Camelford town water (Aluminium) poisoning (1988)
Water poisoning  State Abuse   Aluminium  Alzheimer’s Racket

"Effectively they said we were either dotty or lying. For 13 years the authorities have said this whole thing is just in our minds."--Elizabeth Sigmund, Camelford resident

[''Twenty tonnes of aluminium sulphate was inadvertently added to the water supply, raising the concentration to 3,000 times the admissible level. As the aluminium sulphate broke down it produced several tonnes of sulphuric acid which 'stripped a cocktail of chemicals from the pipe networks as well as lead and copper piping in people’s homes.' '' 1 ]

[2014] Village of the damned: Mysterious suicides. Agonising illness. And now, 25 years after UK's worst case of mass poisoning, the first evidence that dirty water has KILLED people  Victim 1: Richard Gibbons died at the age of 60 as a result of rapid onset dementia and was later found to have had abnormally high levels of aluminium in his brain...Joan King, 83...had toxic levels of aluminium in her blood for a year after the accident, and now suffers from Alzheimer's....Cancer: Angela Franks from Exmouth, in Devon, was on holiday near the village in July 1988 and was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph glands in her leg as few months later

[2001] They said we were dotty or lying - why trust them now?  more than 400 residents reported a variety of symptoms, including chest pains, sore throats, skin rashes, arthritic pains, loss of memory and general exhaustion....20 tons of aluminium sulphate leaked from the Lowermoor water treatment works..."Effectively they said we were either dotty or lying. For 13 years the authorities have said this whole thing is just in our minds" ...."I even found ice-cream with 20 times the acceptable levels of aluminium. I have been trying to make my material available for more than 10 years, but no one was interested. It is only now they have started to take notice and that is too late."