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The Hoffman Wire
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

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Michael A. Hoffman II: Editor. RevisionistHistory.org


The Vatican's Secret Shame:

John XXIII and Pope Paul VI's covert agreement to be silent on that
other holocaust - The Communist Holocaust

Giacomo Galeazzi reviews for "La Stampa" the new biography of Paul VI
written by Andrea Tornielli, and mentions that what many considered a
conspiracy theory was true: there was indeed a secret agreement, led by
Cardinal Tisserand, between the Soviet Union and the papacy (under John
XXIII) in 1962 - an agreement which Paul VI ("Montini") also respected.
As Galeazzi reports:

"In a note of November 15, 1965, in fact, Montini explicitly mentions
among 'the commitments of the Council' also that of 'not mentioning
Communism (1962)."

The indication of the date at the end of the sentence written by Paul VI
refers to the secret agreement, related by Tisserand, between Rome and
Moscow. And this would explain why the Second Vatican Council, which
dealt with all sorts of issues, relevant and irrelevant alike, ignored
the most challenging menace of its time: Communism.

Thanks to Rorate Caeli blog for this data.

The "La Stampa" report (in Italian) is here:


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