Posts: 10
MessageID: 137667
06/11/2007 17:08:22 »
Vitamin C will cure infections such as polio,
discovered in 1947 by Dr Klenner MD, also
meningitis, hepatitis and measles among others.
It will also prevent cot-death, discovered
around 1968 by Dr Kalokerinos MD, and reverse
heart disease, known for decades
Bored chemist
Hero Member
Posts: 941
MessageID: 137687
06/11/2007 19:09:53 »
I'm interested to know that cot deaths stopped
in the sixties in your universe. In my world,
they still happen. We also had to rely on
vaccinations to get rid of polio from most of
the world. I'd really like to move to a world
where you can cure heart disease with lemmon
juice; what planet are you on?
Hi friends,
we seem to have too many ascorbic fantasies
around this forum...
Welcome to this crazy club, whale.
First rule here (may be the only one...  )
in this wonderful website should really be:
give some citation or reference for any
point you make in your topic.
A proper respectful discussion will follow.
BTW I just crossed "whale" and "vitamin C"
on Google and found your citation right
It's a revision of an ancient paper (From
The Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume
6, 1953, pp. 274-278) referring to a
We may give it a try in this new century for
a change! As my website friends already
know, I am a 'panacea' seeker, but on the
cod liver oil side!
« Last Edit: 06/11/2007 21:41:36 by iko
Posts: 10
MessageID: 137709
06/11/2007 21:40:21 »
I'm interested to know that cot deaths
stopped in the sixties in your universe. In
my world, they still happen. We also had to
rely on vaccinations to get rid of polio
from most of the world. I'd really like to
move to a world where you can cure heart
disease with lemmon juice; what planet are
you on?
I didn't say they used it, I said it was
discovered by Dr Kalokerinos c. 1968, and backed
up by nutritional scientists, Pauling & Stone,
but ignored due to medical politics.
"Amazingly, vitamin C has actually already been
documented in the medical literature to have
readily and consistently cured both acute polio
and acute hepatitis, two viral diseases still
considered by modern medicine to be incurable."
- Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
"Cot-death is no longer a problem of clinical
medicine, but is one of medical politics. We
have long had the knowledge and experience as to
how these unnecessary deaths can be avoided. In
the meantime.. to prevent your offspring from
becoming a SIDS statistic just make sure that
its daily intake of ascorbate from conception on
is sufficient. Under this regime the neonate is
so robust and healthy that there has never been
a case of SIDS among these ascorbate corrected
infants, not even a case of respiratory distress
during birth."---Irwin Stone, Ph.D.(1981) in
"Every Second Child" by Dr Kalokerinos (1974).
You are on planet Allopathy where vaccination
works, in reality it never saved a single life
and killed millions eg smallpox vax was causing
the death of 25,000 infants in 1880 at the
height of comp vax, in 1921 it was 6,000
And if you investigated polio instead of
spouting allopathic propaganda you would know
polio vaccination was dangerous and ineffective.
"Provocation polio. That is the truth about
those outbreaks of polio. And I offer a well
considered personal opinion that polio is a man
made disease."—Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.
http://www.geocities.com/harpub/ and medical
Oh, lemon juice. Linus Pauling used vitamin C
at about 40 grams a day.
they also suppressed Vitamin E for the heart
If you prefer allopathic heart surgery then go
ahead but not on my taxes, also cayenne pepper
would work better but no money in that is
there. And you wont find any references for
that just clinical practice by herbalists, but
you can read Dick Quinn who saved himself with
it after his bypass surgery failed to.
Surgery is hardly a therapy but is also their
best one for cancer.
« Last Edit: 06/11/2007 21:57:52 by whale
This doesn't sound the right approach to a
We may be allopathic dudes, certainly not so
much antipathetic.

« Last Edit: 06/11/2007 21:54:10 by iko
Posts: 10
MessageID: 137711
06/11/2007 22:00:47 »
This doesn't sound the right approach to a
proper...discussion.We may be allopathic
dudes, certainly not so much antipathetic.

Then tell your friend Bored Chemist to be a bit
more polite in future. I may be trigger happy
regarding pharma trolls, I have to say.
« Last Edit: 06/11/2007 22:02:44 by whale
Hero Member
Posts: 3989
United Kingdom
Tattoo Alps
MessageID: 137742
07/11/2007 07:52:12 »
again you make bold statements, are you a doctor
or researcher?
Posts: 10
MessageID: 137746
07/11/2007 11:07:40 »
whale, again you make bold statements, are
you a doctor or researcher?
I wouldn't say so, more a truth investigator.
Started with spiritual, moved onto medicine 12
years ago.
Hero Member
Posts: 571
United Kingdom
MessageID: 137750
07/11/2007 13:26:06 »
You are on planet Allopathy where
vaccination works, in reality it never saved
a single life and killed millions eg
smallpox vax was causing the death of 25,000
infants in 1880 at the height of comp vax,
in 1921 it was 6,000 infants.
Pardon? Last time I heard, small pox had been
eliminated and therefore was no longer killing
people. Are you saying that (1) small pox didn't
kill people in the first place, (2) that it is
still killing people or (3) that it was
spontaneously wiped out by some simultaneous
change conicident with the introduction of
vaccination but unrelated?
Please explain, ideally citing your sources.
Posts: 10
MessageID: 137764
07/11/2007 16:20:44 »
Are you saying that (1) small pox didn't kill
people in the first place, (2) that it is still
killing people or (3) that it was spontaneously
wiped out by some simultaneous change conicident
with the introduction of vaccination but
unrelated? Please explain, ideally citing your
Smallpox vax never saved a single life, huge
epidemics followed compulsory vaccination which
was why they repealed that law and probably why
we don't have that here now.
So whatever got rid of smallpox it certainly
wasn't vaccination--that just prolonged the
agony. Sanitation was the main factor,
overcrowding, poor diet, poverty etc.
Alfred Wallace proved that with government
statistics, also over 90% of smallpox victims
had been vaccinated. His book is here:
"Whether we examine the long-continued records
of London mortality, or those of modern
registration for England, Scotland, and Ireland;
whether we consider the "control experiment" or
crucial test afforded by unvaccinated Leicester,
or the still more rigid test in the other
direction, of the absolutely revaccinated Army
and Navy, the conclusion is in every case the
same: that vaccination is a gigantic delusion;
that it has never saved a single life; but that
it has been the cause of so much disease, so
many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly
needless and altogether undeserved suffering,
that it will be classed by the coming generation
among the greatest errors of an ignorant and
prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the
foulest blot on the generally beneficent course
of legislation during our century."--Wallace
Secondly, Leicester proved by itself the fallacy
of vaccination, over its 30 year experiment of
not vaccinating--eg it lost 2,000 less infants
under 5 in its non-vaccinating years.
"The town of Leicester rejected vaccination in
favour of sanitation. Her experience during the
past fifty years makes nonsense of the claims of
the pro-vaccinists. When her population was
thoroughly vaccinated she suffered severely from
smallpox. As vaccination declined to one per
cent of the infants born, smallpox disappeared
altogether."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The
Truth About Vaccination and Immunization
It was all well documented by its Chief
Sanitation officer, JT Biggs in his 1912 book,
see quotes whale.to/a/biggsext.html
As for smallpox, it was considered a slight
disease in 17 century under the care of Thomas
Sydenham who only lost 2% of his cases.
Likewise a similar case mortality was found
under naturopaths and homeopaths (0%), while
under Allopathy it was 18%, rising to 26% when
vaccination rates were highest.
In times when poverty was rife.
"Compare these well vaccinated countries with
Australia, the least vaccinated country in the
world. In 134 years, not one-fifth of the
children born have been vaccinated. Yet only
three Australian children under five have died
of that disease. In the last 50 years, no child
under five has died of smallpox, and in the
whole of her history, less than one person per
annum has died of it, although allowing five
years protective period, only 2 per cent, of her
population have ever been "protected." [1936
Pamphlet] The Case AGAINST Vaccination By M.
Skipping from vitamin C to dreadful vaccinations
in a few posts is not exactly fair...
Karen W.
Too Much Free Time Level Member
Posts: 22077
come fly with me!
MessageID: 137780
07/11/2007 17:58:00 »
Perhaps whale could start separate topics and
keep the original one in tact!
One for vitamin C and one for vaccinations!
« Last Edit: 07/11/2007 20:38:29 by Karen
W. »
Bored chemist
Hero Member
Posts: 941
MessageID: 137801
07/11/2007 19:32:14 »
Perhaps he should look up some stuff about
polio, for example- like many diseases- it is
often "cured" by the body's immune system. I
grant that a lack of vitamin C might hamper that
system; so might a lack of salt or food.
As for "Oh, lemon juice. Linus Pauling used
vitamin C at about 40 grams a day."
So did his wife; she died; of cancer.
Posts: 10
MessageID: 137809
07/11/2007 20:19:30 »
Perhaps he should look up some stuff about
polio, for example- like many diseases- it is
often "cured" by the body's immune system. I
grant that a lack of vitamin C might hamper that
system; so might a lack of salt or food.
As for "Oh, lemon juice. Linus Pauling used
vitamin C at about 40 grams a day." So did his
wife; she died; of cancer.
He died at 92 which is a pretty good age isn't
it. I wouldn't take it like that myself, it
probably did his kidneys in, think it was kidney
cancer. Natural is the way.
But prevention is not the real story, apart from
preventing cot-death--that is curing infections,
& reversing heart disease.
This is the story that is criminal:
"74% of Americans are below daily RDA
requirements for magnesium, 55% for iron, 68%
calcium, 40% vitamin C, 33% B12, 80% B6, 33% B3,
35% B2, 45% B1, 50% vitamin A.
From 25-50% of hospital patients suffer
from protein calorie malnutrition. Pure
malnutrition (cachexia) is responsible for at
least 22% and up to 67% of all cancer deaths. Up
to 80% of all cancer patients have reduced
levels of serum albumin, which is a leading
indicator of protein and calorie malnutrition.
At least 20% of Americans are clinically
malnourished, with 70% being sub-clinically
malnourished, and the remaining "chosen few" 10%
in good optimal health."—Patrick Quillin, Ph.D.
And what do they get in hospital? Crap
overcooked (ie no vitamins) food. Puddings,
although it has to be said many are put out of
Karen W.
Too Much Free Time Level Member
Posts: 22077
come fly with me!
MessageID: 137811
07/11/2007 20:37:32 »
Perhaps he should look up some stuff
about polio, for example- like many
diseases- it is often "cured" by the body's
immune system. I grant that a lack of
vitamin C might hamper that system; so might
a lack of salt or food.
As for "Oh, lemon juice. Linus Pauling used
vitamin C at about 40 grams a day." So did
his wife; she died; of cancer.
He died at 92 which is a pretty good age
isn't it. I wouldn't take it like that
myself, it probably did his kidneys in,
think it was kidney cancer. Natural is the
But prevention is not the real story, apart
from preventing cot-death--that is curing
infections, & reversing heart disease.
This is the story that is criminal:
"74% of Americans are below daily RDA
requirements for magnesium, 55% for iron,
68% calcium, 40% vitamin C, 33% B12, 80% B6,
33% B3, 35% B2, 45% B1, 50% vitamin A.
From 25-50% of hospital patients suffer
from protein calorie malnutrition. Pure
malnutrition (cachexia) is responsible for
at least 22% and up to 67% of all cancer
deaths. Up to 80% of all cancer patients
have reduced levels of serum albumin, which
is a leading indicator of protein and
calorie malnutrition. At least 20% of
Americans are clinically malnourished, with
70% being sub-clinically malnourished, and
the remaining "chosen few" 10% in good
optimal health."—Patrick Quillin, Ph.D.
And what do they get in hospital? Crap
overcooked (ie no vitamins) food. Puddings,
although it has to be said many are put out
of reach.
Whale, just to let you know I have not been
following your thread just read it today, and
have not formed opinions either way on either
subject, but what I posted was a mere serious
suggestion that you start a second topic if you
would like. My comment has nothing to do with
your information pro's con's or validity in
subjects, just suggesting a separation of
it is
easier for search engines as far as topic titles
go, and they should be in the form of a
You may get more responses and feedback that
way....and Pertaining to the other Vaccinations
as there will be pros and cons to both subjects
and they are both different enough to separate
the two.
Thanks Whale
« Last Edit: 07/11/2007 20:45:34 by Karen
W. »
Bored chemist
Hero Member
Posts: 941
MessageID: 137972
08/11/2007 21:19:45 »
“As for “Oh, lemon juice. Linus Pauling used
vitamin C at about 40 grams a day.” So did his
wife; she died; of cancer.
He died at 92 which is a pretty good age isn’t
She didn’t; which isn’t.
I believe that one of his long term co workers
also died of cancer notwithstanding taking lots
of vitamin C.
The idea that “vitamin C cures cancer” isn’t
tennable because it has been shown to fail in
these two cases.
It’s possible that it may help against some
cancers (though I’d like to see good evidence or
a plausible mechanism before I go along with
It’s well enough doccumented that a poor diet is
associated with a raised risk of cancer. It’s
fair to assume that many poor diets will be
marginal, or defficient in terms of vitamon C.
That means there will be a correlation between
poor vitamin C levels and an increased risk of
cancer. It doesn’t mean there’s any curative or
preventatice effect.
By far the biggest problem with the idea that
Vit C cures stuff is that, if it were true, only
primates would get infected. Alsmost every other
animal there is can make plenty of vit C.
« Last Edit: Today at 06:52:10 by
Bored chemist »
Posts: 8
United States
MessageID: 138141
Today at 18:25:23 »
“As for “Oh, lemon juice. Linus Pauling
used vitamin C at about 40 grams a day.” So
did his wife; she died; of cancer.
He died at 92 which is a pretty good age
isn’t it.”
She didn’t; which isn’t.
She died at 78, which I think is fairly
respectable. It's definitely above the average
for the 1980's. Anyway, the point is the
treatment of cancer with vitamin C. It has
potentials - there are many papers out there
that show vitamin C may have beneficial effects
against cancer... but not all cancers and not
all treatments with vitamin C. You can't just
lump cancer together into one great disease -
every cancer is different, and treated in
different ways. Thus its logical to believe that
vitamin C only works on certain types of cancer.
The idea that “vitamin C cures cancer” isn’t
tennable because it has been shown to fail
in these two cases.
The idea that vitamin C doesn't cure cancer is
too much of a blanket statement for 2 cases. If
vitamin C did everything, then we would be set -
all diseases would be cured and we would live
forever. But it doesn't do everything... it only
does some things, and without knowing what
specific effects it has on the body, we'll never
know its potential.
Right now it has the potential for killing
certain types of cancer cells. If that works in
the body is yet to be seen.
It’s possible that it may help against some
cancers (though I’d like to see good
evidence or a plausible mechanism before I
go along with this).
High-dose vitamin C IV delivered can cause an
increase in hydrogen peroxide levels near the
cancer cell. Strangely enough, this does not
occur inside the blood stream, but in the
sub-endothelial space -- the extracellular fluid
between the blood vessel wall and the cell in
question. Also, interestingly, this does not
occur in normal tissues, or at least not to a
degree that would cause you harm. In other
words, it seems to be a local burst of oxidation
near the cancer cell that eventually causes it
to die. Why it happens is a question for future
research, but the phenomenon has been recorded.
I could go into more detail, or you can just
read about it here:
It’s well enough doccumented that a poor
diet is associated with a raised risk of
cancer. It’s fair to assume that many poor
diets will be marginal, or defficient in
terms of vitamon C. That means there will be
a correlation between poor vitamin C levels
and an increased risk of cancer. It doesn’t
mean there’s any curative or preventatice
Certainly. But I think we are speaking of a
therapy, not curing a deficiency.
By far the biggest problem with the idea
that Vit C cures stuff is that, if it were
true, only primates would get infected.
Alsmost every other animal there is can make
plenty of vit C.
I do not agree. 'Plenty' is dependent on your
definition of the word.
Most animals synthesize vitamin C, but the
vitamin C levels in synthesizing animals (when
not provided vitamin C in the diet) is pretty
low. They don't get scurvy... that's about all
we can say. The amount of vitamin C they have is
lower than the maximum their tissues can hold.
So saying that 'animals make vitamin C, so
vitamin C can't do anything because animals
still get sick' is not logical. If you provide
animals with vitamin C in the diet, they do
better than those who don't get vitamin C.
This whole matter eventually comes down to doses
of vitamin C. If you eat (or synthesize) enough
vitamin C to just prevent scurvy, how healthy
will you be? If you take more, to saturate your
tissues, will that prevent some diseases? If you
take even more than that, will other things
start happening? We only have some of the
answers to those questions.
Just as a side-note, other animals do not
synthesize vitamin C besides primates. The only
thing that unifies these animals is that they
eat a lot of vitamin C in their diet normally.
Posts: 10
MessageID: 138145
Today at 19:16:31 »
Some vitamin C quotes. It is telling that you
only ever hear about its use for the cold which
an elimination disease, so is never going to
cure that, or as a failed cure for cancer. If a
cure was the only yardstick how come we use
chemotherapy and radiation?
It is well known that cancer patients are
malnourished yet they wont even give them
nutrients to address that, purely because they
don't want to use their lucrative market in
pharma drugs that just very profitably palliate
instead of cure. As rath points out
Not forgetting at least 3.4 million children
(27% of children in Britain, 41% of children in
London) in the UK are blighted by destitution
(in poverty), their parents too poor to feed,
clothe or shelter them properly. You can imagine
their nutritional status, and where do they get
any vitamin C, aslo their parents? You have to
"In one case where complete remission was
achieved in myelogenous leukemia…the patient
took 24-42 gms vitamin c per day…it is
inconcievable that no-one appears to have
followed this up….without the scurvy, leukemia
may be a relatively benign, non fatal condition.
I wrote a paper..in an attempt to have the
therapy clinically tested..I sent it to 3 cancer
journals and 3 blood journals..it was refused by
all….Two without even reading it."---Irwin
Stone, Ph.D.
"I became interested in vitamin C and cancer in
1971 and began working with Ewan Cameron, M.B.,
Ch.B., chief surgeon at Vale of Leven Hospital
in Scotland. Cameron gave 10 grams of vitamin C
a day to patients with untreatable, terminal
cancer. These patients were then compared by
Cameron and me to patients with the same kind of
cancer at the same terminal stage who were being
treated in the same hospital but by other
doctors--doctors who didn't give vitamin C, but
instead just gave conventional treatments.
Cameron's terminal cancer patients lived far
longer compared to the ones who didn't get 10
grams a day of vitamin C. The other patients
lived an average of six months after they were
pronounced terminal, while Cameron's patients
lived an average of about six years. "--Linus
Pauling Interview by Peter Chowka 1996
"Vitamin C extends the lives of cancer patients,
confirmed by Drs Murata & Fukumi Morishige in
1981. In their study, patients who received 5-30
grams daily as their only therapy lived an
average of 6.2 times as long as those on 4 gms
or less. Those suffering from cancer of the
uterus who took vitamin C lived an average of
15.4 times as long than those receiving little
or no vitamin C supplementation."---Passwater.
"Two alleged trials took place under the
direction of Dr. Charles Moertel at the Mayo
Clinic. However as one might expect from a
proven swindler operating at such a dishonoured
location, these bore little resemblence to
scientific methodology. Moertel cooked the
first trial…by packing the trial with patients
whose immune systems had already been destroyed
by toxic chemotherapy. He then rigged the second
trial by treating the patients with ascorbate
for only two and a half months and then
continuing with the "trial" for another 2 years.
He then issued a perjured press statement in
which he announced that vitamin C therapy had
been proven ineffective, carefully concealing
the fact that he had almost certainly caused the
death of several patients by reason of this
iniquitous fraud. The resulting carefully
devised publicity on the subject also caused the
deaths of several other patients who had been
happily surviving on ascorbate."---Dr Richards &
Frank Hourigan.