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1.Steve is dead. From: matyas@aracnet.com
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1.Steve is dead.
Posted by: "matyas@aracnet.com" matyas@aracnet.com alliseleven
Fri Oct 8, 2010 8:59 pm (PDT)
I was working with Steve Smith towards a free energy project when he
was psychically attacked about a week ago.
All the projects we could have done, and all the knowledge there was
left to be discovered, is all I can think of as loss. He was a hell of
an engineer, and only wanted the world to have free energy.
The world should know.
When Carol and I met with Steve and his wife in Portland, some time ago, he proposed this arrangement to us and said that if we would donate $1100 a month he'd have a free energy engine within a year.
Since we didn't really know him, yet, and since the feds are still murdering free-energy-device inventors from time to time as a form of extortion, we were hesitant to finance that. If we'd gotten to know him better we'd have done so but he was extremely cautious and secretive. I posted about our meeting but that report might not have survived a subsequent hacker assault on EW and its server in Chile.
It may be that if Steve had been less cautious about having a public profile and had decided to network a little more extensively it would have been harder for the psi corps to get to him but some of us have gotten the impression that a few things will put the corporate world order right over the edge in terms of prudence and free energy tech is one of them. They're still probably unable to grasp the significance of orgonite in their current, accelerating demise and they won't draw attention to what we're all doing by murdering any of us who are networking, so have had to content themselves with killing a few of us who they'd been able to isolate efficiently, first. The $#!+birds will do whatever they can to get us to isolate ourselves from other regular folks. If you don't believe that, just take a peek at human history, specifically 'hero worship.'
I had the impression that Steve was not aware that many inventors had already succeeded in producing free energy engines. It may be that his desire for payback (the NSA, in particular, had really sabotaged his life and attempted to kill him many times, before) caused him to take this risk. Usually, the corporate/police $#!+birds use more subtle ways to murder free energy device inventors/promoters so an outright physical assault, which is what they also did in Portland to Steve's friend, Phil Schneider in 1996, indicates some unreasoned desperation.
I'm posting this so that the murder will be more widely known among people who hold ourselves accountable for improving the world, which is to say exposing and discarding this ancient tyranny.
Searle in UK, who has had an operating magnet engine since the 1950s, is still active and probably selling those devices quietly, as my friend, Wilhelm Muller had been doing before he was murdered in February, 2004. Some other successful inventors are also probably selling their devices under the table. I remember that Muller felt fine about having an almost non-existent public profile. The inventors who pretend to be the 'only ones' to develop free energy tech are probably the easiest marks for the sewer rat agencies. Muller told me he knew five just in British Columbia, alone. One of them, Hutchinson, is still selling his small, crystal perpetual batteries if I'm not mistaken. Searle's a good networker, as is 'Joe Blow' in Australia, who is another surviving free energy tech inventor.
Steve told me not to share the following about him but, since he was evidently murdered, Carol and I agree that it's appropriate and helpful to tell it:
Steve was a rare individual on par with Don Bradley in terms of psi ability and former involvement with the corporate world order's more secret tentacles. His childhood memories had a gap from around age four to seven. When he was four (1953 or so) he was lured into a dark sedan by a guy in a suit, then his next memory was age seven, when he was in a room with several other terrified young children. He remembers the gate of a crematory opening up and some men (NSA, he discovered, later) threw one of the children, screaming, into the oven, shut the door and turned on the flames.
Steve's turn was next and after the flames ignited he found himself some distance away from the facility, outside, but with burnt feet. When we met him he was obviously in pain when walking--said it never entirely healed. He guesses that he somehow had the ability to displace himself, instantly.
He said that gifted children are used by the NSA (US National Security Agency--the top of the espionage/mind-control dung heap in America) in science research and a lot of this is psychic. He was an extremely talented psychic and had a natural understanding of science and engineering subjects of interest to the $#!+birds, who weaponize everything they can,to be used against and/or to control humanity.
By age seven or so, Steve told us, many children are no longer conrollable enough to be used this way, so are killed. Terrifying these children, including throwing them, alive, into crematories, fuels the corporate world order's pccult, parasitic engine. Ted Gunderson got hard evidence from the FBI, in the early 1980s (back when there were still people in the FBI who had consciences) that a million children per year disappeared unaccountably in the US. Before the CIA was created in 1947 the number was probably in the hundreds. The CIA does the bulk of it but the NSA are more refined in their terrorism.
He gathered that the NSA kept using him after the incident with the crematory but either his memory is spotty about the following years or he wasn't talking about it. He did share with Carol and I that another murder attempt, during his teen years, also failed. He told us that he had been strapped in a chair and forced to watch images of violent murders for many hours, then he was tossed from the roof of a tall building. He was not injured in the fall. I wonder if the feds were still trying to figure out how he survived the crematory.
Steve and his wife, who was quite protective of him and also a world-class psychic, told us that they'd killed hundreds of American, Russian, Japanese and probably other psychic predators who were stationed close to them in order to cause their demise. They obviously took a huge risk meeting us but seemed assured, by the end of the evening, that at least we weren't sent to harm them. DB had the same concern when we first met in 2002--very courageous fellow.
The corporate world order aren't concerned about national boundaries, so why should we be?
They also told us that the new death towers are partly used as psychic amplifiers by these agencies, though of course they have a lot of other uses. A few of them even have cell repeaters on them for phones

We're going to boost Steve in the chatroom to help him move along to the next world if he wants to and we'll also send some healing energy to his wife. If some NSA targets show up we'll deal with them in a heartfelt way, too, but we actually quit hunting for corporate predators after some of the psychics started seeing Mary Magdalene's energy signature in the sessions, last year.
If Peking decides to allow free energy tech onto the market it will be all over for the European-based vestiges of the ancient world order, of course. Most of this tech is quite affordable and some is quite simple, I think you'll find. Searle's is the only one I know about that's complex and costly to build, though some credible people are saying that one of Searle's engines can be used as a space craft, if one adds an airtight compartment, and can go really fast

The two links that Matt posted on that forum are Steve's sites. The reason Steve first contacted me was that someone had sent me the site links and I posted them. The sudden increase in site traffic got Steve's attentoin and he saw that the visitors were coming from EW, so he emailed me and I asked to meet with him. This is very good material and I hope someone will save it in case the NSA hackes it all to death, shortly. If someone will do that, please send a copy to me and I'll ask Alejandro to make it available on EW as a free PDF, okay?