Hitachi’s new RFID chips (pictured on right, next to a human hair) are 64
times smaller than their mu-chips (left)

I found this, couldn't believe I ran across documentation on the
subject on accident.
Just goes to back up what members have written in regards to
implants. Truly amazing and creepy technology, especially the fact
they have visual and auditory feedback on top of passive monitoring,
and that was from 2008. What a bunch of scumbags.
On March 18, 2008, the Central Intelligence Agency responded in
writing to a Larson Media Freedom of Information Act request. The
document discloses that the CIA's use of biomedical intellectual
property developed at the Alfred Mann Foundation, Second Sight LLC,
Advanced Bionics, and under Naval Space Warfare (SPAWAR) contract
#N6600106C8005 is "currently and properly classified pursuant to an
executive order in the interest of national security" and applies to
the CIA Director's "statutory obligation to protect from disclosure,
intelligence sources and methods". View CIA Document The technology,
developed under the DARPA programs of Tony Tether, Col. Geoffrey
Ling and N.I.H programs of William Heetderks have been protected as
a Defense "Special Access Program"1 (SAP), which is the official
terminology for a "black project". The research has resulted in
implantable devices that are millimeter and submillimeter in size6
(click to view), can be surreptitiously implanted10, are fabricated
in a manner that the devices cannot be detected or localized by
clinical medical or radiology techniques and provides a shocking
amount of surveillance capability regarding a subjects activities
which may include visual and auditory biofeedback data.
Additionally, the devices are capable of delivering testosterone or
any other biological agent. View testosterone Document
The FCC has provided a bandwidth allocation allowing remote wireless
data communication click to view. Additionally, the devices include
a method for delivery of testosterone3 or any other biological agent
for behavior modification and tactical weapon applicationsclick to
view. The SAP holds "unacknowledged"2 status and statutory
disclosure mandates to Congress were "waived"4. Under the program,
Department of Defense components misappropriated monies that were
allocated by Congress for Childrens Health research, engaged in
unlawful research efforts, and the failure to disclose the SAP
activities to Congress violates U.S. Title 10 (Subtitle A, Part I,
Chapter 2, § 119). In 2006, Russel Tice, a NSA and DIA Agent who
worked within SAP's attempted to disclose to Congressional Members
that NSA Director Michael Hayden was engaging in unconstitutional
and unlawful acts and using SAP to mask illegality. While Tice
couldn't publicly disclose details, media interviews revealed that
his specialty was telemetry and sensors and that his disclosure
would be far more shocking than the NY Times story disclosing that
Bush was circumventing FISA and wiretapping Americans without a
warrant. Larson Media founder Dave Larson became involved in very
early research efforts in March of 1997 when Gerald Loeb of the
Alfred Mann Foundation implanted a quantity of small millimeter
sized biomedical devices in his person for research purposes while
under NIH contract. Some of the devices became infected and were
removed by General Practice Physicians, however many residual
devices remain implanted and have been misused in retaliation and
reprisal for whistleblower efforts. View medical documents
Additionally the Bush Administration has obstructed hundreds of good
faith based efforts to seek appropriate resolution, has derailed
civil motions for injunctive relief and which sought no monetary
damages, has obstructed investigations which were eagerly initiated
by the FBI, has prevented the FBI from submitting recovered devices
to the FBI crime lab, and has continued to engage in acts of torture
Most disturbing is that "The Program" is primarily a domestic
program which has targeted Americans. The WD2XLW FCC license11 which
is being used for wireless data link only permits operation within
U.S. borders, and also provides for an unlimited amount of
intelligence personal to access FCC regulated spectrum anonymously
without having to communicate the call sign. Nobody wants to deny
the Intelligence Community the tools it needs to keep America
secure, however evidence shows that the sources and methods are
primarily a domestic tool and have been routinely deployed against
Americans. Larson Media founder Dave Larson was involved in very
early research efforts at the Mann Foundation as a research subject
and these efforts were classified as a "unacknowledged" Special
Access Program and sought to disclose misappropriation of funding,
unlawful research efforts and abuse of national security to conceal
domestic criminal acts to members of Congress and agency Inspector
Generals. Mike Hayden and SECDEF Donald Rumsfeld asserted that
Congress and the Inspector Generals lacked the necessary security
clearances and began retaliation and abuse to obstruct the
whistleblower efforts. The sources and methods were used in this
manner while Dave Larson was confirmed by California Secretary of
State Deborah Bowen as a candidate for the 2008 Presidential Primary
election and sets a disturbing precedence. The desire to deploy this
technology domestically and protect government actors from criminal
prosecution significantly explains almost all of the controversial
policies regarding rendition, torture, indefinite detention,
circumventing FISA, telecom immunity, "ghost" sites and "ghost"
detainees, failure to provide Congress with DOJ OLC documents, the
destroyed CIA Tapes and refusal for Iraq withdrawl timelines. In
fact, Bush has become dependant on the war on terror because without
the expanded executive authority provided at time of war, the legal
protections evaporate leaving Bush Administration officials in a
legal jackpot. It is clear that Congress has been deceived into
authorizing Bush and CIA Director Hayden into using sources and
methods which remain unknown, against anyone including Americans,
and the identities of ghost detainees and the locations of ghost
sites are also being concealed providing the legal framework for
domestic use against Americans in absolute secrecy.The lack of
oversight by the legislative has caused the technology to be used to
harm Americans rather than protect them, and has resulted in
sensitive information being leaked to literally thousands of
unauthorized individuals. Congress needs to know what has transpired
and the information is not going to come from Dick Cheney's fire
prone office, Bush's "proprietary" format record retention archives,
or Alberto Gonzales. Intelligence Community personnel who have
direct knowledge and have identified problems are bound to
non-disclosure. Additionally, protections for whistleblowers are
clearly deficient, so this information is not likely to come from
any other channel.
Recovered Biomedical Devices
Photos of recovered biomedical devices and comparison to Mann
Foundation patent applications.