Don & Carol Croft
My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
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july 2010
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Posts: 1583
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
I'm sticking this in the 'Orgone Experiences' section, since poison
operates on (deadly) orgone principles, after all. Carol sometimes
gets upset with me for celebrating these little confirmations but I
usually try to convince her that it's just another form of exposure
and we can't have too much exposure of these corporate parasites'
modus operendi. They can do just about anything as long as it
all remains secret but in the long run we're more powerful than
they are and they know it. Our power over them comes from
utterance, in this case. We would be SO screwed (dead), right now,
if it weren't for the internet.
The nights before Carol got home I got what seemed like spider bites
on my left leg, above the ankle. An ordinary spider bite stops
itching when I put a zapper there for a few minutes but after hours
of zapping those three spots kept itching.
I put it out of my mind and the itching subsided on its own in a
couple of days. On the midnight rid home from the airport, after
retrieving Carol and Katya, we all got poisoned with aerosol that
fogged the windshield, briefly. I mentioned this in another
post. Carol and Katya got sore throats that night but I was
pleased not to experience any symptoms. I thought I'd dodged a
bullet, that time, but over the next week my vitality diminished and
I got really constipated.
I'd arranged to get a treatment from Doc Stevo over in Montana at
the end of that week (he's been repairing my poison-damaged heart
for the past year) . He wondered why I was worse off than my
previous visit and I assumed it was from the midnight poisoning. A
few nights later, though, I decided to keep the zapper on one of the
'spider bites' all night and when I woke up there wrere two holes in
my skin where the zapper's electrodes had rested and one of them was
I immediately felt a big boost in vitality after that and probably
annoyed my poor wife with my frenetic busy-ness over the next few
days. I sure got a lot done

and the constipation went away in a couple more days.
She told me there was still a little poison left in my leg and that
I should keep the zapper on the other side of hte leg for a few
days, which I did.
Where the green hole was, the zapper's copper disc was partially
'eaten' and a white crust formed around the eroded spot on the disc.
I assume that crust was the neutralized residue of the
poison. We're completely puzzled by how the feds could have
gotten that into me without leaving a mark, this time. Maybe some
parasitic aliens did it? It seems likely that a capsule of deadly
poison was somehow implanted in my leg and that it was supposed to
slowly leak the stuff into my body, causing a gradually increasing
malaise, perhaps to discredit zappers by making me look really sick
at our public appearances.
The only other time I got a green hole in my skin after a poisoning
event was after I was bitten by a rattlesnake in Devil's Punchbowl
on that fateful day, six years ago. In that case, I'd put the
zapper on my swelling leg, right on the bleeding fang marks and the
swelling and pain disappeared in a few minutes but not long after
that, a green lesion developed. That one was lighter green than
this one.
The only other time that injected poison left a mark was December,
2002, when five or six of us, including DB, were similarly poisoned
one night and our chests marked with what looked like upside down
'7's' --probably done with the poison needle--NSA 's version of a
dirty sanchez?

arm, at the injection point, developed a necrotic but painless spot
that took several months to heal to a flat scar. I was so sick,
that time, that I was bedridden for a day. They evidently filled
our houses with sleeping gas before entering, that night. I
obviously struggled, that time, because there were scratches on my
other arm near the wrist, probably where I was being restrained. The
other features of that poisoning were that for the next three months
my snot (there was a lot of it) smelled like decay and my head
vibrated like a melon when I thumped it. The head thing happened
after a more recent poison episode but Dr STeve's PCA Rx evidently
got the poison out pretty fast, that time, and the symptom stopped
in a few days. YOu can get that from him at .
It's a good thing to keep in any prolific gifter's medicine
cabinet. If you're getting poisoned by these criminals on account
of your good work, congrats! No need for you to expire on account of
For the next couple of years after that, Carol and I, also
apparently a few other 'front row' folks were poisoned with metals
quite often, including beryllium, lithium, calcium, lead and tin.
Fortunately for all of us, Doc von Peters uses a testing method that
detects these things. The man who developed the tests was
railroaded into prison in the 1970s--yet another casualty of the
federal War on Healers, as was our main competitor in the American
zapper trade in 2000. Drs. Clark and Beck were evidently killed
with poison later on.
This is in my 'wait and see' file but the evidence I'm seeing seems
to indicate that a large scale effort is underway to discredit
zappers. They failed to stop us with extortion and disinformation,
after all. Even the simplest zappers cure most natural illnesses
in a short time and this is a very direct threat to the Hitlerian
pharma cartel, hospitals and serial killers (MDs). The explosion of
new chronic sicknesses since the timely demise of the chemtrail
program in 2002 is pretty obviously a result of the corporate world
order trying to regain the momentum toward genocide that was lost to
thousands of orgonite cloudbusters that were home-built in the
previous year in the affected countries.
The newer chronic sufferers seem to have an easier time restoring
their health than the millions of people who were damaged by
chemtrails have had, though some of those are obviously
spontaneously recovering now.
Carol wants me to stress the vital importance of shifting our diets
away from corporate food and toward real food as a matter of
survival. We're certain that all of the corporate foodstuffs are now
poisoned, as are most public water supplies. If someone is too
lazy to gift all the death towers in town he really should at least
gift the water towers because in addition to the poisonous
industrial waste (fluoride) that the corporate nazis are dumping
into the public's water the death panels around the water towers are
literally poisoning the water with deadly orgone radiation. A
couple of your towerbusters will flip these deadly weapons and make
them healing devices, instead, filling the water in that tower with
vital life force and perhaps even neutralizing the toxic industrial
waste (fluoride) in the water. It doesn't get better than this
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1583
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Two years ago, Hong Kong Johnny told me that David W. was promoting
our zappers and a couple months later we were invited to sell them
at the Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona, where we briefly met David and
Carol handed him some of her orgonite. I wrote about all of that at
the time and since but when I first heard about superfood from John
I had a hunch this might be a key to our healing and overcoming the
nearly constant poisoning that Carol and I are subjected to.
I went to Sedona expecting to be confronted with self-righteous food
nazis but was more than pleased not to encounter any of
those--another clear sign of generally rising human awareness, I
think. Back in the 70s, when I experimented a lot with fasting and
vital/raw food regimens, a lot of the really healthy
high-profile people who were advocating it were aggressive and
judgemental. Like with our orgonite work, good diet won't likely
tone down a raging ego and predatory inclination.
Most of the healthy folks we met in Sedona (and at every subsequent
David W. Do in Los Angeles) were also well-developed mentally and
spiritually; a lot of them--especially the under-40 crew--knew about
orgonite and had even flipped some towers. Quite a few recognized
Carol and I from Andy's videos on YouTube, which were only a couple
of weeks old, then.
Since then, we very gradually began subsituting our habitual meals
with more vital ones, mostly raw by now. At each stage we've
experienced increased vitality, fewer sickness symptoms after the
poisonings and quicker recovery from those events. The best part is
that after each recovery our vitality and clarity are better than
they were before the poisoning was done.
There are half a dozen of us in this big unorganized global network
who get this poison treatment and each of us are poisoned
individually, evidently based on whatever genetic weaknesses we
have. Parasites can only exploit weakness, after all. They aim
for my heart, for instance, Carol's adrenal and immune system,
another's endocrine system, etc. They've murdered some of our
beloved pets similarly but haven't touched any of our kids, thank
God. Three of our East African cohorts were murdered last year with
poison and murder attempts were made on two more of them this year,
as you know.
So, if you're getting poisoned by people from your fake government
just remember to wear any zapper constantly for the duration and
dump the corporate food from your diet as much as you can, okay?
Those two things seem to be critical for remaining viable in this
movement under the circumstances. The corporate world order is
VERY heavily vested in stopping anyone from fulfilling his or her
destiny but The OPerators provide the tools for our survival and
prosperity so we'd be foolish not to take our cues from them.
NObody will be happier than I am when the corporate world order has
finished imploding and humanity is then no longer poisoned.
I won't get into diet debates. I doubt it matters if someone eats
meat, for instance, or chooses macrobiotic diet. The bottom line is
the energy of the food. Organic food has a lot more vital energy
than corporate food that looks the same. The genetically modified
food is probably weaponry. Any American can look around and see
the sickest people on the planet coming out of restaurants and
supermarkets. They're dropping like flies: pharmacological murder
on the installment plan as the serial killers methodically
surgically detach them from their real estate, stock/bond assets and
life savings. There's an art to the way these technicians drag the
murders out in order to get the last of the victim's assets.
Corporate vampirism, refined.
I have a harder time walking into a hospital than I would walking
into a Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormonic windowless, populated ritual
chamber. I could pass out Andy's $26 zappers in any hospital and
more or less clear the place out in a few days if 'patients' would
use them and I wasn't disappeared by the serial killers' lackeys
into the 'Justice System.'
Caveat emptor, I suppose, to any gifter who isn't paying close
attention and looking for the root cause of his/her weird illness
instead of running to the serial killers. As Doc STevo says,
though, humans are harder to kill than cockroaches. We're sure that
the corporate world order assumed, years ago when simple orgonite's
capability was revealed to the world, they were going to have an
easy time erasing some of us with their exotic poisons.
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Posts: 1583
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
I swear my life is like a Terry Gilliam film, sometimes

. Maybe these faceless sewer rats can be represented by the 'Mr
Nick' character in DR PARNASSUS or the insatiable, bureaucratic
(corporate) mayor, in BARON MUNCHAUSEN. I really don't hate these
sleepless people who are trying to kill us but I'm glad that their
corrosive power is diminishing in the world. I'm really lucky to be
married to a gal who appreciates the surreal almost as much as I
do. ~Don
Joined: June 2010
Posts: 23

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Poison Story in 3.. 2.. 1..
On Saturday, last weekend, I went to a Restaurant with my parents
whom I was visiting. I had ordered a salad and was enjoying it
until the end when I took a bite and bit on something hard that
broke apart into smaller bits and began dissolving in my mouth. I
spat it out and tried to play it cool in front of my parents (I did
not want them alarmed). After cleaning my mouth with napkins, a
server came over to our table and took my plate without asking if I
was finished. As he left I said thanks to him and he replied "thank
you" back at me in a most cold yet almost sickly aroused candor. Then
my mouth begun to get sore and little spots hear and there begun to
bleed and turn a tender red. I did not swallow anything so I think
that is why it passed after a few hours. There is still a spot in
my mouth that is tender.
This attempt plus the radionic attack today seems to indicated that
I have been noticed. I welcome these confirmations. I am going to
train these sewer rats by over-giftin' each time they do this to me.
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Posts: 1583
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Yikes! Welcome to our world

and congrats on your commitment, Singerman!
When we were in Florida, disabling the HAARPicane infrastructure,
there, Carol had to check the staff each time we went to a
restaurant and, even then, the feds tried to nail us with poison
from time to time. Jeff got pretty good at spotting the poisoned
dishes, too.
Carol used to get routinely poisoned in airports when I wasn't with
I learned about the feds' easy ability to 'become workers behind the
counter' when I was with DB in Los Angeles in 2002 and we were under
large-scale, multi-agency box surveillance one day. That's the
day we figured out that Succor Punches block electronic and (at
least that day) satellite surveillance. I bet all those criminal
agencies regret creating the opportunity for THAT discovery
Carol and I are going to keep wearing our zappers until the
corporate world order finishes imploding.
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Toby, avoiding hate is a survival skill, more than a benchmark of
spiritual development in our case
These wounds are quite distinctive and unique, in my experience as
someone in the healing trade. I'm watching for more reports of this
sort of poisoning. In the chat, today, teh psychics were seeing
poison molecules in theform of nanobots. My impression that it was
a time release capsule was off, but not by far if this is true (I
assume it is, since they have a really good track record and are not
fruitcakes). Two of them, including Gene, might have gotten 'the
treatment' and are in the process of disabling it, if so. If they
also get the green holes in their skin it will be a confirmation.
Francie and Gene might also have been tagged this way--we'll
see. Generally, reader, if you have a but/spider bite that keeps
itching after you've zapped it for a few minutes, consider leaving
the ground electrode on that spot ovrnight, okay? If you gret a
green hole and an etched disc, with perhaps a white crust around the
etching, then you've probably disabled this weapon. Thank God only
a few of us are getting poisoned.
The ground electrode/disc is the one farther from the switch. The
neodimium magnet in that location, inside the zapper, is what we
used to disable the injected implants and if these are, indeed,
nanabots it means they're not shielded from strong magnetism, which
scrambles their electronic component.
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Here is an update to what I labeled as "possible poisoning" but now
would like to re-label as "poisoning":
Zapping the lower legs for several nights produced green sludge and
two times I also noticed a white crust along the edge of the copper
disc (the one further from the switch).
The zapping also produced holes in the skin which are now scars that
are hopefully leaking. They looked much similar to those in the
pictures that Singerman posted in this thread. It appears that the
copper disc has been slightly corroded as well, even though I never
really examined it that much prior to these incidents and thus do
not have much to compare to.
Since a few days ago I'm glad to notice there is no green sludge
anymore. I'll keep zapping daily much like I did prior to these
I've been spraying colloidal silver on the wounds and scars daily.
After Don's suggestion in response to a mail from me, I've also put
bandaid on them and will see if I can find vitamin E oil to put on
as well. (Thanks for those tips, and yes, the word "plaster" is
probably understood as bandaid by most Europeans; actually just put
a small circle above the "a" and you get the exact Swedish word for
I since about two days ago began needing the bathroom every other
hour. I got the hint and started drinking more water to help the
body flush out any residues.
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Posts: 45

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
I've confused 'infinite love' with naivety in the past, now I see
the big difference.
I had a deep pain in my heart chacrka, I still have it, but it
doesn't hurt as it hurt before since I started wearing orgonite as
a pendant and a zapper and the St Buster's button . I'm still
feeling a deep pain in my back and in my body but I think it's a
material consequence of the pain I felt in my heart chackra, the
physical manifesting the etherical. I think the pain and wound in my
heart chackra has manifested physically in my back. Wearing a zapper
behind my back (heart chacra) and behind my neck relieves the pain I
feel. Those are spots people who belive in spirits say the
attachments hang on...
I'm aware I'm being poisoned constantly with bad food and fluoride
water, and there's nothing I can do about it as the only food
supplies I can get in a big city is from supermarkets and the only
source of water comes from the tap (fluoride) or mineral bottled
water that also gets 'enhanced' with fluoride. The corporate
enterprises have been poisoning us for so long chemtrails are just
another distraction. I live in a very poisoned environment . Bad
corporate food, bad vegetables, chemichal poisoning of air and land
and water by industries and so on. In other words, I've been
poisoned all my life. "remedies" cause more harm than the disease
itself, you know.
That disease making politics come back from the black plague and
beyond, there were biological weapons from old history like
the termination of indians, native americans for instance. They
corporate order is getting better at it, disowning people from their
land all over the world, making them living in slums and depending
on their corporate foods.
In other words, poisoning in food and drink is daily routine for me
living in a big city. I'm aware I eat and drink cr@ap.
I've seen so many chemtrails in my area I lost interest in them.
Here's another chem, so what? They may not be so bad as the earlier
chems, but surely they're there to poison the population.
Think about poisoning an already poisoned person by the avaiability
of food and drink and air it has

Avoiding hate is a must, I'm not playing their game.
Wearing a zapper makes a difference. The copper discs on my zappers
are green and filthy, but it shows the're working!
By the way, I'm a fan of Terry Gilliam!
I love Terry Gilliam and Monthy Python because they make fun of
everything, even things that should be considered 'serious'.
I'm not worried if they kill me , I'm not afraid to die.
The only thing I consider serious is we don't need to take tyranny
If this tyranny regime lasts long I don't want to live in this
world. I quit! No, I'm not going to suicide myself or give up, much
on the contrary, gift them! Who has the power, the politicians in
their buildings with obelisks and their cr@ap or the slums they made
for ordinary people?
The poisoning guys are there but we don't have to take them
seriously, as long as you keep you goal in mind and a zapper to
detox your body.
I know some earlier gifters were killed but we're facing different
times. Like Bob Dylan said in his lyrics, the times are changing.
I believe the agency guys who want to kill gifters now are not a
small portion of what it was before. I had heavy attacks over me and
my family when I started gifting.
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Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Time to relate my own poison war wound story...
Week before July 4 - funny rash on my inner arm by the elbow joint
closer to the side the pinky finger is on. Looked kind of like a
daisy that was missing several petals. Rash was flat, not oozing at
all (definitely NOT poison ivy) but itchy like a spider bite. Sound
VERY difficult place to zap as it required immobilizing the arm in a
straight position. When I could, the itch quickly went away but as
soon as I stopped, it came back. Annoying is being kind.
At that point I didn't make any poisoning association. I didn't
know what it was and just went along my business putting an
anti-itch creme on it which was helping. Even Arnica Gel worked
well (probably better than the itch creme). It bothered me the
whole week of July 4 only stopping the itch the Monday after. The
rash is only now (full month later) fading to the point of being
Turns out it was a poisoning. One of the other psychics in chat was
worried about getting lyme - big bulls-eye type bruise on the back
of the leg. So we all poked at it and sure enough, there was a
disc-shaped implant spewing nanobots slowly into the body. We
necessarily toasted it and french-fried the "ants" as another
psychic described them and healed the damage they'd already
done. Seems like these nanobots were attacking the body organs in
the endocrine system. Could just be they're designed to attack the
weakest points in the body which varies from person to person.
Out of the blue my "rash" popped into my head so I felt compelled to
mention it. Sure enough, I had one of the exact same
type of implants spewing nanobots into my system. SOB! We removed
the implant and toasted as many of the "critters" as we could and I
worked on getting the rest out on my own afterward (zapping). After
I knew what it was, during chat, I carefully felt the area and
though I didn't feel a disc under the skin, one area did feel like
there was a bump there but not visible from the surface.
Figured it was a done deal. Yeah, right!
A couple weeks back I noticed a wound on the back of my leg just
below the knee joint in that thick muscle. Tiny scab but it had a
green tinge to it (dark green). Odd! Felt the area and it felt
like a disc-shaped irritation around it - this was after I'd zapped
for the better part of the week, only realizing it wasn't helping at
all. Um? NOT good! Contacted one of the other psychics for a
quick scan and sure enough, another implant. Thats 2 in one
month! This one didn't leave as easily but hopefully by now all the
remaining "ants" are history.
Funny thing. I got so aggravated when I got the word for sure I
decided to pick off that scab to see what was underneath. I
couldn't. Could not get it to budge with a fingernail which is very
odd for a scab. I then took a pair of needle-nose tweezers,
sterilized them and had at it. I had to dig that scab out and it
came out in pieces. Looked like if I'd have made maybe a 1/4" long
scratch on the back of my leg that just scabbed over BUT, I wear
jeans and only put the PJ's on right before bed. If I'd have done
anything to myself in that spot, damn straight I'd have
remembered. Well, what I found once the scab was removed was a deep
puncture type wound below that I did not make. It then started to
bleed profusely. Hmmmm!
Soon as it stopped and scabbed back over and a few hours had passed
to where I felt the scab was strong enough, I put the zapper right
over that spot (the disc closer to the switch - don't ask me
why). After about 5 minutes it started to sting and I just figured
it being tender more current was flowing so I put up with it a
couple minutes figuring it'd cauterize the whole area a bit and
maybe kill-off whatever I was implanted with. When I couldn't
stand it anymore, I removed the zapper and noticed immediately there
was a clear liquid pooling on an area of that disc and wherever it
was touching it turned the copper a dark black color. Hmmmm! I
felt the scab. It wasn't oozing. It was dry as a bone. Even
touching it with a tissue proved this.
So please, pay close attention to ALL wounds on your body regardless
how insignificant. If you swear you didn't go to bed with it but
its there when you wake up in the morning or if you see it during
the day and cannot remember doing anything to yourself that would
explain it, give it all the attention it deserves, especially if you
feel anything strange under the skin.
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Posts: 1776
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Hey Don,
Been meaning to mention this to you for a while just in case you
didn't know.
Ben Franklin got it backwards. Current does not flow from the
positive terminal of a battery to the negative (positive to ground)
as most people would believe. It flows the other way - from ground
(negative) to positive.
If you want a major proof of this, try to find some video of
lightening on the web that was taken with a high frame rate camera
and step through it. To your surprise what you're going to find is
(Earth - negative or ground, clouds positively charged), the
lightening bolts that are between the clouds and ground originate on
the ground and head UP to the clouds. The speed is so instantaneous
people just mistakenly assume lightening starts in the clouds and
then "hits Earth". Nope? Old "mama" opens up a can of whoopass and
zaps the clouds when the voltage differential is sufficiently high
to exceed the breakover ionization voltage the air between the cloud
and the ground has (wink). Moist air reduces the required voltage
substantially but its still in the many millions of volts. This
effect is very similar to an air gap like with a tesla coil. As
soon as the static potential (voltage) exceeds that which is
necessary to ionize all the air between the two electrodes -
zap! You do the same thing on a dry winter day after walking across
a nice (plastic - most manmade fibers are) carpet, building up a
huge charge on your body where that doorknob reaches out and shakes
your hand and blows the hair right out of your eyebrows (wink). In
this situation, current flows from the doorknob to your hand because
you are the "cloud that's positively charged" and the doorknob is
sitting at or very close to ground potential.
I still can't understand why the poison would accumulate on the
ground disc unless its an effect similar to electroplating. With
this, metal is removed from the positive electrode (referred to as
an anode) and transported by current flow (which would actually be
motion opposing current flow given what I said above) and deposited
on the negative/ground electrode (referred to as a cathode).
Plating operations are always DC current driven which is exactly
how the zapper operates - current flows only one direction. Its
pulsed but its offset DC which is still a DC unidirectional current
flow where the pulse frequency is simply there to help break through
the bodies skin resistance which can be modeled like a capacitor -
the higher the frequency, the lower the resistance.
See this (its short) and see if this makes sense to you that
this is what's going on.
In this regard, with current flowing through the poison implant,
I'd consider the implant the "anode" where the poison is extracted,
oxidized, dragged through the "electrolyte" (bodily fluids) and
deposited on the ground disc.
This is the only thing I can come up with to explain what
happened. The green color could legitimately be copper that was
removed from the positive disc, travelled through the bodies
electrolytes through the implant (where the PH was such that it got
oxidized - green is one of two forms of copper oxide) where it is
ultimately deposited on the ground disc, possibly exacerbated by the
PH of the tissue in that region caused by the poison. Perhaps the
white crusty shit is really the neutralized, crystallized poison and
the green copper oxide just "came along for the ride".
Yeah, engineers are weird. When things bug us we keep thinking
about them in the backs of our minds till something makes sense to
us (wink).
Hope you got your deadlines taken care of in time.
Take care,
Thx, Engineer Gene--I'm posting this in the War Wound thread, since
it's good, rational information. Do you reckon that alkaloid
poisons collect toward one electrode and acidic poisons toward the
The hole in my skin where the positive electrode was is four times
the size of the hole where the green color collected, by the
way--what's that about? Please post your comments in the thread,
okay? There's so much silly, confusing (hyptnotizing?)
pesudoscience hor$e$#!+ about simple electromedicine produced and
disseminated from Beck and Clark that I don't miss a chance like
this to inject a little rationality into public discussions.
I've heard from a couple other front row gifters who recently got
tagged, this way, so it looks like a trend, hopefully a tentative
one for the vermin and public discussion might be enough to
discourage these agency freaks to abandon it. I think we similarly
boogered their use of long distance rifles for shooting implants
into us, six years ago. Those might have been silent rail guns and
several of us, including Carol, got stung with them and pulled
plastic, cone-shaped projectiles out of their skin. I think those
were the directional component, like feathers on an arrow. It's
easy to disable their little implants with magnets, of course. This
must really frustrate them
I'm tracking two or three possible nanotech weapons deployed among
the populace. One of them is in North Texas and seems to be mistaken
for scabies or 'new' fleas. I think Agent Carnicom was using a
similar deployment to sell the Morgellons chemtrail myth, which
seems to have pretty much disappeared by now. That one, widespread
for awhile in Experimental California, resembled hookworm, which
is a tropical ailment, not native to that state. California's role
(especially LA area) as test bed for bioweaponry is well
documented. Los Angeles is the only place in the world I've been
where stupidity and self-involvement seem to be contagious. It must
be easiest for the vermin to experiment on those folks.
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Posts: 1776
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
I started out (March, 1996) making zappers with the circuit that
Cliff Harrelson developed in the 1970s (and Hulda Clark plagiarized
in the 1990s) which produces 32,000 cycles per second. Having
become acquainted with Cliff, who introduced the circuit and
frequency and having made zappers with that frequency for three
years, I switched to 15 cycles per second on James Hughes'
recommendation in 1999 and customers started reporting marginally
better results. James Hughes, who was my etheric mentor and healer
at the time, had suggested that the Schmuman resonance was
progressing toward 15Hz and was then at around 12.5. He actually
advised me that 15 would feel challenging to people who experience
resistance to new energy but I used 15, anyway--it panned out and we
still mainly sell our creations by referral, anyway.
Most of the folks who were flocking to James for healing work were
mind-numbed Theosophy drones. Resistance to new energy is endemic
with these poor, self-aggrandizing fools. I participated in a
couple of his weekend workshops during that time and when he
emphasized to us the importance of commitment I got a kick out of
the way these newagers squirmed, almost violently, in their seats
as though struck with a cattle prod. I think a few of them managed
to finally get a clue from their association with this wonderful
man. I still marvel at his patience with these legend in their own
I soon got some backlash from people who insist that the Schuman
resonance, which is the frequency of a radio signal bounced between
the ground and the upper limit of the atmosphere (?), never changes
and of course I can't back up James' claim, though I personally
accept it. A reason I question that objection is that when the sun
started rising and setting in 'unusual' positions, seven years ago
(confirmed by people around the world for me in email when they took
note with compasses of the sunrises, compared to published tables)
the corporate agencies, including the US Navy, who published the
tables evidently started editing them according to the shifting
rotational axis of the planet. The increasingly erratic moon orbits
were more noticeable in the year before the axis started
shifting. Now the moon seems to have settled back into a
predictable orbit. I think the north axis is still moving toward
Siberia, though. Back, then, the only other public comments about
the shifting pole were on a CIA disinformation site, .
See how it works? I think the only other site besides ours that
discusses the obvious dominance of China in the political and
economic realms is Fulford's.
The huge frequency table that Clark plagiarized from Dr Rife
certainly becsame obsolete, probably sometime in the 1980s, we
assume due to rising resonant frequencies across the board and I've
always assumed this relates to an increasing Schuman resonance.
James mentioned that 15Hz will be reached in 2012.
Most of what I personally believe can't/won't be backed up or
proven but I don't care, much, since I find it productive. I came to
a lot of it by simply looking at circumstantial evidence. The
conspiracy info is all documented by others, of course. The PJ
folks, who remain the vast majority of our species, just don't care

so why would anyone try to prove anything to them? Only die-hard
nonconspiracy theorists actually deny the role of conspiracy in
human history. I think they're clinically neurotic in the face of
all this factual information. It's sort of like battlefield
intel. Proving anything to Pajama People is probably a waste of
time, like wrestling with a pig in the mud. The reports on this
forum stand on their own in terms of attracting more and more of the
self-motivated and accountable people in the world to this
environmntal healing effort.
I endured a failed campaign to promote 32kHz among gifters in 2002
(the frequency of a marijuana high--makes dogs bark and babies cry)
as a substitute for the Succor Punch circuit's frequency. Nobody
has explored whether another freq besices approximately 15Hz works
with a Succor Punch to block electronic surveillance and sometimes
video surveillance. Someone will hopefully explore that in the
future. I'm still betting on Manfred's science forum to expand more
into reearch after the vermin stop slamming him incessantly.
Carol and I started playing around with Tesla coils after she
noticed that the blue energy field produced by the coil is
stronger, cleaner and denser than any other source's that we'd
found. DB later (2004) showed us can punch some high-freq, high
voltage, low amperage current thru the skin to fry implants. It was
fun to play around with that, back when we were still concerned
about implants.
Gene, after your comment that high frequencies pass current thru the
skin more efficiently than low frquencies do that is s till an open
question for me, based on my experience, which had led me to assume
the opposite. I"m happy to change my mind if there's more evidence
on your side. It's probably not hard to make that distinction.
The 'open' part is also whether high voltage, low amps (like
with the Tesla coil) plays a part instead of or in addition to
high frequency alone. Zappers are very low amperage. The current
of a zapper on the skin is 5 thousandths of an amp; it's five
millionths of an amp by the time it gets thru the skin. Someone
will determine whether a freq. in a feelgood range, like our
zapper's, overcomes the possibly slight advantage of a very high
frequency. It's not like arguing about the relative merits of
religions, after all. The feel-good response, I assume, is a
marginal one, too. Carol and I have aimed to produce a lot of
marginal effects with the subtle energy components of our zappers
with the intention that they'll add up to s9omething much more than
marginal and this seems to be the case, especially with her latest
component, which is kind of an etheric butt-kicker, so not
marketable to people who have energy-resistance issues.
It's funny how most of the successful inventors avoid giving credit
for achievements to others. In my case, the Terminator (world's
best selling zapper) and the T-Rx are made up of components created
and/or suggested by many other folks: Clifford Harrelson (circuit)
, James Hughes (addition of purple and red crystals in the circuit),
Karl Welz (orgonite), Grady Smith (mobius coil), Ceco (a secret
ingredient for the orgonite plug) and, not least: Carol Croft
(making the circuit crystals amethyst and garnet for the full
spectrum effect, prescribing a gem combination for the orgonite
block and the creation of the complex gem/coil device for the
T-Rx). The only things I did on my own were to glue the electrodes
to the box and add a neodimium magnet.
I made my first zappers in 1996 according to the instructions
provided by Hulda Clark in her books.
One reason I celebrate the expanding success of the AFricans is
that there are no metaphysical or burdensome 'spiritual' (read:
dogmatic) components to their success: they're businessmen, first,
and environmental healers, second. Because they love the healing
aspect, they're not ripping anyone off or engaging in
self-aggrandizement so of course they'll continue expanding their
businesses, as so many of us are doing. Mrs Odondi has informed
me that the women have a better feel for the orgonite than the men
do, by the way. See why I want more gals (including my wife) to
post on EW?
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1776
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Folks, if you're corresponding with Gene, send him some
encouragement, okay? ~D
Hey Don,
All I can say is I'll try.
You and I both know that people have been programmed from birth
to believe those with famous names who are just pushing buttons
behind the curtain (wink). I hate to say it but most of current day
science is totally bullshit.
I'll have to dig a little further into how electroplating works
to see if the PH of the electrolyte changes the direction of the
particle flow. I'll also have to look into the conditions that need
to be in place to create green copper oxide which I think is what
that green stuff is - probably what colored the scab or wound
greenish also. At this point I'm not 100% sure if it simply
happened at the ground disc or if it was more of a true
electroplating action coming through the skin and bodily fluids from
the positive disc. It may depend on the PH as you're thinking of the
bodily fluids in that area and perhaps even the PH of the poison.
Whatever the mechanism, you and I both know its going to be
simple. Everything in this world is simple. Current day science
paints a very different picture, sigh.
Take care,
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1776
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
A woman in Canada also got dosed with this stuff, evidently. She's
been gifting but I suspect she's been a target for a long time on
account of other positive personal commitments. She'll be getting
some coaching from Dooney and I invited her to post, here (we need
more WOMEN contributors!)
I won't post her email because it's got a lot of personal stuff but
I'll post my response to her note. Lots and lots of 'role models'
are being hammered mercilessly by the CIA, NSA, MI5/6 and the
Mossadomites, these days. The ones who are not particularly street
smart risk dying. I think that aggressive activity is getting more
frantic as the agencies' masters continue to lose ground to
humanity's accelerating maturation process. I absolutely don't
want to see any of us coming to harm on account of these parasites,
though, so I'm glad this woman connected with Dooney so she can get
more proficient at turning the tables on her assailants. When the
old world order is finally discarded I don't think any of us will
miss this struggle. Victory is fun but living without tyranny and
poisonings is surely more fun.
Here's what I wrote and the main reason I'm posting it is so that
our readers who are similarly harassed by these parasites can take
heart and know that they're not crazy and that they're not alone any
Good to hear from you, ***** and I"m glad you're okay. Everything
you've said seems to me to be in line with what happens when we
undergo an initiation into a finer level of awareness and commitment
and none it looks strange or inappropriate to me. In fact, a lot of
our readers have been through this and appreciate knowing they're
not crazy
200 TBs tossed is more than some of the EW contributors have
done. That's not a small effort at all. Do you want to post your
reports, there?
The T-Rx surely is a butt-kicker, which is why we don't offer it to
people who haven't gotten prepared for it--in their cases it would
only cause a little discomfort and anxiety and they'd likely just
stop using it. It's harmless, after all. When we're willing to
break through our energy/information blocks, though, it's a helpful
Thx for telling me about the green wound. I wonder why the
shitbirds are bothering you so much. If you get into a chatroom
with ***** we could probably get some good intel by hunting for your
attackers. Dooney will probably offer some insight about that, too,
in your coaching session. We'll see her later today and I'll
ask. They're 3 hours from us, so we visit back and forth fairly
These felons murdered several of our African cohorts last year and
almost murdered two more, early this year (all with poison) but in
the West nobody's been directly harmed, in spite of many murder
attempts on some of us.
It looks like you're in a similar position to mine in re: psychic
stuff. I've never understood some folk's compulsion to 'become
psychic,' since the psychics I know are all more susceptible to
remote attacks and ambient nasty energy than someone is who is not
particularly gifted, that way. I prefer my life to theirs

but I cherish the occasional psi experiences as confirmations of the
importance of the broader realms. Anyway, I"m pretty sure that when
we die we're all very psychic and can astral travel--assuming we
don't get stuck due to our own idiocy, of course.
The beauty of sharing our experiences online is that EW, at least,
has a reputation for candid sharing of personal impressions without
the risk of obnoxious sycophants and agency operatives turning
someone into a guru or pariah. It's hard work to keep those elements
out of a forum and once in awhile one of them will sneak past our
discernment. Fortunately, I'm not the only one, there, who objects
to the presence of that poisonous influence.
I'm a believer in God but most folks in hte West are not, or their
beliefs are so distorted that they're more of a handicap. I also
believe that God directly guides us when we pray for help, assuming
we'll then pay attention to our intuitive process, as you're
doing. The Operators is a nice term to use, I think, since it's
obvious enough to anyone who's paying attention that we're being
intentionally guided and protected from the finer realms. Maybe
those protectors/teachers are easier to directly relate to than God
is when someone has been poisoned by clergy or theosophy against the
notion of an independent, unfathomable Creator. Carol feels certain
that in coming years we'll all start seeing many of the Operators.
Many of us have had glimpses--their gift to us.
You can ask Dooney (Doc STevo's mate) to send you some PCA Rx. I
think it's $140 per bottle. We only use it after we've been
poisoned, so a bottle lasts a long time. I don't know what your
financial situation is but Dr von Peters works thru the mail and has
a hair testing method that finds the most exotic poison metals in
the body. It's a grand or so for a round of treatment but one
treatment gets it all out and unless someone is pretty damaged, one
round will get him/her out of danger completely. We think the green
poison stuff may involve nanotech, which is probably still
experimental. Some of their poisons/weapons need to be delivered up
close and personal, evidently. Meanwhile, the disinformants want
everyone to only look at those harmless seeded clouds that the
chemtrail jets make.
I hope this helps.
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 36

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Related to what you mentioned in the previous post Don, I recently
underwent a bizarre and desperate attempt to harass me at work.
I shared some empowering information about the ineffectiveness of
flu vaccines and a co-worker took it upon himself to attempt a
personal assault on me via email.
By not backing down, his disingenuous initial premise was thoroughly
exposed and like most wanna-be sociopaths he quickly descended to
the real agenda of personal attack. Once exposed his rage came
pouring out.
This co-worker let his rage show in way that was risking his job and
the overall point of contention was quite petty. He was baiting me
to cross the line and risk my job as well.
I was wondering, why this subject and why now? Then I read your
post and it seems to make sense. Great headway is being made at
work with folks getting healed, feeling better, and I have a
crap-load of orgonite around the place. Folks are buying zappers,
asking about zappers, buying other empowering supplements, and
generally opening up to challenging information.
I plan to drop 50 more TBs around the building soon. Was all very
My intuition is also leading me to think that a secondary purpose
for allowing the attack was to get me off my arse and seriously
start the business I have been planning for over 17 years! Yeah, I
guess it is Everything is in place but I have been
dragging my feet for one reason or another. At second thought,
maybe that was the primary purpose...
This event reminded me of how much I want to break free from working
in a human filing cabinet (office buildings).
Your post was timely and encouraging.
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 58
Location: NJ

Re: My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
Just when you thought it was safe...
Emailed Don and after reading my recount, he asked me to post it
here so here goes.
I got in the car on Friday, October 8, to leave for my weekend
away. Stopped at the gas station and filled up. As I was driving
to the highway I noticed something was itching me on my inner right
arm. Hmmmm! Looked like 2 marks not too far away - like a
snakebite but tiny. The area was starting to swell up and had a
funny DOR'y kind of yellowish color to it. Just peachy!
I took a shower before I left and I guarantee it was not there
before I left the house nor did I encounter any bugs.
I immediately put the T-Rx on it and held it there the whole
trip. I got kind-of a green poison war wound - smaller hole that
had a green tinge to it where the bites were where I put the disc
farther from the switch and a bigger hole under the other
disc. This surprised me because I did not feel any stinging at all
and about half way into the trip I moved the zapper and was shocked
what I saw. I kept it going though just moved the disc near the
switch somewhere else.
The neat thing was that though this "bite" was starting to swell up,
2 or 3 minutes of zapping with the disc farther from the switch over
it had ALL the inflammation gone though over about a 5 minute
timeframe it started to come back which was when I decided this
needs a serious zapping treatment.
Aside from the holes, by the time I pulled into the hotel in VA, 7
hours later (worst traffic I've ever seen on I95) the issue was a
done deal. There was some white crusty stuff on the disc over the
"bite" but maybe because I didn't let it run overnight (which seemed
unnecessary), it didn't seem to pit the disc any.
I also found a new "wound" on my left shoulder today (Monday,
October 11) and in trying to pick at it (had my suspicions and
needed to confirm them), it had that same tough, gristle like feel
to it the others had where there were implants. I actually think
the implants secrete something to cause the tissue around them to
turn into almost concrete so you can't get them out though after
killing one with a magnet the tissue seems to return back to normal
in short order - day or two). I also found it interesting that when
I held a magnet on it, after a couple minutes, my whole left side
started to tickle and feel good - almost like where they hit me was
a nerve that stimulated that side down to my left hip where killing
the implant with the magnet had the area quickly returning to
This crap is getting old really quickly.
The only thing we can hope is now that things are starting to
crumble for them even more quickly, they're getting spread thinner
and thinner to where they're becoming very ineffective. At some
point they're all going to go away and this world will be a really
nice place to live. This is definitely going to be sooner than
later but it can't come fast enough for me.
Oh yeah, one more thing I want to reiterate. Hate has no place in
this for we "good guys". If you choose to hate them for what
they're doing, not only does it give them power over you, it makes
you no better than them. Being aggravated is something completely
else and is a normal human emotion which is not negative because it
always forces you to act and so long as you take action to effect
positive change, you're doing the right thing and are in the clear.
As one of those life lessons from the Old Farmer I posted in another
topic a while back said, love your enemies because it really screws
with their heads (wink). Or as I like to say, love them to death!
If you love them strongly enough and they choose not to step into
the light and perish because of it, you're off the hook because they
made the choice to remain in the dark (that free will/free choice
universal law we all have to live by). You simply gave them the
opportunity to switch sides for the better and they blew it.
No matter how tempting it might be NEVER cross over the line. Be
miffed, agitated, upset but choose to love your enemies, NEVER hate