The Dark Knight Rises
Movies and makers
Warner Bros
Director Christopher Nolan
Production Designer: Nathan Crowley
SANDY HOOK, SATANISM, SEX Nathan Crowley was the production designer of Dark Knight Rises. In Dark Knight Rises, Commissioner Gordon points to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map. Nathan Crowley is related to the Satanist Aleister Crowley, who worked for the security services. In an interview, Nathan said, "Yes, Aleister Crowley is a direct relative, he's my grandfather's cousin." Nathan is the production designer of Lady Gaga's video ad for her perfume, Fame.
Batman Shooting - The Vigilant Citizen
Gargoyle (Black is Satanic colour and he
couldn't look more evil)
Denver shootings
It’s not just the buildings, but what really stuck out is the purple coat in the
card like the one joker wears.
Batman Shooting - The Vigilant Citizen Released only days before the
shooting, Lil Wayne’s video “My Homies Still” features him and his boys sitting
in a movie theater full of skeletons. Aside from this scarily prophetic scene,
the video features many dismembered dummies, a symbol associated with Mind
Batman Shooting - The Vigilant Citizen Shown right before the fatal
showing of Dark Knight Rises, this trailer of the movie Gangster Squad
ends with a big shooting in a movie theater.
Batman Shooting - The Vigilant Citizen In the trailer, gangsters walk
through the movie screen and start shooting at the crowd. Strange that the
people at the “Batman shooting” actually saw this right before it then happened
to them. Fiction indeed turned into reality.
Sandy Hook
The map below was part of a viral marketing strategy for "The Dark Knight
Rises" that began on December 14th 2011, one year TO THE DAY of the Sandy Hook
shooting.. Go figure eh~
Sandy Hook