I say this as some of the flashes are particularly bright
and long lasting, relatively speaking. That's just speculation on my
part, I'm interested to know what your impressions are.
I also would be interested to know if you've herd of any methods
technology wise for accessing 'supersensible vision', or whatever
you want to call it. Really its probably normal vision we just
aren't brought up with it. In particular I'm thinking of coloured
filters. Recently I have started to read the work of Walter J.
Kilner ( where he used
dicyanin screens (dicyanin is a type of dye) to reveal the human
aura. Oscar Bagnall replicated and added to his work in the 1930's.
Now you can buy aura goggles ( to
apparently help you see auras. Have you Cowboy or anyone here at EW
tried using screens? I guess its probably just best to practice with
your body but if something can help why not?
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Location: Walkin' the earth on Turtle Island

Re: For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
For me, it depends on the tower. Sometimes, I see a darkening of
the air around the tower, but sometimes I get a very itchy feeling
inside; & occasionally, I just get reeeeally grumpy. I have no clue
why; I've never tried to find out what reaction goes with what kind
of tower. Hope this helps.
What have you done today to help heal the Sacred Hoop of the world,
of which you, too, are a part?
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Re: For Those Gifted To See The Energy Around Towers
Hi Pahinh,
At least for me, though its hard to see during a bright day, if I
look at the gifted tower I will see a greyish area close to it with
a black or dark grey thin line outside this (what some people refer
to as "guy wires") and a brighter than ambient area outside this. I
take it the dark line is the conversion zone where DOR gets
transmuted back to POR.
Sometimes if you hold your focus and simply rock left and right a
little it helps your brain to eliminate some of the background
interference and doing this, I can usually see (subtle but visible)
whether a tower is gifted or not during a bright day.
It is much easier early in the morning or towards sunset. It is
subtle energy after all.
Ground DOR makes me nauseas if its bad enough or gives me a knot in
my gut and atmospheric DOR kind-of gives me a headache. The energy
coming off a single cell phone tower thats not gifted usually isn't
enough to do this so when I do start to feel like this, its a pretty
big red flag to me to get out of the area and then to figure out
exactly whats causing it and fix it.
And as I'm sure you already know, just as people are all different,
so is how each of we energy sensitives views/feels energy. Just
because I see it as I've described above doesn't mean everyone does
(though from what I gather a lot of us do). I don't see color (a
little around a human aura but its subtle). I did ask the operators
if they could give me the ability (to see color) and got a funny
answer back - in due time. Guess they have more important plans for
me right now (hehe).
The trick is to understand the difference between how a gifted and
non-gifted tower looks to you (or feels if all you can do is feel
energy but can't see it) so you know what to expect and leave it at
Nonetheless, I still think its really cool to be able to look at a
tower and know if its in need of gifting.