BEWARE of “Standard of Care”
By Laura Hayes
April 19, 2016
Being the mother of vaccine-injured children teaches you many important lessons, with perhaps the main lesson being to question everything, research thoroughly, and make your own decisions. Listen to and trust your own maternal instincts. Don’t be coerced, harassed, or forced into doing anything you are not completely comfortable with or don’t want. Learn to speak up and stand your ground firmly…your children are counting on you…and you will be the one to live with the consequences for each and every parenting decision you make. So make the time to take the time to decide carefully, very carefully.
Rule #1: Question EVERYTHING
Rule #2: Research THOROUGHLY (including, and especially, from non-industry and non-governmental sources…seek sources that don’t profit from that which you are researching)
Rule #3: Make your OWN decisions, don’t be swayed by someone just because they are wearing a white coat (as a matter of fact, learn to be extra leery of those in white coats)
Let’s begin with prenatal “standard of care” procedures that need to be questioned, researched, and carefully considered prior to accepting:
Moving on to decisions expectant parents will need to make:
Delayed clamping of the umbilical cord to allow the full and complete transfer of blood and oxygen from mother to child versus more immediate clamping as is often done in hospitals (for convenience?). The timing of clamping is very important, so do your research. You can begin here. To ensure your decision is adhered to, alert not only the person who will be delivering your baby, but also the person who will be with you for support during childbirth, so that person can make certain that your instructions are followed.
Painful injections and/or procedures of any sort for your newborn…is this how you want to welcome your baby into the world? See the next few bullet points for some specific ones that are now considered “standard of care” and routine for all…unless the parent says otherwise.
The vitamin K shot is routinely given to all newborns in the U.S., and in the state of NY, it is mandatory, with no opt out. You can do a Google search titled “dangers of the vitamin K shot” for numerous articles on the subject, including this one by Megan Heimer, a must read! Furthermore, at least one brand of the vitamin K shot includes aluminum, which is given at a time when the blood-brain barrier does not exist. Do you want aluminum in your baby’s brain, organs, blood, and body? Dr. Larry Pavlesky points out that the vitamin K shot includes castor oil, which can cross react with other proteins in tree nuts, peanuts, and seeds…leading to the increasingly-prevalent food allergies we are seeing in children today. Click here and scroll down to A Growing Epidemic: Food Allergies in America to also read what he says about vaccine ingredients causing the food allergies our children are now experiencing at an alarming rate.
The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended to be given to all children at birth (can you hear me screaming?!). There is absolutely no valid or justifiable reason to give this to all newborns, This is one procedure you do not want to blindly allow for your newborn, and you can begin your research here and here. If you decide to birth your baby in a hospital, and you do not want this vaccine for your newborn, do not leave your baby unattended at any time during your hospital stay! Many parents have reported that their babies were vaccinated with this vaccine in the hospital against their clearly-stated directives when they were apart from their baby.
Genetic screening of newborns via a heel prick and the squeezing out of blood. CA now mandates a newborn genetic screening test which tests for 80 various metabolic, endocrine, and hemoglobin diseases. Opting out in CA requires signing a form, NBS-TR (CDPH-4459), so if that is what you want to do, obtain and sign this form in advance, and have it with you at the hospital or birthing center. How accurate are the results and what will be done with those results? If the baby tests positive for one or more of these diseases, will the parents be required/forced to pursue specialists and treatments? Will they be monitored by the state? Will their child be removed from them by the state if they don’t comply with medical advice? On the Notice of Information and Privacy Practicesfrom the California Department of Public Health it states, “You may request in writing that we restrict disclosure of your or your newborn’s information for health care treatment, payment and administrative purposes. We are not required to agree to your request.”(Bolding mine.) If you want to read some critically-important reasons why you might want to refuse genetic screening tests in the hospital (and instead consider doing specific ones through a private doctor if you want to rule anything out), read Twila Brase’s chapter “Genetic Information: Where Do We Go from Here?” in the excellent book Vaccine Epidemic. This RN’s chapter is only 5 pages long, but what an eye-opener!
Circumcision…if you are considering this for your son, I recommend reading this articleby Dr. Mercola regarding the best/safest day to have this procedure performed.
Antibiotic eye ointment, like the vitamin K shot and the Hepatitis B vaccine, is given routinely to all newborns in the U.S., and is mandatory in the state of NY. It is administered to prevent conjunctivitis resulting from a gonorrheal or Chlamydial infection in the mother, which can lead to blindness. Is this necessary/safe/wise to give to every newborn? Here is an article to begin your research.
Supplemental formula is often recommended when no need exists (and even if a need exists, is manufactured formula the answer versus breast milk from another mother, or a homemade formula?). The foisting of unnecessary manufactured formula happened to me after the birth of my first child. Because she was on the small side, I was told to supplement her with soy formula after every feeding (the same formula of which they had cases they were giving away for free). This directive was given even though she was nursing well with no problems, even though I had no problem producing colostrum then breast milk, and even though there was no concern that she had a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Needless to say, I could kick myself for doing as told. Fortunately, I didn’t supplement with formula for long, but once was one time too many. Breast milk and breastfeeding have far too many benefits to begin to list here, but breast milk is best for baby, and it is regular nursing by the newborn that stimulates the mother to make the proper amount of milk for her baby. Unnecessary supplementation disrupts that important feedback process and reduces critically-important nutrients to the baby, while introducing foreign, potentially harmful, ingredients to the baby.
Nipple shields may be recommended if there are breastfeeding issues or difficulties.This article by La Leche League provides helpful information to address breastfeeding problems a new mother may encounter, thus hopefully avoiding the introduction of nipple shields, and the problems that might result from using them.
This is not an all-inclusive list. The point is there are now LOTS of practices and procedures expectant parents need to consider, research, and decide upon. Many/most will simply be performed as a matter of routine, without discussion or consent. Therefore, the burden is on the parents to decide in advance what they do and don't want, and to take steps to ensure that their decisions are respected and followed accurately.
Do not be pressured into anything! If you arrive at a prenatal appointment and the nurse/doctor says it's time for so-and-so, and you have not given that consideration yet, simply say, "Not today. I/we want to look into that first." If pressure is applied for you to acquiesce to something you are not comfortable with, do not hesitate to leave. You can always return, or find another practitioner who does not coerce, harass, or force patients into accepting medical treatments and procedures.
Should you choose to have your baby in any type of facility, be it a birthing center or hospital, talk to other mothers who have given birth there to learn more about the climate and practices of the establishment. Don't put these things off until the last minute. The best time to begin thinking about all of this is before you enter down the paths of pregnancy and parenthood. We live in a world of non-stop medical interventions, with an ever-growing list of “standard of care” procedures and treatments. Many of these violate natural and safe practices, not to mention common sense, and are done for convenience and profits, not for health and well-being.
I am not a doctor and don’t claim to be one. What I am is someone who has learned the very hard way that it is I who must take charge of my and my family’s health. I do not wish or choose to hand over that responsibility to someone wearing a white coat. I am concerned that doctors and nurses are not remembering to “First, do no harm.” I am concerned about who is supplying the information that doctors are being taught in medical school and nurses in nursing school. I am concerned that many doctors’ first allegiance is not to their patients. I am concerned about the many entities and forces unduly influencing our medical professionals. I am concerned that we have lost sight of how amazing, brilliant, and finely-tuned the human body is, especially when not poisoned with toxins and harmed by inflammatory agents, and when fed untainted, nutrient-dense foods (think “food as medicine”). I am concerned that we have been taught to disregard common sense, ignore our maternal instincts, forego prayer, and allow those with letters after their names to make decisions for us. We have been wrongly led to believe that our government has our best interests at heart, that doctors would never do anything that would harm their patients, that pharmaceutical products have been properly tested and are safe, and that hospitals are safe places to be.
What I have written here is not a list of directives for what you should or shouldn’t do. Rather, it is an exhortation which I hope will encourage all who read it to question everything, research thoroughly, and decide carefully. Your children need you to make the time to take the time to become your own expert and their protector.
Written by Laura Hayes, a CA mother who hopes that 2016 will be the year that: vaccine mandates are banned, individual and parental rights with regard to medical decision making will be fully restored (including vaccination decisions), and the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act will be repealed (this Act of Congress indemnified vaccine makers and those who administer vaccines from liability for vaccine-induced injuries and deaths). Laura is the mother of vaccine-injured children, one of whom is severely and permanently disabled, requiring round-the-clock care and supervision. She wishes she had been encouraged to question everything, research thoroughly, and carefully arrive at her own decisions.
Posted by Age of Autism at April 19, 2016
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I have the highest regard for Westin Price and their book Nourishing
Traditions. We made raw milk formula on all our kids, no allergies or GI
bleeding, just chubby happy babies
Not one spit up among all 3 kids
regular stools, no issues
i mean a good baby fat chubbie
we had a good source of grass fed animals
d ayoub, md
Posted by: david ayoub | April 20, 2016 at 03:53 PM
Thanks for this great article, Laura! It's so difficult for a young woman today to navigate all the landmines associated with pregnancy and the neonatal period. One issue I'd like to add to the list is folic acid. The US government seems to be obsessive in its emphasis on folic acid supplements during pregnancy, augmented with folic acid fortification in the wheat-based products -- and now it's required in corn-based products as well! It's easily the case that a pregnant woman gets an overdose of folic acid, especially during the third trimester when it can work against the fetus' brain health. Folic acid is a synthetic, oxidized, unmethylated bastardization of the naturally occurring methyl-folate. Too much folic acid can end up blocking folate uptake in the fetal brain, paradoxically leading to a cerebral folate deficiency problem. I gave a presentation on this topic at last November's WAPF Wise Traditions Conference. And I wrote an article for the WAPF journal as well.
Posted by: Stephanie Seneff | April 20, 2016 at 03:26 PM
Hey Laura, What a great title. It means a lot to me today. How did I spend today- a holiday in India ?- Well, first I wrote and typed an article explaining the dangers of Gardasil. - Because the Indian government is poised to add Gardasil to their schedule. And then I spent time writing about how to avoid the hep b vaccine at birth, because, among other things, in India, many babies are given a high mercury vaccine. So what happens? The babies are unable to breastfeed and the mother has a nightmare. Then it turns out that this has been accepted by the medical profession, which tells the mom to feed her baby with a spoon and lo and behold there is a specially designed spoon available !! and I have yet a couple more papers to write that would not be necessary if as someone on AOA once wrote- Modern pediatrics weren't " running on insanity ".
Posted by: Cherry Misra | April 20, 2016 at 02:32 PM
Regarding breast feeding, what most annoys me is the La Leche types - no doubt well-meaning- who tell mothers to never put a bottle to a child's lips because he will then not be able to feed from the breast. Absolute rubbish- You dont lose millions of years of evolution in a few days. Not everyone has a good milk supply in the first few days and why should they get stressed when the baby can be fed with a bottle for a couple of days. but after all the discussion- what IS the best milk to give if you dont have breast milk??
Posted by: Cherry Misra | April 20, 2016 at 02:22 PM
To Katie, For some people there are advantages to circumcision. I know one man who suffered terrible pain being circumcised as an adult, and yes, it was necessary. My friend tells me that she met a man who suffered many bladder and kidney infections before he was circumcised. He lived in a very warm climate. Otherwise, I am generally opposed to most surgical interventions, unless clearly necessary.
Posted by: Cherry Misra | April 20, 2016 at 02:18 PM
Hi Linda1,
A couple of things I wanted to address. Please know I am writing this in bullet form not to be short but because I am short of time. I fully respect that you may have a different view or opinion but am offering these data-points and references in response to some of your assertions which are not correct.
1) I do not consider wikipedia a reliable source of information on anyone but you may.
2) The average life expectancy of an American woman in 2012 was 78.74 years. Mary well exceeded that by a long shot. Are you suggesting there was a problem with her diet that led to an "early" death?
3) Seventh Day Adventists do live longer than the general population but they don't drink alcohol, smoke, or drink tea and coffee. Interestingly, while they have lower rates of some cancers, they have much higher rates of others. To compare them to the general population is not appropriate as not eating meat is not the only factor. See for references:
4) All cause death rates for meat eaters are lower than that of vegetarians. Given that most vegetarians are by definition more health oriented than the average omnivore, it is noteworthy that the death rate is higher for vegetarians. In addition, although vegetarian eaters have lower rates of some cancer, omnivores have lower rates of cancer overall. You can read more here:
5) The foundation has never said vegetarians can never safety breastfeed or the diet is inadequate for children, rather that vegetarian diets have special nutritional needs they need to be mindful of so that they do it healthily and that vegans have a bigger challenge in this regard.
6) The Weston A. Price Foundation does not advocate the consumption of factory farmed dairy products, rather, raw dairy from healthy pasture-fed animals. The data you reference refers to industrial milk, not raw milk from pasture-fed animals.
7) Dr. Enig's and the foundation's primary message is that healthy fat from healthy properly raised animals provide the fat soluble vitamins that are essential to life. That said, we also advocate that roughly half the diet is raw and plenty of vegetables are consumed.
8) We totally agree that focusing our energy on protecting our own ability to lactate and nurture our young is imperative which is why we advocate a traditional whole foods diet with plenty of animal fat absent sugar, processed foods and most importantly, industrial vegetable oils.
9) Many children with vaccine injuries have been healed by adopting a Weston. A. Price whole foods diet.
10) I would recommend visiting our website to find out who we are, what we recommend, etc. rather than taking the opinion of another group that has an ideological mission. Everything on our site is referenced in the scientific literature.
11) Many folks would call you whacky for even questioning the safety of vaccines but that does not make you whacky or a religious cult.
Posted by: Leslie Manookian | April 20, 2016 at 02:13 PM
Great comments, Laura, on the topic of the catheterization, I would like to say that I would advise any birthing mom to have her own assistant monitoring this. I know a person who was in labor for two days and finally as the baby showed stress, the Harvard trained doctor decided to do a C section. Going through the prep for the C section, the doctor realized that the nurse had never inserted a catheter as instructed earlier. On insertion, two liters of urine poured out and the mom saw the doctors face turn white behind the mask. The bladder could have ruptured, and it would have been an emergency and the doctor could have been sued. The birth had been obstructed by the enlarged bladder . the baby was then born quickly and normally. The more "procedures" we introduce into birthing, the more chances for error come along with them.
Posted by: Cherry Misra | April 20, 2016 at 02:12 PM
Hi Linda1, my name is Leslie Manookian, I am the producer of The Greater Good and am also on the board of the Weston A. Price Foundation. I wanted to respond as some of what you wrote and the sources you cite are not correct. First is a comment from our President and Founder, Sally Fallon Morell. Then I'll make a few more comments at the bottom.
From Sally: The recommendation of homemade formula based on raw milk is one
of WAPF's most controversial subjects. This began 35 years ago when I had
trouble breastfeeding my second child. (Everything fine for the first child). I
used a recipe then available based on raw milk and he just thrived on it--as did
my 3rd and 4th children.
WAPF is a huge advocate of breastfeeding, and of nutrient-dense diets for the
breast-feeding mother so that her breast milk can be of highest quality. But
there are many situations where the breastfeeding just doesn't work out--the
most common being insufficient supply, which some doctors estimate at about 10
percent of nursing moms. For these women, the homemade formula can make all the
difference for her child. We recommend that 10,000-20,000 babies have received
our homemade formula so far, and with excellent results. WAPF had received a lot
of criticism for advocating this formula, saying that it discourages women from
breastfeeding--some of this criticism has been quite vicious and that is what
Sarah is responding to. However, I can tell you that this formula has been a
godsend for many babies, most of whom were born to mothers who are dedicated to
the concept of breastfeeding.
The formula is composed of diluted cows milk, for indeed, straight cows milk
would be too strong for most infants. But at some point you can switch to
regular raw whole cows milk. If the baby is at least 8 months, sitting up well
and eating some solid food, then there would be no danger to the kidneys and
that is a good point to switch; however, if the baby is small, has digestive
issues or is very fussy, it might be best to wait until one year before
switching from formula to cows milk.
Regarding Colin Campbell, he is mistaken. WAPF is a non-profit nutrition
education foundation.
Now back to Leslie: With respect to Sarah, I know for a fact - directly from her - that she is a strong proponent of breast feeding and breastfed her own 3 children for 2 years plus. There is often more to these issues than the name calling one reads online like those in the vaccine awareness arena being called baby killers.
With respect to T. Colin Campbell, I would suggest you review Denise Minger’s critiques of Campbell to get a fuller picture of him and his work.
Posted by: Leslie Manookian | April 20, 2016 at 01:02 PM
So it turns out that the Weston Price Foundation was founded in 1999 in Washington by Sally Fallon and that, according to Wikipedia (so who knows), Fallon recruited Enig to explain Price's observations. Enig, it turns out, died of a stroke at age 83. I don't know what kind of a stoke she had, but this reminds me of Dr. Atkins, who sold his diet as heart healthy, and then himself dropped dead of a heart attack (may they both rest in peace).
Dr. Enig was right about a lot of things, but I believe she was also wrong about some important things too. In the 1970s, I was impressed to learn that the vegetarian Seventh Day Adventists had much lower morbidity and mortality rates than the mostly, at that time, carnivorous population. Weston Price Foundation wrongly asserts that vegetarians and vegans cannot safely breastfeed and that a vegetarian or vegan diet is not adequate for children. The Seventh Day Adventists prove them wrong, with many generations living as vegetarians and vegans in good health (they are to false dietary health claims what the Amish are to false vaccination safety claims). I subscribe to the work of T. Colin Campbell and believe that the scientific evidence is on the side of a plant-based diet, in my opinion best mostly eaten raw. I do not think that humans should be drinking the milk of cows or dogs or any other mammal, raw or cooked, and that we ought to focus our energy on protecting own own ability to lactate to nurture our young.
The Weston Price Foundation smells to me like a religious cult. There are a lot of wacky statements on their site. Here is an article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman:
And one about cow's milk from Thomas Campbell,MD, son of T. Colin and coauthor of _The China Study_:
Seventh Day Adventist research:
And what about the link between bovine protein and the development of type 1 diabetes? Good article by Sayer Ji:
Posted by: Linda1 | April 20, 2016 at 12:16 PM
About vitamin K.
As we know genetics are important.
What happens if a child is born with FVL (Factor V Leiden) or FII (Factor II
Prothrombin) and they are more common than you could imagine. The play a huge
role in early clot, DVT, stroke and death. I feel that parents should be tested
for these two mutations and if there is a mutation, that a child at birth should
not be given K. K will promote clotting and in someone who already has
hypercoagulation this can be dangerous.
Also there is G6PD. The most common enzyme deficiency in the world. It is
located on chromosome X so when a boy inherits a G6PD mutation, they are at even
higher risk than females. G6PD is related to hemolytic anemia. That is why we
see more males than females die from hemolytic anemia. All in all it is still
not good for a child with G6PD mutations and even worse for a child with G6PD
deficiency. As Stephanie Seneff states. It has been proven that glyphosate
impacts G6PD in a negative way. The WHO estimates over 400 million worldwide
have G6PD deficiency.
Vitamin K , the vitamin K family comprises 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (3-)
Do you hear the word quinone?
People with compromised G6PD have trouble breaking down quinolonic acid. They
should NOT avoid vitamin k rich foods but taking vitamin K supplement can really
impact someone with high levels of quinolonic acid. This is why beans are really
bad for people with G6PD compromised as well as tonic water and moth balls. You
can learn more at
So giving vitamin K injection at birth can be dangerous for many newborns.
I write blogs about G6PD quite often at because the
deficiency impacts the MTHFR gene.
Posted by: Sterling Hill Erdei | April 20, 2016 at 12:15 PM
Great article. My first son (born in 1992) was 9lbs 6 oz at birth. He was labeled "fetal macrosomia" and "hypoglycemic" at birth. Because of this, the pediatrician ordered round-the-clock formula feedings on him stating that he needed the feedings to keep his blood sugar up; that I would not be able to provide enough nourishment for him "at least initially". Not having done much reading on the subject, I was afraid to deviate from her recommendations. Being a sleepy baby, it was difficult getting the prescribed amount of formula into him, and I was worried about the whole blood sugar issue. Needless to say, our breastfeeding experience was a disaster. I would urge all new moms-to-be to do your homework. Take a breastfeeding class and read books AHEAD of time, and keep infant close at all times so you know what is happening. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, and have a lactation consultant ready to jump in and help in the event nursing isn't going well, or the doctor is recommending unnecessary supplementation. And obviously, it is important to make sure that your pediatrician is well educated and will go the extra mile to help make breastfeeding a success.
Posted by: Karen Woytowitz | April 20, 2016 at 11:47 AM
Just now finished reading everyone's comments, and feel I must add this.
We had friends whose daughter was born some months before our daughter, and son before our son. When their son was 12 something got stuck and he had to be circumcised. I don't think it was a happy experience.
And in ninth grade I did this humungous health projects and never forgot what one book said: "Mothers! Prevent cancer of the penis! Circumcise your sons! This was an old book, back when doctors made house calls and mailed you your bill.
Posted by: Sun~Rose | April 20, 2016 at 10:49 AM
Before I read your article, I didn't know much about the Weston Price Foundation and I never heard of Sarah Pope. This homemade formula has bothered me all day, wondering if I'm missing something. I looked back at the Weston Price site and saw a Q&A about the formula with Sarah Pope answering. She advised someone to go from the homemade formula to straight raw cow's milk at 8 mos. That isn't right. Among other things, that is a stress on a baby's kidneys because all the extra constituents in cow's milk have to be removed from the blood by the kidneys (a high renal solute load). She was also giving other questionable advice. I looked further. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, says that the Weston A. Price Foundation is "a Washington-based agricultural lobbying group"
Then I found this blog which confirms what I picked up on in Pope's formula making video. This article shows Pope referring to breastfeeding advocates as "breastfeeding Nazis" and she is rude to people asking questions.
Sorry to be so picky about this one small point. You made it clear that breastfeeding is very important. I don't think Pope feels that way.
Another thing - In her new book, Dr. Brogan states that 25% of women of child bearing age now take psych drugs. It wasn't like that a few decades ago. Just my opinion, I don't think it's good for a baby to be exposed to those drugs through mother's milk. What a mess.
Posted by: Linda1 | April 20, 2016 at 02:41 AM
You are so spot-on Laura! Thank you for this great article and the valuable links too!
Posted by: Michelle | April 20, 2016 at 12:46 AM
Thank you, Laura, for this excellent list of items that should be researched before you are in your ninth month of pregnancy...preferably before you're pregnant! All too often I see mothers and fathers wait until they are in the hospital to even think about these things and they are completely vulnerable to the bullying and fear-mongering of the doctors and other health care workers. Only when you educate yourself and understand how the body works and the risks of the "standard of care" procedures will you be a true protector of your child. I will share this article far and wide! Thank you again for taking the time to write it.
Posted by: Heather Kovac | April 19, 2016 at 10:08 PM
Thank you for reading my article and for your thoughtful and informative comment. I always appreciate what you write and take great interest in your comments here on AoA :)
I do feel the need, however, to defend Sarah Pope, known to many as The Healthy Home Economist. Sarah has a well-read blog with well-researched, well-written, and interesting articles, articles which often challenge conventional orthodoxy, be it medical, nutritional, or other.
The homemade formulas she was demonstrating making are not her personal recipes, they are those of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and can be found in the excellent book "Nourishing Traditions" authored by Sally Fallon and the late Mary Enig, PhD (Mary had a PhD in Nutritional Science and was an expert in fats and lipids).
I also wanted to clarify that Sarah is a fierce and staunch proponent of breastfeeding as evidenced by just 2 of her many articles that discuss breastfeeding:
I greatly appreciate the excellent information you shared, Linda1. Hopefully, mothers who are unable to breastfeed for some reason, and who can't secure breast milk from another nursing mother or breast milk bank, will do their research and come to their own decisions which with they feel comfortable and confident.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | April 19, 2016 at 09:52 PM
The beauty of the internet is that the information is out there - for the taking - should you choose to expose yourself to it. As Maya Angelou said " that I know better, I do better"!
Posted by: Kelly Brogan | April 19, 2016 at 09:25 PM
Vote now
Are unvaccinated school-aged children a public health hazard?
Posted by: Danchi | April 19, 2016 at 08:59 PM
How to Build a Healthy Microbiome, Before, During, and After Birth
Posted by: Angus Files | April 19, 2016 at 06:22 PM
What a labor of love for mothers and babies. Wonderful!
Posted by: Sun~Rose | April 19, 2016 at 06:11 PM
"...For me, personally, it's to the point that when I HAVE to see a physician, I go with garlic around my neck, my ears sticking up on alert, and with one hand holding a large cross and the other hand outstretched in front of me, palm out, the whole time..."
Well, now there's a picture (grin). In light of this rather dim subject, this
did provoke a much needed chuckle.
That being said, thank you, Linda, for this comment. I wish I had known some of this back in 1993 when I had my son. He was extremely allergic to cow's milk formula; we had to switch him to a soy based formula which he seemed to tolerate very well.
I had no breast milk to offer my son at birth (inherited condition from my maternal grandmother). I was given ZERO support regarding breast feeding from the lactation 'expert' at Denver's Rose Medical Hospital, so was left swinging in the wind with this issue. A nurse literally held up three cans of formula to me the next day after I'd given birth, and asked me which one I would choose to offer my newborn. Can you imagine?
I didn't know what the hell I was doing, so opted for can no. 2. This was a milk based formula; the consequences for our son after feeding him this, were heartbreaking.
Posted by: Bayareamom | April 19, 2016 at 04:43 PM
Amen, Laura. Nowadays, I look at whatever public health tells us to do -- and do the opposite!
Posted by: Celeste | April 19, 2016 at 03:49 PM
How sad is it that the medical profession across the board has destroyed its reputation to the point where they can't be trusted to take out one's garbage? For me, personally, it's to the point that when I HAVE to see a physician, I go with garlic around my neck, my ears sticking up on alert, and with one hand holding a large cross and the other hand outstretched in front of me, palm out, the whole time.
This situation that these sadists have created is now creating another problem. Now we not only have to be wary of them, but of those who would fill their crooked shoes in giving advice that we can't trust them for. There are some things on this list that are making me twitch. I hope that when people read this, they don't just say to themselves, 'that's it, no vitamin k', without actually doing the research. Under some circumstances, vitamin k probably does save lives - according to experts and research that I do consider to be reliable. I'm not sure that some parents are able to tell who is reliable and I hope that they actually read the reference to Dr. Mercola and Dr. Palevsky's article. It could be a disaster if they don't do their homework.
The other thing is the homemade formula. Not being melodramatic, I might have a stroke over this one. I watched Sarah Pope's video that you referenced, Laura. First red flag: She says breast milk is best if from a (and she emphasizes) "well-nourished" mother. That's bottle feeding speak for 'formula is best because no mother eats well enough to breastfeed'. Believe me, I've come across this false belief a thousand times - often from well credentialed self proclaimed infant nutrition experts. Pope has degrees in economics and business administration. Not that a degree in nutrition would convince me that her formula is ok. Far from it, because I know that it isn't. Just a few points:
The mucosal lining of an infant's GI tract is permeable (wide open) to invasion by foreign proteins and pathogens. I can't remember how long it takes for it to become less permeable but it is not in the first several months. Human milk takes care of this by coating the GI tract with secretory IgA (Immunoglobulin A) that acts as a barrier, preventing anything from crossing into the blood that doesn't belong there. There are many, many other factors in human milk that guard the baby from invasion as well.
Feeding RAW cow's milk to a human infant is STUPIDITY, because, I don't care how clean you think the cow is and the process of collecting the RAW milk, there is going to be some bacterial contamination sometime in all the many feedings made with RAW milk. The baby will have NO PROTECTION from this bacteria. Also, the raw milk has, of course, bovine protein, which is a LARGE, ANTIGENIC MOLECULE, which can pass into the baby's blood supply via his intestines. Not every baby will show clinical signs of an allergic reaction, but EVERY BABY FED UNPROCESSED BOVINE PROTEIN WILL HAVE AN ALLERGIC REACTION that can be detected via the blood.
Cow's milk irritates a human infant's intestines, causing bleeding that leads to anemia. That's why commercial infant formula contains added iron. I am no fan of commercial infant formula, but I am less of a fan of homemade infant formula. Human milk contains enough iron that is uniquely bioavailable (just because one feeds a certain quantity of something to a baby doesn't mean that the substance can be absorbed and utilized by the baby's body. The concept of bioavailability is very important.)
Sarah Pope says that the protein in commercial infant formula is denatured, and for that reason, she says that her homemade formula is better. Commercial formula denatures bovine protein ON PURPOSE in order to make it less allergenic. Even with that heat treatment, some babies still cannot tolerate commercial bovine formulas and a percentage of those that are allergic to bovine protein cannot tolerate soy protein (which is also highly allergenic) and end up on the protein hydrolyzed formulas (Nutramigen, etc.). Those formulas are the most hypoallergenic because the proteins have been treated more extensively in the hope that the human immune system will not recognize the protein as foreign. See the problem here? Pope has no clue. It is much better NOT to send a baby's immune system into overdrive with her raw cow's milk formula in the first place.
What else? Oh, all those added oils and ingredients. This is another prime set-up for inciting all kinds of allergies. Remember, the gut is wide open.
She doesn't take into account babies with genetic predisposition to immune system disorders, who will have a higher risk of reacting to her formula.
ANOTHER GIANT RED FLAG - Pope says that adding cream to her formula will help the baby to be less fussy, more satisfied and baby will sleep longer between feeds - the old, 'it must be good if the baby sleeps longer between feedings' myth. At birth, the size of a human infant's stomach is about the size of a WALNUT. Human infants are designed to be fed little and often, like several times an hour at first. They are not designed to be put down for long stretches (or at all) in between feedings. They are supposed to be held close to keep them safe, warm, stimulated (neurologically), and FED.
Finally, even if this homemade formula was a good thing, which it most definitely is not, it scares me to death that parents not knowing any better (through no fault of their own, it's not like we learn anything useful in school like the scientific basis for how infants should be fed) will get creative with the recipe and substitute what they have or ingredients that they think might be better. Another phenomenon I've come across - many people think that infants can eat just about anything. Nothing could be further from the truth, and substituting anything for human milk or adding anything to human milk can be very dangerous and is not something to be taken lightly.
Imagine having a procedure in the 8th and 9th months of pregnancy where the doctor disconnects the placenta and starts to infuse some newfangled concoction instead of what babies have traditionally gotten from the placenta while in utero, you know, because you are not "well nourished" enough. Would you go for it? Feeding Sarah Pope's slop is not that different.
My generation was fed watered down canned Carnation milk with added karo syrup, and I have the immune system to prove it. I have a long list of allergies. I am not one to say, 'well, I survived homemade formula, therefore...".
Laura is absolutely right in this excellent and thought provoking article informing parents to beware and to do their homework. I have to add: beware of people like Sarah Pope too.
Posted by: Linda1 | April 19, 2016 at 03:17 PM
Reposting my last paragraph for you to read again:
"What I have written here is not a list of directives for what you should or shouldn’t do. Rather, it is an exhortation which I hope will encourage all who read it to question everything, research thoroughly, and decide carefully. Your children need you to make the time to take the time to become your own expert and their protector."
Posted by: Laura Hayes | April 19, 2016 at 03:03 PM
I would recommend the book "Immaculate Deception II: Myth, Magic and Birth" by Suzanne Arms for any parent considering child birth options.
One can lessen one's fear of over-reaching, self-serving doctors by getting recommendations from trusted health conscious friends. Any doctor who pressures too much over vaccinations is doing you a favor by revealing themselves to be unsuitable care providers.
Posted by: Lenny Schafer | April 19, 2016 at 01:17 PM
Re: prenatal. Might I suggest humbly to be wary of any doctor that looks upon a pregnancy as a disease. Likewise, clamping the cord. Too soon - instant anemia.
Posted by: Paul Champion | April 19, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Thank you, Laura. This is a little off topic but to the point of "make your OWN decisions."
My son is high functioning. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. In fourth grade they decided he was bipolar and put him on depakote along with four other medications. He was crazy as a loon and landed in a mental hospital for two weeks.
As coincidence would have it, I read "As Nature Made Him" by John Colapinto
while my son was in the hospital. This is the story of the young man, damaged
during circumcision, who --under the best care available from Yale -- was raised
as a girl. The trusting parents did everything the doctors told them to do! It
is truly a cautionary tale.
I took my son out of the hospital, took him off all medications and vowed that
although I would listen to experts, I would NEVER do anything with respect to my
son's care that my gut didn't tell me was right.
You must make your own decisions, and believe in your own good judgement.
Posted by: Anna Quandt | April 19, 2016 at 12:40 PM
I am also shocked that in one sentence you bemoan painful procedures for newborns and then in the next simply tell parents the best day to have their baby circumcised! What in the world?
Posted by: Katie | April 19, 2016 at 10:22 AM
The best/safest way for your baby to be circumcised is for them to be NOT circumcised. Circumcision has risks, significant ones, in fact, and numerous life long side effects that are currently being discovered. We in the vaccine-questioning/refusing crowd know very well that we need to ask hard questions about benefits vs risks before submitting our children or ourselves to medical procedures. What are the benefits of circumcision, you ask? Well, I'm not entirely sure, I haven't discovered any. Why subject your baby to risks and side effects without a clear stated benefit to their health?
Posted by: Katie | April 19, 2016 at 10:17 AM
You should add to the list the episiotomy. Women who have this procedure will need more pain medication and antibiotics after delivery which, if breastfeeding will get into the newborn. Also, according to my Doctor episiotomy is the number one cause of incontinence in women who have had vaginal deliveries due to pelvic floor collapse.
Posted by: Danchi | April 19, 2016 at 09:46 AM
Superb article, Laura. Thanks!
Dr Adrienne Carmack, an MD, wrote an excellent book about her research and experience, and she is extremely supportive of all your advice. I give it to those friends and family who have to see a white coat to trust the advice :-)
The book is Reclaiming My Birth Rights: A Mother's Wisdom Triumphs Over the Harmful Practices of Her Medical Profession Paperback --
Posted by: Tim Lundeen | April 19, 2016 at 09:09 AM
Laura, Thank you for compiling this list, and especially for including decisions about birth. Most important is that the umbilical cord remain intact until blood flow to the placenta ceases naturally. Blood flow to the placenta continues after birth until the fetal heart valves have closed. The fetal heart valves close after blood flow has been redirected to the lungs.
Clamping the cord immediately after birth is a serious medical error, but the medical establishment refuses to admit this. An obstetrician can lose his license if he fails to clamp the cord within seconds after birth. This rigid protocol was put in place in the mid 1980s. Textbooks before that time all taught that pulsations of the cord should cease before tying or clamping it.
Clamping the cord before the first breath is the beginning of a brief period of asphyxia. A distinctive pattern of brain damage is caused by 5 to 10 minutes delay in resuscitation. The auditory pathway is most severely affected. This pattern of damage was published in the medical literature during the 1960s and early 1970s, and ignored ever since.
The IACC is meeting today, and I noticed that among materials for the afternoon session is a paper on "What We Know About Noise Sensitivity in Autism." I began attending IACC meetings in 2003, trying to bring attention to auditory system damage caused by asphyxia at birth. Finally they may be beginning to pay attention to this.
Posted by: Patience (Eileen Nicole) Simon | April 19, 2016 at 08:30 AM
Laura warns:
"We have been wrongly led to believe that our government has our best interests at heart, that doctors would never do anything that would harm their patients, that pharmaceutical products have been properly tested and are safe, and that hospitals are safe places to be."
Benjamin Rush .. on writing the Constitution .. warned:
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when
medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of
healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to
others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for
medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”
Unfortunately we did not take the prescient advice of Dr Benjamin Rush .. but .. thankfully it is not too late to take heed of Laura's hard-learned advice .. which Vigil (70-19 B.C.) .. centuries ago .. advised we do:
"Trust one who has gone through it"
or .. Bralek's rule for success:
"Trust only those who stand to lose as much as you when things go wrong"