Ad Hominem
[The REAL Neo-Nazis are the Zionists
who created
Hitler (Funding of Hitler/Nazis)
and the Nazi party, also Lenin, Stalin and Mao, and
[2009 July] Judaic Front Group Secretly Promotes
Example of Zionist use of 'Neo-Nazi':
Trisha Spinelli

Persecution of revisionists
Faurisson, Professor Robert
Sen. John McCain, the leading supporter of the Zionist war agenda in the
U.S. Congress, talks to Arseniy Yatsenyuk (left), the new provisional prime
minister, who happens to be Jewish, and Oleh Tyahnybok (center) of the
"neo-Nazi" Svoboda party, in the Ukraine in December 2013. Isn't it odd
that a Ukrainian Jew and a neo-Nazi should be working so closely together? -
See more at:

Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine
Sen. John McCain, the leading supporter of the Zionist war agenda in the
U.S. Congress, talks to Arseniy Yatsenyuk (left), the new provisional prime
minister, who happens to be Jewish, and Oleh Tyahnybok (center) of the
"neo-Nazi" Svoboda party, in the Ukraine in December 2013. Isn't it odd
that a Ukrainian Jew and a neo-Nazi should be working so closely together? -
See more at: