Dr Oz

If Dr. Oz Spreads out the Vaccine Schedule for His Kids, Why Can't We?


Out_on_a_limb Managing Editor's Note: Thank you to LJ for sending us this transcript.  Dr. Oz told CNN's Joy Behar that spacing out vaccines is permissible and perhaps advisable, by stating that he and his wife do just that for their children. We commend him for sharing that his own children received neither H1N1 nor seasonal flu vaccines, although as a wife, I'm not sure he needed to place the onus of that decision on his wife. As the physician in the family, I assume he has some say in the children's medical care. That said, it's not easy to discuss your children on national TV. He makes some interesting points. We hope he'll continue the conversation in the future.

Back in a minute with Dr. Oz. Stay there.

BEHAR: Okay we`re not done with Dr. Oz because this is just great stuff. So we`ll be back with your questions when we come back. So stay there.


BEHAR: We`re back with Dr. Oz. I have some questions on Twitter.

OZ: Fire away.

BEHAR: Well first of all, someone want to know there`s a rumor that your kids did not get flu shots or swine flu shots is that right?

OZ: That`s true, they did not.

BEHAR: Do you not believe in them for the kids or what?

OZ: No, I would have vaccinated my kids but you know I - I`m in a happy marriage and my wife who makes most of the important decisions as most couples have in their lives.


OZ: Who absolutely refuses. And listen the kids are pretty healthy. We actually think two of them caught swine flu very early on anyway. So there`s no point vaccinating them again. And you know -

BEHAR: What do you, on that same subject, what do you think about this controversy that`s going around about vaccinations and autism and other little things that happens to kids?

OZ: I think kids like the canary and the coal mine. That they are more susceptible to some of the toxins maybe our generation was able to overcome. That`s why we have a lot more allergies now. Perhaps one of the reason why we have more autism. But I don`t think it`s just the vaccine.


OZ: Although, I don`t want to ignore the potential role they have. So what we do with our kids is we spread the vaccine out.

BEHAR: Right, so why don`t the doctors just do that?

OZ: It`s a lot more expensive and kids fall through the cracks.


OZ: It`s hard enough to get in there once a year for the shots and imagine if you have to bring them in every other month. And those two factors are a big issue.

BEHAR: I see.

OZ: Plus, we have no evidence at all, Joy, none, that they actually cause autism.

BEHAR: Right.

OZ: And a lot of doctors very reasonably say, listen, why you want to spend more money, cause more hardship for the kids and their families, if we don`t think it`s really a problem. But you know if you want to be cautious, you can do what we did.

BEHAR: Well, I don`t remember getting this many shots when I was a kid. Or my daughter getting as many shots.

OZ: We did Joy. When you and I were -

BEHAR: She got the measles on her own. She got chicken pox on her on, so what?

OZ: We got exposed to ten vaccines when we were kids. Children today are now getting closer to 30. So there`s a big difference between the exposure amounts and, plus, we have a much purer environment that we grew up in and compared to what kids are exposed to today.

BEHAR: That - that brings me to this question, is there anything wrong with constantly using hand sanitizers? Don`t we need to be exposed to germs once in a while?

OZ: Well hand sanitizers are the best of all the options because they`re not anti microbial which means they`re not going to stimulate resistant bacteria. And listen, the biggest side effect of using hand sanitizers, your hands will get chapped. So you know, use it with a cream at the same time.

BEHAR: But are they effective?

OZ: Hand sanitizers are very effective, oh no, they are very effective. They kill viruses better than anything else we have in the hospitals. The hospital by the way, I still operate, we use hand santizers all the time.


OZ: 30, 40 times a day I`ll be using hand sanitizers.

BEHAR: Ok I`m going fast because I have so many things to ask you. This new body scan idea that they`re using at the airports, can that be dangerous radiation wise.

OZ: We`ll it`s got a very small fraction of the radiation a chest X-ray will give you. And it`s about equivalent to the amount of radiation that you get after an hour in the sky.

BEHAR: Uh-huh. Not to bad.

OZ: So I don`t think they`re very toxic for that reason. I`m very much against some of the searching tactics we are using in general. Because I don`t think they are very effective. And I`m very concerned that a lot of security measures that are used are primarily designed if you and I think we were safer.

BEHAR: Well you mean the taking off the shoes and the liquids.

OZ: Yes, yes.

BEHAR: But the body scanners would help. I believe in those.

OZ: Maybe. But they are pretty innovative people. And I can think right at the top of my head of a couple of different ways to blow a plane out of the sky that wouldn`t be protected by a body scanner. I`m not trying to do that but I`m not sure -

BEHAR: It would be harder, you want to at least make it more difficult. Although there are body cavities. Hello.

OZ: There are body cavities. And there are things we may not even know exist right now that people can smartly bring out of the plane.

BEHAR: They seem to always be a little bit ahead of us sometimes.


BEHAR: Anyway thank you so much, Dr. Oz.

OZ: Yes, yes hurry.

BEHAR: I think you are just miraculous.

OZ: Enchante.

BEHAR: And thanks to all my guests for joining me tonight. Good night everybody.


See the full transcript HERE.