Israel and Jewish history quotes
Israel  Ashkenazi Jews

See: Palestine State existence  Holocaust revisionism  Ashkenazi Jews

‘If the people of Israel were not expelled, then the real descendants of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Judea must be the Palestinians…the first Zionists, up until the Arab revolt (1936-9), knew that there had been no exiling, and that the Palestinians were descended from the inhabitants of the land.’--The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon

‘The Bible is fiction, and not much in it can substantiate the glorification of the Jewish people in Palestine at any stage.  It would appear, rather, to be an ideological text that is being made to serve social and political ends.’
~ Gilad Atzmon

In this work, the author attempts to prove that the Jews now living in Israel and other places in the world are not at all descendants of the ancient people who inhabited the Kingdom of Judea during the First and Second Temple period. Their origins, according to him, are in varied peoples that converted to Judaism during the course of history, in different corners of the Mediterranean Basin and the adjacent regions. Not only are the North African Jews for the most part descendants of pagans who converted to Judaism, but so are the Jews of Yemen (remnants of the Himyar Kingdom in the Arab Peninsula, who converted to Judaism in the fourth century) and the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe (refugees from the Kingdom of the Khazars, who converted in the eighth century). [2010 March] Shattering a 'national mythology'

Sand.....comes to the conclusion that Jewish exile is also a myth, and that the present day Palestinians are far more likely to be the descendants of the ancient Semitic people in Judea/Canaan than the current, predominantly Khazarian-origin, Ashkenazi crowd (p.135). [2011] The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon

[2011] The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon


The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon

The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon

Atzmon, Gilad    The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics by Gilad Atzmon