Blood diamonds (Zionist)
Corporations  Africa 
Mafia rackets (Conspiracies)  Israel

[Refers to a diamond mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, invading army's war efforts, or a warlord's activity, usually in Africa where around two-thirds of the world's diamonds are extracted.]

See: De Beers  Child labour

[vid 2009] Zimbabwe's Blood Diamond Killing Fields

[2012 Sept] Russia reveals shiny state secret: It's awash in diamonds

[2011] De Beers Diamond Mine on Rez: Indians in Squalor

[2008] Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang. Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo (Part 1) by Keith Harmon Snow

[2008] Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo  by Keith Harmon Snow  The diamond jewellery trade in the United States is more than $30 billion annually, and 99%—everything that is not synthetic or artificial diamonds—involves blood diamonds and the above organized crime syndicates. Israel buys more than 50% of the world’s rough diamonds, and the U.S. buys two-thirds of these. The diamond factories are located in Nethanya, Petach Tikvah, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Jerusalem, and other cities around the country, but most of the offices were in Tel Aviv in the financial district on Ahad Ha'am Street


[2007] Chloe's Blood Diamond by Keith Harmon Snow

[2007 Jan] Rinsing the Blood from Angola’s Diamonds by Rafael Marques

Zionism  Instagram

[2008] Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo  by Keith Harmon Snow


Sotheby's have partnered with the Steinmetz Diamond Group to form Sotheby's Diamonds. The Steinmetz company have adopted the Givati Brigade of the Israeli military which has been accused of war crimes and possible crimes against humanity by the UN Human Rights Council. The Givati Brigade is responsible, in particular, for the massacre of the Samouni family of Gaza.

During Operation Cast Lead in January 2009, the Israeli army's Givati Brigade rounded up 100 members of the Samouni family, and ordered them into the house of Wa’el Samouni. The house was then bombed, and the ruined building cordoned off for four days during which time rescue services were prevented from approaching, with ambulances being shot at. When rescue workers were finally allowed into the ruins, they found 29 bodies, and traumatised children under the rubble with dead family members. They also found daubed on the walls racist graffiti in Hebrew which read "The only good Arab is a dead Arab".

The Steinmetz Company supports the Givati Brigade through charitable donations. Their foundation on its website* claims to "fosters a close relationship with the commanders and their soldiers" and "during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip the foundation helped the unit buy complementary equipment" and "visited and cared for the soldiers".

The surviving members of the Samouni family in a video appeal have asked people in the UK to reject diamonds from the Steinmetz company.

Sotheby's through its partnership with Steinmetz is directly linked to Israeli war crimes in Gaza. We will be protesting outside Sotheby's to demand they immediately end their partnership with Steinmetz and and make reparations for it’s role in helping to fund Israeli war criminals.