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Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
About 5 years i began gifting. i bought my first cB from Andy and
starting learning and reading and i was slow initially to pick up on
how things worked.
i spoke to Andy and he gave me some guidance on how to make the CB's
had put up in Metro Atlanta (outside perimeter) work. i did not know
that Don and Carol had already done
some gifting inside the perimeter.
but the where i lived and worked outside the perimeter, the smog and
the chemtrails were coloring everything even as i drove home in the
evening i could see it in the air at ground level.
so i had Andy build about 6 -8 cb's and i put them outside atlanta
that was the beginning of my gifting experiences. Since then i have
put out 100's of tb's and have recently gifted a ugb, since i
initiated my plans to do that with earth pipes, (thanks to dooney we
found the underground energy)
very strange attacks have been occurring.
actually prior to that, since 2007 i have been attacked. i first
started by gifting my school, when i gifted the school inside i
found my students and employees were much happier and
less restless etc. but the attacks continued.
as i told Don recently, the truth really is. I have never been more
attacked since I started this work.
My school has been attacked. I have been written (with lies and
slander and defamation) about and disparaged personally all over the
internet, have had multiple lawsuits filed...and had basically my
life threatened.
That’s what started me listening to what Don said to me long ago
about energy work and maybe I should learn about what i think i know
by working with Dooney, So since then I have worked with Dooney,
especially recently.
I have been a prolific gifter since 2007/2008 and much of the
atlanta area is still in need of a lot of gifting. As a result...i
guess I was retaliated against.
Last week I told dooney about someone who was trying to reach me in
my office and according to her it wasn’t even a human
being...probably a reptile or drac as you say.
But she said it was good that they have not been able to get to me.
(by the way a recent former "friend" of mine born again chump style
Pastor Don says, says that what i'm doing orgonite and candles etc.
is kin to idolatry and voodoo, well I won't be talking to him
There have been times when energetically I thought I was just
getting beat up and kicked until I learned how to fight back with
Dooney's help and lots of grounding and boosting.
Things are a lot calmer over all...but I need some mega boosting to
recover my business which is a technology and occupational school,
so we can recover financially from these attacks, lawsuits, audits,
internet gossip, etc. anything they could throw at me they have
i am still fighting an unlawful, unexplained eviction effort, ( we
have another hearing in a month or so) though all rents are paid
up...and there is no specific complaint about our tenancy..go
figure....they just suddenly (hmmmmmm) don't really like me and my
i am still fighting false charges in a lawsuit that is currently
under appeal. ( which knew about dodecs and boosting last year this
time when the trial happened, the jury would have been much fairer

i did gift the place...i knew to do that much.
still fighting some ex employees who want to be paid for their time
at home when they were never authorized to work at home...:) go
still fighting recovering financially from a "consultant" last year
(who later threatened me) that gave us very bad advice. i later
found that he had agents behind him and was being manipulated and as
a result of them sending, Dooney and i found the ugb and gifted it.
They didn't want that to happen:)
we have averted most of the attacks but it seems every week or so
something new is going on and i have asked Don and Dooney and Stevo
and Carol indirectly to help..that is why i am posting. as much i
can think of right now.
We need Mega Boosting focuse on my school.
Seems like we are about to get over this hump but each time it
has...another distracting energetic attack occurs.
there is much more. i will also tell about the witches and the 2
(that we know of ) voo doo attacks on me.
it' s like i am alone out here fight all of this and half the time
don't know what i'm fighting.... i need the teams help! i need some
group mega boosting and hope i can get some support.
this is only a fraction of the things that i am able to share
without making this too long. but the attacks have continued and we
continue to gifit and dodec and cv etc. each time. i am learning how
to fight back from Dooney and Don. i suggested to
Don, maybe there is a little extra special attention being paid
because i am black american? The history of who how black americans
have been treated hasn't been pleasant and i'm sure that once you
were owned and controlled by such powers and entities they
especially don't want you getting
liberated of course.

they are used to this Don, can tell you of some agents and what they
said to some blacks in Atlanta years ago when he tried to get them
into gifting.
i don't know but whatever it is i really could use everyone's help
in getting to the bottom of these attacks and then able to move
i will write more. hope this is enough to share to give everyone
some idea of what i 've been going through.
thanks to Don and Carol and Stevo and Dooney for all they do and
share to empower and teach us and help us continue to take territory
for good life and healing and the health of humanity!
Last edited by
Klaus on 12 Apr 2012 08:33; edited 1 time in total
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 2359
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Klaus, thanks a lot for agreeing to outline your history of gifting
in Atlanta and the subsequent oppression. I have a sense that this
effort to expose the tactics that are being used to destroy your
livlihood and reputation will be effective at undermining the
corporate order's agenda against you.
I'm going to write to all of our East African wadugu to boost your
situation, since Dooney reckons there's more raw power, there, than
she'd ever seen from a group

and most of them are quite psychic, too, so it will be interesting
to see what new intel they might uncover. They do it in a party
atmosphere, too, which no doubt adds to the power.
'Wadugu' means 'kinsmen' in Swahii. I like that better than the
word, 'family,' because our corporate-sponsored enemies like to say
that everyone who makes orgonite is in the same 'family.' They may
think be trying to emulate the Manson Family. A couple of them who
use the word more than most tried to murder Ben Morton in 2004. My
use of 'wadugu' isn't the same as Africans,' of course. It has more
of a tribal connotation to most Africans but I'm on safe ground,
since no two of us on this planet are more than 52d cousins, after
all. Even my CIA-directed/instructed detractors are my distant
I hope all of our readers will also send you heartfelt energy
because this is a lot more powerful than any of the subterfuge and
spiritual poison (including filthy ritual magic) that is at the
corporate order's disposal. I boost you each time I think of you,
these days. Dooney and Stevo are visiting us this weekend and
we're spending some effort on it, too.
Whenever a Black American demonstrates independent initiative he/she
will attract the baleful attention of the FBI. I learned this in
Atlanta, as Klaus mentioned. About a year before we went to Atlanta
Kanya Vashon McGhee interviewed Carol and I on Blake Radio Network
of Harlem and it was this international broadcast, by the way, that
inspired the first Black African, our own Dr Paul Batiibwe in
Uganda, to construct an orgonite cloudbuster. During the
interview, Kanya jokingly said, 'Why don't you come to Atlanta and
clean up the city?' I instantly said, 'Okay,' and he kindly
offered the use of his garage to make orgonite, then brought a dozen
or so friends and acquaintances to learn to make it.
Several of them committed to doing this work with us and we built up
quite an arsenal of towerbusters in those weeks. On the eve of the
appointed day when we were all to meet and arrange the campaign, the
FBI went to each person and threatened them in various ways. Kanya
was told that if he allowed us back on his property 'something bad
was going to happen to his (elderly) aunt.' The FBI even visited
business owners in the vicinity and threatened them not to work with
I later found out that this is also how the FBI deals with Native
Americans who exercise their birthrights (the Bill of Rights). You
might recall that it was the FBI who oversaw the slaughter of the
Waco families and an FBI sniper murdered Randy Weaver's wife,
etc. This unconstitutional organization is no better than the SS
and it never was.
Carol and I flipped all the towers around the perimeter of the city
and within it, also a whole bunch of them out along the highways
leading into the city. We also did a lot of institutional gifting,
including a dozen or so TBs around the Center for Disease Control,
which we knew was mostly underground but in those days earthpipes
hadn't been invented, yet. We distributed 200 TBs in the two
downtown districts and Sylphs showed up overhead that day.
Klaus has committed to a much bigger job that includes the vast
network of underground facilities and a vast suburbia where a lot of
the filthier corporate facilities are. Our aim was mainly to get rid
of the smog in the city, which we did. We really did enjoy our time
with Kanya and friends, though.
In Klaus' case this is probably much more than personal, since
education is also the issue and his school has made it possible for
a very large number of people who had no other prospects to now make
a comfortable living.
You might be aware of the draconian oppression that exists in
American and European academia, these days, which is likely a
legacy of the SS' takeover of the secret police apparati of all the
'victorious' countries immediately after WWII. The International SS
(Vryal) is even more racist than the FBI, many of whom are Ku Klux
Klansmen, according to what Carol Two Eagle knows, directly. KKK is
a branch of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, evidently established by
Confederate General Albert Pike, himself immediately after the Civil
Even that is only the tip of the iceberg. The corporate world order
is a global behemoth that has arguably been in existence since the
days of Babylon and perhaps long before that. Humanity are not
naturally inclined to warfare, racial hatred, gender prejudice,
religious strife, grinding poverty, ignorance, sickness and
hopelessness; all of these problems are bequeathed to most of
humanity in a systematic way, especially in the 'developed'
countries. The parts of the world, such as Africa and the Americas,
where these problems were not so extreme were only recently
'influenced' to become that way. I've always felt that it would be
easier to fix these problems in 'the third world' where native
traditions are still alive.
The corporate order probably know and fear this, which may be why
some of our African friends were murdered three years ago, right
before the initial successes occurred, there.
The reason I've been pimping Farrell's books so aggressively is that
he pulls together the substantive material of several authors
regarding the extent and history of the corporate world order, which
is based on usury, in case you haven't noticed. One author, David
Astle, who self-published Babylon's Woe in the early1960s, had
figured out that the current usury practices were established in
very, very ancient times and have been in operation ever since then.
Astle had been a British naval officer in WWII--typical patriot--but
his interest in archeaology led him to recognize that the British
Empire was founded on the same parasitic principles that kept the
very ancient, bloody empires going. Every professional
archaeologist is apparently mandated to ignore the evidence of all

but every scientist in academia, now, is required to support, or at
least is forbidden to criticise, such scams as global warming,
Einsteinoid physics and atheism, so one shouldn't be surprised. One
of the contributors to EW recently quit a long academic career in
disgust and I hope she'll spill her guts for the record, here,
sometime. She's as courageous as Klaus is and if she wants the same
sort of support it's available, here.
One of the benefits of getting plenty of heart boosting is that when
the psychics get busy hunting for the assailants it has become much,
much harder for the miscreants to hide from the psychics and/or
misdirect them. Since all of the corporate order's felons are weak
in the etheric realm they have to rely on camouflage and
misdirection in order to keep safe from us genuine people, there. I
think they finally figured out that ritual magic won't protect them
from us or from anyone else who does what we do. There are quite a
few others doing this, we learned over the years. Thank God for the
If you want to see what humanity is naturally like without so much
corporate/spiritual poisoning, go gift a ghetto. Carol and I did
that in Atlanta and purposefully observed the people in the
neighborhood, before and after. Everyone we saw, before, was
miserable and there was a lot of anger. The day after we did the
deed everyone we saw had a bright countenance and we didnt' sense
any anger from people we saw and met.
Georg in Johannesburg had an even more dramatic experience in Soweto
Township, which was arguably the most violent city on the
planet. When he and Trevor, an Afrikaaner orgonite flinger, tossed
a couple hundred DBs from his car they were afraid to stop at
intersections because many people were openly enraged by the sight
of white folks. I don't think they had any expectations; they just
felt a need to go toss some orgonite into that emotional inferno
A month later, when a Ugandan 'visiting fireman' arrived, Georg
said, 'You want to see the most violent place in the world?' and
they went to Soweto. When they arrived everyone was peaceful, many
people smiled at Georg, nobody threatened him, the trash was all
picked up and trees were even planted.
Several other folks told me that when they put orgonite around drug
dealer's houses they moved away in a short time. There's no end to
the creative, healing activity we're each inspired to attempt, of
course, so the only thing stopping us is to ignore our inspired
We look forward to meeting and working (3D is always preferable)
with Klaus as soon as possible because this is a huge onslaught and
Coach Dooney is a little overwhelmed--there's an awful lot that one
or two of us can accomplish against the armies of decay and usury in
the etheric realm but the Really Big Issues, like race hatred and
genocide, need group work to resolve and as much public exposure as
necessary. It might be that the biggest part of success in a case
like Klaus' is the heart energy and scrutiny of a whole lot of good
strangers. This ancient order is nothing more than a parasite so
it's time to deal with it appropriately. Shooting the buggers just
serves them.
Please keep the information coming, Klaus! I'm sure this will help
you prevail. One of Kanya's friends, a postal worker and retired
veteran, advised us that American Blacks are the wild
card--unpredictable and hard to manipulate so the government is
afraid of them all. The reason the FBI, KKK and other felonious
agencies have been successful oppressing Blacks, so far, is that the
white majority in America are not aware of it. That's changing,
thanks to the internet and to generally rising awareness.
The secret government got control of the movement in the sixties
toward racial equality by sidelining it into a 'civil rights'
non-issue. They did the same to the rising gender equality movement
by making it all about homosexuality and 'abortion.' I think it's
time to finally stop swallowing those baited hooks. These are not
'federal' issues and never were. These are awareness issues. In
spite of the Byzantine operations of Marxists and Nazis who own and
operate academia and the media it has become repugnant to express
racism and gender prejudice. Interracial marriage is more common in
the Southern US, now, than in the Northern US. White liberals in
the North are more racially prejudiced than Southern Whites. If you
don't believe me, pay attention in your travels, next time, okay?
I mention stuff like this to help people, who are so inclined, to
shake loose from the deep, insidious corporate programming that
we're all bathed in from the moment of conception. I wish someone
had talked to me this way, fifty years ago when I was trying to
figure things out.
By the way, when I was a youth in Louisiana, working in a sugar
mill, I was subjected to a pretty big voodoo onslaught and I
prevailed, thank God. It felt just like the dirty magic I had
experienced in Germany a couple of years before that. I think they
wanted to recruit me in Germany--ugh. What Carol and I have
received from the corporate world order over the past eleven years
is no different from Louisiana voodoo--just higher tech in some
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Well Said Don, i will keep the information coming and appreciate all
the help we can get until this pocket is busted and healed.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 388
Location: huntsville, al

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
My hat goes off to you for doing a wonderful job! If I understand
correctly Atlanta is/was designated to be the headquarters of the
NWO and your gifting efforts are of the highest order! Atlanta lies
to the east of north Alabama and everything you do helps us out and
we are thankful for that too! We are all in this together and nobody
is more crucial than you are, I believe you will rise above the
attacks and other situations soon and gain an incredible sense of
insight to this thing we call life...
May God bless you and yours,
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Thanks Louis, your boosts are appreciated very much!
Joined: May 2010
Posts: 76
Location: Pickering

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
boosting Klaus too
"did you trade a walk on part in the war, for a lead role in a
cage?" - Pink Floyd
Joined: January 2009
Posts: 152

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
So much sorry for your problems and allow me to boost your heart to
give you much energy to sustain you in midst of your difficulties
and i know you will be well
Mrs O
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 67

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
I have to agree that They are doing a number on Klaus....throwing
everything they can at him. This simply doesn't happen to a gifter
unless they are hitting prime targets, so the good news is that
Klaus is doing a heck of a lot of damage to the NWO!

our session this evening, through some imagery that Klaus picked up
we found a connection to the Triad (what a surprise), so those of
you who are helping by boosting Klaus can also take a whack at those
shills for the offworlders. A Triad connection means, in my opinion,
that Klaus has gotten attention at the highest levels of nastiness,
so your boosts are doubly appreciated. I can't wait to get together
with a group of you folks and nail these guys who are harassing him.
A side benefit of this whole ordeal, for Klaus, is that his etheric
skills have improved exponentially. In fact, my own skills have
improved simply due to the necessity of accomplishing a lot of work
in a short time to keep his head above water. So, as usual, a crisis
period breeds extreme productivity, determination and the
neutralization of more than one hate-based NWO agent. There have
even been a couple of people whom I believe will embrace love again,
and it doesn't get any better than that. Plus, we've found some
great targets, most notably a huge underground base that Klaus took
care of with dispatch. And obviously the Atlanta area is a hot
prospect, so if there are any secret gifters out there in Georgia,
your efforts are appreciated as well.
Thanks to everyone who is putting some good boosting energy towards
this situation!
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Thanks Dooney to you for any and all skills or improvement. We are
just very stagnant with our sales right now, we can't seem to bust
through this gridlock of spinning our wheels and either breaking
even or losing money.
we have candles burning (all 4 colors) in like every major office of
the Institute and my home office. So any suggestions or boosting on
this issue is greatly appreciated....there is definitely a drive
them out of business energy campaign going on and we need all the
help we can
get to survive and thrive through this onslaught. it's draining to
me and sometimes to the staff.....
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
thanks Mike for the Boosts and everyone else too!
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 505

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Good Luck Klaus
I'm sending some healthy boosting to you right now.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Thanks Eric! Boosting really works, i felt it a while ago and said
someone is boosting me. but didn't think to check ew. it was right
around the time you posted!
thanks...Please boost the school tomorrow. we have never felt such a
strange energy as we did today. this is a big fight we are in. we
had an agent visit us today
i actually met him.(by accident....didnt' want to...don't want them
to get my energy signature)...not sure if was an agent agent or just
a spy from the feds....we knew it was some sort of spy posing as a
potential student because afterwards we couldn't find any
information on him on the web...and we have all kinds of background
check tools
etc. plus cking facebook for a younger person>>> just about all
youth have a facebook...he had to be around linked in, no
facebook, no trace on background check....hmmmmmm?????
is this your real name sir???? obviously not...
i advised staff to start checking something on everyone who comes
Dooney has put 8 dodecs on the building, we have earth piped it and
have a black tourmaline chrystal near each earth pipe in each corner
and the place is full of orgonite in and around the outside.
we actually have 4-5 cb's that we use as orgone generators (without
the poles) internally to help produce more orgone energy.
so we definitely still have work to do...all your boosting as well
as everyone else is very much appreciated!! and Needed right we endeavor to survive and stay afloat.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 2359
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Thanks for the update, Klaus. This satanic hidden regime seems to
be focusing an awful lot of their ire on your livelihood and
reputation right now, in addition to the general American fake,
corporate government's old agenda against black folks and I think we
can prevail. We've often had to go after some pretty trick
radionics setups in these situations. In the US, the NSA seems to
do most of the predatory radionics and there's probably a facility
near you that you can earthpipe, as Dooney and Stevo successfully
did three years ago in the Bitteroot Mountains. I'll ask Carol to
take a peek at that, tonight, for you but D and S are good at that
when it occurs to them to hunt for it. They were here last weekend.
We did some work on this and it's obvious that the Coach will
welcome reinforcements in the coming weeks. This is really
big--obviously much more than just personally directed at you. Your
college seems to be trodding on the corns of academic whoredom in
general, for instance, and also on the old federal racism agenda.
It may be that the heart energy from the people reading your reports
is a crucial element for our coming success. The Africans are happy
to help in a timely way, by the way, and we'll do some stuff before
your arrival, here. It's helpful during extreme assaults like this
one to get some 3D group time to dig for sufficient targeting intel,
though you and Coach Dooney evidently figured out that the Triads
are primary assailants, presumably using the Ameican sewer rats as
intermediaries. By the time we're all together we'll have saturated
the opposition with healing energy, which tends to erode their
camouflage and misdirections quite a lot. Some patience is needed
for this but an awful lot has already been done, in spite of the
desperate present situation. Sewer rats fight the hardest when
they're feeling exposed and/or cornered, after all.
When Carol and I are under severe assault, this way, it's kind of
stimulating. "'Trouble' is just another word for 'fun,'" comes to
mind, at least in my case--really feels like I'm alive when these
parasites are arrayed against us

but I don't wish it on anyone and The Operators probably use this
flaw in my character to my advantage. I think the $#!+birds think
I'm crazy/unpredictable. They're uncomfortable with this trait,
which is so useful for any warrior.
Aside from the recent highway murder attempts on Carol and her
daughter our lives have gotten quite peaceful, which feels mundane
to me. I don't count the five months they spent savaging our own
livlihood, last year because we didn't have to go without anything
we wanted, except half of our retirement fund
For the sake of the many people who depend on you for their
livlihoods I think we need to work extra hard, though, so I'm hoping
that our readers will continue to send you their heart energy, which
also invigorates and inspires the senders and receivers, after all,
and tends to undermine parasitic and predatory influences around the
Anyone whose heart is relatively clean in the moment can be a
champion in the etheric realm and the corporate world order's
predators are each quite weak, there, compared to genuine people.
That's one of the many Big Secrets that can be used to finally
destroy this ancient house of cards.
Joined: February 2010
Posts: 24

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Hi Klaus,
Just boosted you, I happen to be planning a breif visit to Atlanta
soon, and think I may know of a way to help out your home and school
by increasing the energy level, but I've never tried it for this
purpose. If your interested in giving it a shot shoot me a PM
through this system and maybe we can set something up if there we
both have time. I can try a couple of things remotely too with your
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 2359
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
I think it's coming to a head for Klaus, right now, so more boosting
can probably get him through the present NSA/CIA/Triad psi corps
assault. These $#!+birds are working in shifts to cause him to feel
fear so they can get into his body but he's a particularly hard
target. Dooney, Stevo, Carol and I worked with him in a chatroom,
last night so he got good intel from three very fine psychics--wars
are won or lost on the quality of intel and they're waging a silent
war against this fellow in a very big way, right now. Thanks a lot
for boosting his heart!.
We noticed that he gets crucial intel independently and I suggested
to him that this is the businessman's very practical version of
high psychism and probably the reason he's been successful in
Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Yea, Don, i see, to everyone else. i was approached by a suspicious
character in a beige car with a blue dress shirt on and funny
earpieces in his head...he backed his car up in the parking lot as i
was entering. didn't know at first if he was a bill collector or
what...but he was on the phone
talking to someone and looked to say as if...oh i think that's
him>>>>?? so he i did a u turn and left the parking lot....he
pretended or attempted to follow me...i later returned and went to
at first this incident made me nervous but i started boosting theguy
as i emailed Don and he explained what it is they are trying to
do....trying to actually make me afraid...due to gifting....
Don knows more about this than me. and zerog...if you give your
email i would love to connect with you as much as soon as
possible...this is all new to me and a bit nerve
racking....especially while trying to run a business...but i'll get
used to it.
how do you want to connect...Don can you share our emails with
THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR BOOSTS... i need them now more than
ever....over the next few days... i'm sure we will get through this
period fine.
but there is definitely an assault.... Please send me all the boosts
that you can!
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Zeroq thanks for the boosts. of course you have my permission to
help me in anyway!feel free to email me or call me at or you may call me at a number i will
email you.
Joined: December 2010
Posts: 40
Location: Sherbrooke, Quebec

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
I have a powerwand running 24/7. I'm going to write some positive
tought for you and put in the power wand. Hope this help!
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 101

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Hi Klaus,
Sent some boosts your way again today. This is an interesting
movement that requires one to be in touch with their 4th chakra
(love) but have some fighter in them as well.
I personally learn a lot from listening to how other folks are
taking care of their situation and gleaning little tips here and
there, so I hope you don't mind if I throw a little of my own
experience out there and if any of it hits home with you, great!
Don brought up an excellent point about your attackers trying to
provoke fear in you. This must be resisted above all else as it
will pervert your judgment big-time if allowed to take root.
I wanted to pass on a practice of mine that might you maintain an
even energy level during your daily work.
My current employment is in Houston and I work in a large corporate
environment. It is impossible for me to avoid interacting with lots
of 'odd' people on a daily basis, which can exert negative influence
on my personal energy level simply by attrition.
Several months back I was attacked in the etheric by a masonic
co-worker and apparently a separate coworker was assigned to drain
my energy at very, very close quarters. It felt like etheric
hand-to-hand combat for months and months.
One of my gifting priorities has been masonic places, and in Texas
you can almost not run out of targets...haha. Anyway, I noticed
that when planning to bring energetic opportunity for healing to
these places (gifting the crap out of them!), I sometimes get
attacked with what amounts to thoughts and circumstances that try to
stir up fear in me.
All that said, I have found a useful and pretty effective personal
method for countering these assaults. One is to respond to the
first inkling of an assault immediately, don't let it progress if
possible. Then I like to visualize the 'source' of the assault as
something physical, but necessarily weak. Sometimes I see the
source of the attack as a sand castle. I visualize my heart energy
as something extremely powerful, like a water rushing from a fire
hose, or even water rushing from a Dam release...See it as
inexhaustible and send it right to the sand castle.
I dissolve the object for an appropriate amount of time and then go
back to what I was doing. The more often I respond this way, the
less frequent the attacks have been...yeah!
The whole process might take a minute or two once you get the hang
of it. Now it is almost reflex action whenever any impressions of
fear come my way. We have a right to live free from tyranny! Send
it right back, multiplied many fold. Fearless humanity has got to
be one of THEIR biggest fears...funny!
Naturally, this may not work for everyone and you may already have a
very effective method for dealing with these fear attacks... Just
wanted to add that to the record, in the spirit of trying to be
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Toby this is good. i will do that the next time i see this guy or
his friends in my school parking lot. i expect to see them soon...or
somewhere else. i will just picture the fire hydrant of water
shooting from the 4th chakra (heart) highest good love...and there
can be no fear in love. i will practice this as i
ground and meditate.'s good i don't want fear to take
root...and have been doing pretty good... I ready to see the guy (s)
again....i will even speak with them...if they are willing....
succor punch and all...
remember what Louis said above if this was really intended to be HQ
then...maybe we all need to come here and help!

its more than a one man job probably...or at least help many Hq's can there be?
i'm gonna catch their backlash...their try to make me
fear....but i will be ready.
your words are encouraging and helpful and practical...thanks. i
will be trying this!
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
thanks for the boosts....fear is the casts out fear.
i will boost the fear monger and advise all my loyal people to exit
the building and
say hello to him (them)...i will explain to them over the weekend.
who these people are
and as i said we have some very loyal people who will be glad to
come outside and say hi to them.
it seems they rather work in isolation. i am not scared and i am not
in isolation. neither at work nor in this network.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
by the way zeroq if you sent me a private message it never arrived
and may have been compromised. please send it again. i never
received anything.
Joined: February 2010
Posts: 24

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Hey Klaus,
I shot you an email a few days ago to the address you posted. I just
shot you a PM with my email address.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
the psi corps continue around the clock....we keep sending them off
with good positive energy...:) ...
RECORD...MY LAWYER WILL BE contacting them and having them
but it seems like their harrassment is at full throttle.
that's ok...we keep gifting and helping make the world better...have
gifted some prime locations shut down some radionics we believe.
so if they keep attacking me, me and mine will keep sending them all
this positive energy! both hardware and software versions.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
we are still recovering and still need lots of boosting...they seem
to have us under 24 hour survellience as they attempt to intimidate
or radionic me and mine or
any other way they can try to take away what they think is my
livlihood......i believe we will get through this fine...we are
weathering all their storms and sending them some even as they
i feel confident and totally comfortable that THE Operators are
looking out big time....
Don and Carol and Stevo and Dooney did me great service last week
and gave me a jump on some things....the energy is starting to clear
and as i said earlier i think the radionics source is totally
better energy appearing already and we did take Dr. Stevo's advice
and tripled up on the eps around the building corners...this has
helped to expose the spies faster...along with my excellent training
from Dooney.
Many boosts are appreciated as they continue to try and hit me where
i don't expect it. So far i am way ahead of them....gotta keep it
that way.
thanks everyone.
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 193
Location: NJ

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Attackers always try to provoke fear in you. They do it by trying
to either pull your energy down into your lower chakras or by
messing with your #3 so that energy flow is impeded. I've seen both
and I've experienced both.
In either case, quickly ground deeply until you start feeling better
and then endeavor to balance your chakras.
Try to keep your "consciousness" centered in your heart. This helps
to prevent too much cognitive thought which gets in the way if you
let it. All of this stuff is right brain. Cognitive thought is
left brain.
If you're in a state where you can't visualize, you really don't
have to. Simply state, mentally, what you're doing or are about to
or what outcome you want and ask the operators to assist you and
start boosting. You may be surprised how well this works when all
else fails.
The bad guys always try the simple stuff first so assume whatever
they're doing is simple but perhaps not obvious and proceed
Something that can help with grounding when you're having issues is
to try and visualize yourself in a grassy field, barefoot. Feel the
cool grass on the bottoms of your feet and between your toes and try
to maintain your focus there while you ground. Taking a deep breath
and sighing deeply also helps.
If something isn't working as well for you as you'd like, there's
nothing stopping you from modifying it to better suit your needs or
fit your personality. Everybody is different.
If you tell the bad guys in no uncertain terms to GO AWAY with the
very fiber of your being, they have no choice but to obey. The hard
part is keeping all doubt at bay as you do this. It takes
practice. Various techniques as Dooney teaches help you to maintain
the needed focus as you dispose of the bad guys.
We all have completely free will/free choice. What this means is,
if you make a mistake or decide some other way would be better,
nothing is stopping you from changing your mind. You have a God
given right to do this. If you unknowingly agree to something and
later realize you made a mistake, you simply have to say that you
declare that decision null and void and henceforth unenforceable and
yup, its a done deal.
Hope this info helps you to fend off the attacks.
Last edited by
Gene on 14 Apr 2012 04:57; edited 1 time in total
Joined: January 2012
Posts: 53
Location: Plymouth, Near Dartmoor, England

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
A few weeks back I was subject to an attack via intense back pain as
I climbed into bed one night, I had no previous experience with
boosting although I had quickly skipped through the guidelines on
the DoneByDooney website.
I lay there with my eyes closed and imagined the person who was
causing me this pain was right there in the room with me, then I
imagined a beam of dark blue Orgone energy flying from my chest into
this person until they became a kind of blue silhouette, then I
imagined the pain in my back flying along the Orgone beam and into
my attacker.
I kept this up for 6 or 7 minutes until the silhouette (in my mind)
of my attacker was not only covered in blue energy but also had
lightning bolts flying into/out of them, the lightning bolts
represented the pain in my back.
After 6 or 7 minutes my back pain stopped as abruptly as it started!
Also, earlier this week when I tried to get to this website all I
could get was a white screen, Don assured me the website was
operating ok so it appeared that I'd been hacked, that night I lay
in bed and admittedly I was half hearted about it, but for a very
brief time I tried boosting whoever was blocking me from gaining
access to EW, in the morning I turned on my pc and was able to log
into EW with no problem at all.
Even though I could not seem to concentrate on boosting whoever was
blocking me for a long period of time, it would seem that even a
very brief "boost" can dissuade these agency prats from messing with
On both boosting occasions I had no fancy toys, only my HP Pendant,
a stack of Orgonite and my T-Rx Zapper.
The bottom line is: if I can do it, anyone can.
"There is water at the bottom of the ocean". Talking Heads
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
i agree with both Shaun and Gene, i must add that coaching with
Dooney has been invaluable and the things that i learned from one
partial session with Stevo were great too for removing the bad pains
of radionics or whatever they do out of me..
they go away instantly and then they try again until they see I can
handle it and it has no negative effect on me. i simply find the
gray energy say hello to it and send it down my grounding cord and
then almost simultaneously i open up the 7th chakra and see the
golden light from above getting coming into me to fill the voids
left by the gray energy...also all boosting is powerful i have
learned that and when i do it properly and well grounding with love
from the heart. It is overwhelmingly powerful to the offenders.
thank again guys for the encouraging words and sharing your
experiences it helps to know someone there cares enough to share
and/or boost!
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 193
Location: NJ

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
All of these techniques and suggestions are tools to help you
maintain focus and direct boosts at your attackers to drive them
away. Just like a shovel that can't dig a hole by itself, there
needs to be a power source. That power was, is and always will be
right there within your heart and there isn't a more powerful force
in all of creation. Believe this without question nor doubt and you
will always prevail over any bad guy who chooses to try to attack
The trick in all of this is in keeping it simple - something you can
easily do regardless how much duress you may be under during an
Bad guys are also creatures of habit. After a while you'll start to
see a pattern in their behavior. Use this to your advantage. You
might even choose to try something different they won't be
expecting. Once you've mastered the techniques, being
"unpredictable" can really work to your advantage.
I'd encourage everyone reading this thread to go to Dooney's site
and learn to ground, boost and use other etheric techniques to
defend yourselves. You'll never know when you might find you need
Last edited by
Gene on 14 Apr 2012 05:33; edited 1 time in total
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Gene i don't appreciate your comments...they are not helpful to me
nor supportive of the wonderful training and expertise that Stevo
and Dooney Share so much of...i don't know who or where you are
...but i don't need your comments...they do not help...
maybe you should put up your own training website. A simple positive
boost for me in my situation would be so much more helpful. i don't
think i need another coach...just a lot of boosting. thank you for
your boosts.
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 193
Location: NJ

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
I'm sorry I upset you. I was only trying to help beyond the
boosting by relating things I've learned or figured out over time.
I've said nothing bad about Dooney and Stevo. Quite the
contrary. I have a great deal of respect for them also.
You have my boosts.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
No Problem Gene. i understand. i am learning a great deal from
Dooney and Stevo and Carol and Don as well....i have exciting things
happening. yesterday we had a voodoo guy show up and try to cooerce
my staff to visit one of his locations.
i will add more detail this weekend. says he is moving in the
building..ok...hope he likes the orgonite and eps and dodecs on the
building. :)...more to come...
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Just yesterday they gifted a church where someone suspected
radionics were coming a result we got instant confirmation
with a colonel showing up at the school to offer any assistance
needed with enrolling veterans...hmmmm...
so suddenly? , not only did he show up...he snatched 2 of our staff
members and took them over to the nearby military recruitment base
(hmmmm)... my director quickly told them to return immediately when
he found out....and then the visitor decided he liked our building
so much he wants to move into it. and become our neighbor..
wow...interesting...or is that because they can't reach me with the
radionics any more? and attack my body with this sh&$.??? i'm not
sure. you decide...they want to be close to me so they can try and
mess with me more or harass me more obviously. all because i have
school that teaches good things and changes peoples lives for the
well not only do i and my staff know what's going on...but now the
whole world it is posted worldwide...we also saw
several strange people in the parking lot again...just waved and
sent them lots of good 4th chakra love...and then they suddenly
would leave.
i even advised my staff how to deal with strangers and trespassers
on the property...with lots of love energy...
.if he should move in...there are plenty of ep's and orgonite there
to help all new tenants feel comfortable and at ease in the
we welcome all friends. Klaus...
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
fyi...Dooney suspects they have been radionically zapping me for
about 5 years...have had several unexplained illnesses...nearly died
from some of them (mold etc)...and yet i have fully recovered
miraculously from them all.
when my house became mold infested...was on top of a ugb that later
got gifted by the way..i blew up 70 lbs and could only work about 2
hours a day...coughing constantly had to see several specialists and
had accupunture weekly multiple times a week just to survive.
any way...i am fully recovered from them i know whats been
going on!!...and it only reinforces my determination to continue on
this journey the Operators have me on.
klaus. All Boosts are appreciated...they are coming at me like bees
after honey...:) its cool...they seem to back off now and not
necessarily want me to see them...once we do, we start boosting!
your boosts are appreciated...i think at this point some seem really
upset because of the good we do....:) your boosting is very much
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 101

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Wow, beautiful. Thank you for the updates. Good, good stuff.
Ever notice how inherently weak these miscreants really are. They
get their way by cheating and sucker punching the unsuspecting. The
next step is to frighten you into submission. I'm so glad you have
hooked up with Dooney and are getting some intel. Just knowing what
is potentially happening seems to help my focus and resolve.
I'm guessing that your increasing knowledge of the activities around
you is unsettling to those villains. Arrogance has likely prevented
them from formulating a good Plan B, C, for them to come
right out in the open, could possibly be seen as desperation to
scare you...Boo! Are you scared?
What an incredible endorsement of what you are doing! Tip of my cap
to you, sir!
Boosts, Toby
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
thanks! lol....i appreciate the support...yea....terribly weak and
arrogant sounds appropriate! Thank the Operators for all the wisdom
and protection and techniques..
the power we in us is incredible.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
these s&&t birds are hitting my credit with another false 30 day
late. the 3rd in a week!
i just got off of the phone and confirmed that i haven't been late
in the last 13 months with another cc...but it shows up as an alert.
i guess this what replaces the radionics hits! More confirmation
that my people got their gifts n the right places last week!
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
once again we spotted a strange blue van in front of my home...seems
like they are intent on radionics on me...we spotted a blue van and
got it on front of my home doing strange things.
today i realized i was actually getting sick with one of the worst
sore throats you could was obvious they were beaming me
with something they left at my front gate.
So i decided to heavy up my driveway...with 4 eps. and 14
underground tbs...but the clincher was taking a cb and pointing it
at the gate/driveway....i can feel the energy shooting from it at
the gate...
whatever they put there for radionics is totally nuetralized. as i
was doing this...i suddenly had to run to the bathroom..:) i began
detoxing rapidly and within a few hours my terrible sore throat is
totally gone...
i will comment more tomorrow......
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
it seems that spreading gossip and rumors and all out attacking your
character (while staying hidden) is what these folks are all about.
every chance they get they seem to take a me or the
though very exposed....we are seeing the protection of the Operators
in many ways. spotting that sneaky nasty van...that tried to make me
sick was one example.
now i will put cameras at all my homes to catch these sneaky folks
in the act and then i will post the video well as be sure
we dodec them and over gift them. if i see another sneaky van or ice
cream truck i'm going to gift it and put the powerwand onto it.
till these mugs leave me alone....i will keep fighting them...and
the more the bug me...the more they get gifted and dodeced, etc
thanks for the more are showing by the way since we
dodecathoned a few...and boosted them...
your boosting for the school is appreciated.
i spoke to louis and he gave me some good tips on gifting my house
so they don't want come near it! and to help shutdown the radionics!
thanks Louis!
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 388
Location: huntsville, al

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Thanks Klaus, you are very welcome. Your strong will and lack of
fear is what the elitists fear the most.
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 26

Re: Atlanta Gifter Under Attack
Thanks Louis, i want to encourage each and everyone to please take
advantage of the training that Dooney has truly changed
my life and given me the skills and etheric tools to not only do
daily etheric battles but to win.
Any chance you can get, if you can afford it, i would say if you are
a gifter you can hardly not afford it. the things i have had to deal
with, i would have been struggling some if it were not for Dooney's
She didn't ask me to put this plug in either. i am just overwhelmed
by what i am learning from her and now able to do. i thought i knew
etheric stuff but her training has lifted my awareness and
consciousness to another level.
All those around me have benefited and have learned some too.
So please if you have never had a session with her. it is much more
than you can get from just reading ew or her website. i would
utilize it....She can train you to be a much more confident skilled
please act when the battles come you will be ready...if i
had done this a year or 2 ago...i just can't imagine what or where i
would don't know either until you try her training!
thanks for the boosts ...the battles are continuing... but now i
know we are winning...thats the difference and thats because of the
training i have had with Dooney.
i encourage everyone to try it out at least once. you will not
regret it.