Nick Kollerstrom
[back] History Revisionists

[Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, has two history of science degrees, one from
Cambridge 1968, plus a PhD from London, 1995. He was an honorary member of staff
of UCL for 11 years. He co-edited The Case Against War (Spokesman,
comprising the CND legal arguments against the Iraq war) and then co-organised
the Belgrano Inqury in 1986, publishing The Unnecessary War as its
proceedings in 1998. In 2008 he received widespread publicity and ethical
damnation owing to his interest in studies of the residual cyanide levels found
in walls of the World War Two labor-camps. His recent book Terror on the
Tube is the sole comprehensive account of the 2005 London bombings. It
endorses the hypothesis of Islamic innocence. ]
Nicholas Kollerstrom
See re Kollerstrom:
[2017] Anti-Semitism by
Nicholas Kollerstrom:
[2010] Three
Interesting Numbers By Nick Kollerstrom
[vid] 7/7 Kollerstrom
and Farrell Are Dead Kevin West's new film has been specially made to
mark the 7th anniversary of the 7th July 2005 London bombings. It includes some
of the new footage released by the sham Enquiry into the bombings held in
2010/11 and the subsequent release of more disinformation about what is supposed
to have happened that day.
[2010 Nov] July 7 – The Truth At Last by Nick
How Britain Pioneered City
Bombing by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD The Blitz on London in 1940 came in
response to the initiation of city bombing by Britain some months earlier. Few
now accept this rudimentary fact, central to Britain’s role in initiating World
War II ‘The exclusion of non-combatants from the scope of hostilities is the
fundamental distinction between civilised and barbarous warfare.’
The Auschwitz "Gas
Chamber" Illusion by Nick Kollerstrom
In March 1942 Churchill’s War Cabinet adopted the ‘Lindemann
plan’, whereby civilian targeting became official. Working-class homes were
preferred to upper-class because they were closer together, and so a greater
flesh-incineration-per-bomb could be achieved. The Jewish German émigré
Professor Frederick Lindemann, Churchill's friend and scientific advisor had by
then become Lord Cherwell. He submitted a plan to the War Cabinet on March 30th
urging that German working-class houses be targeted in preference to military
objectives, the latter being harder to hit. Middle-class homes had too much
space around them, he explained. He was not prosecuted for a ghastly new
war-crime, hitherto undreamt-of. Thereby all cities and town over 50,000
inhabitants could be destroyed, or at least brought to ruin. The War Cabinet
realised that no inkling of this must reach the public.
How Britain Pioneered
City Bombing

‘Terror On the Tube’ is published by Progressive Press and is available via
Amazon UK and
Amazon US.