"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."---Assange
He doesn't feel good, just the sort of slimeball you would
expect to be in the basement at Langley. Lets hope they shoot themselves
in the foot. If it wasn't CIA/Mossad approved he wouldn't last 5 minutes from
Murder Inc.]
[2011 vid] Pilger upset at suggestion Assange works for Israel, and dodges 911 question Pilger
[2016 dec vid] 5 Reasons Julian Assange Interview with John Pilger is FAKE? Pilger
[vid 2016] Exposed: Wikileaks Is A Zionist Cover-Up Operation
Press TV: Exclusive: Assange-Mossad ties unveiled
[2012 Aug] Assange “Witch Hunt” Dupes Activists, US Extradition Claims Bogus Why would someone who released all of his material sifted and, according to Zbigniew Brzezinski, actually written by AIPAC and the Mossad, then again by the New York Times, be an enemy of the NWO? Assange may be running the whole thing, after all, he is a 9/11 holocaust denialist, advocates the persecution of the Palestinian people openly, advocates war on Iran openly, is silent on drug running in Afghanistan and, though he has leaked material, follows Pentagon policy as though he were drawing a pay check....Wikileaks to intelligence professionals is very simple. It is an Israeli “cover and deception” program, run by them, financed by huge money, backed by Rupert Murdoch, the ADL, AIPAC and continually advocating right wing causes in the US, pushing for world war and covering for serious war crimes while reporting only select minor ones....As for Assange, he is the “mini-me” of Netanyahu, a Romney supporter, Islamophobic, right wing, anti-Palestinian, pro-war and 9/11 holocaust denialist....When the US wants someone, they use rendition, a claimed right, and can get anyone they want, anywhere. If all the intelligence services in the world want Assange dead, why is he the safest man on earth?.....When the US wants someone, they use rendition, a claimed right, and can get anyone they want, anywhere. If all the intelligence services in the world want Assange dead, why is he the safest man on earth?
Wikileaks Exposed! WikiLeaks Syria file dump benefits CIA/NATO
[2011 Sept] Wikileaks - Elite Pretext for Internet Control
[2011 Jan] Julian Assange's Deal With the Devil By ISRAEL SHAMIR
[2010 Dec] ADL: Wikileaks Vital to Israel's Intelligence Program
Wikileaks -- a Big Dangerous US Government Con JobWikiweasel II-The alternative media crushes Wikileaks
[2010 Oct] Wikileaks Scam: A Mossad PsyOps Aimed at Iran? by Gordon Duff
[2010 Oct] An Open Letter to Potential Whistleblowers: Wikileaks May be a State Department “Honeypot”- You Have Other Options by SCOTT CREIGHTON I am stating unequivocally that Wikileaks itself is a construct of the State Department and the CIA, from the beginning, for the sole purpose of luring potential whistle blowers into exposing themselves and their material prior to releasing such information and harming the Global Free Market Wars agenda.
It has emerged recently that Assange is in the UK since October which means
that all those three successive and massive US documents "leaks" have been
orchestrated by him from his secret residence in the UK.
So why is this done from the UK. The answer is because that is where he is the
closest from his masters, the super powerful dynastic Rothschild banking and
zionist family.
And now here comes the proof that this is indeed the case:
Assange's lawyer is the prominent Mark Stephens whose law firm Finers Stephens
Innocent is legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust which is concerned
with the "maintenance, improvement and payment of certain of the outgoings in
respect of Waddesdon Manor (Rothschild's most prestigious property in the UK) in
the Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire."
The Wadesdon Trust's board of trustees is chaired by the Queen''s former Private
Secretary Lord Fellowes and has three Rothschild family members as trustees,
Lord (Jacob) Rothschild, Lady Rothschild (his wife) and Beth Matilda Rothschild.
It is domiciled 14 St James's Place in London which is also the London address
of Lord Jacob Rothschild and his high profile wealth management business St.
James's Place Group (formerly J. Rothschild Assurance Group).
Besides that, and as a side note, Mark Stephens law firm Finers Stephens
Innocent appears to have a strong focus in providing tax avoidance advisory
services to mega-rich customers (see Michael Lewis and Simon Malkiel
particularly) such as, I suspect, Sir Philip Green who advises the government on
how to recover the mega money his and his peers avoid to pay in taxes thanks to
the services of Finers Stephens Innocent's lawyers by squeezing public services,
In summary Assange's lawyer is a high profile establishment lawyer whose law
firm works for the Rothschilds.
It seems to me that this is proof enough that Assange is a Rothschild puppet and
that Wikileaks is a Rothschild operation.
Do you agree?