"The one
thing the conspirators did not want to happen was for civilians to
discover the plane and the evidence of the explosion."
by L.C. Vincent
The story of
the "elimination" of John F. Kennedy Jr. was
laid out in an outstanding publication entitled Media Bypass (before
taken over and subverted by the CIA, much as they did to Popular
Science) .
According to their research, there was a meeting in Bill Clinton's Oval
Office. In attendance were Bill and Hillary, George H. W. Bush, and the
head of the FBI, along with an unnamed agent of the Mossad. The meeting
was held to discuss and decide the best way to eliminate John F. Kennedy
Jr. All of the participants had their "reasons."
This unfortunate meeting was occasioned because JFK Jr., had carelessly
told a few close associates that he intended to run for the Senate from
New York, and then for the Presidency.
To compound this threat, he also let slip that once elected President,
he would re-open the investigation into his father's assassination. You
can imagine how well all this went over with these occupants of the Oval
Hillary planned to run for the Senate as a stepping-stone to the
There would be no way Hillary would win the Democratic nomination let
alone the actual Senate race, and she could kiss her presidential
aspirations goodbye if JFK Jr. ran for the New York Senate race.
George H.W. Bush, of course, had zero desire to see the JFK
assassination re-opened, since he was in Dallas on that day (the very
day which he incredibly stated, when asked where he was on the day of
JFK's assassination, that he couldn't remember -- probably the only
person in the world who could not remember where they were that day!) as
well as the night before, along with President Johnson, where they dined
at the estate of Texas oil tycoon Cliff Murchison, adding the finishing
touches to the assassination plot.
The Mossad, of course, had no desire to see another Kennedy, especially
JFK's son, occupying the Oval Office because they supported the Kennedy
assassination for JFK's refusal to allow Israel to go nuclear, and for
his limited issuance of silver certificates instead of debt based
The plot was simple: an atmospheric bomb was planted in the tail of JFK
Jr.'s airplane, which would blow up after descending past a certain
By a simple calculation of the landing flight path to Martha's Vineyard,
the Mossad knew at what altitude to have the bomb explode, depositing
the plane in shallow water for immediate retrieval.
Immediate retrieval, of course, was absolutely essential. The one thing
the conspirators did not want to happen was for civilians to discover
the plane and the evidence of the explosion.
The proof of this explosion was shown on the front page of the San
Francisco Chronicle (when I lived there) in a large black and white
photograph of the U.S. NAVY retrieving JFK Jr.'s airplane from the
waters off Martha's Vineyard. The most interesting aspect was the very
large canvas tarp draped across the tail of the plane. Now just why
would the U.S. Navy do such a thing? To hide evidence of the explosion,
of course.
One other anomaly. JFK Jr. was a civilian at this time, not a public
officer. For what reason was a U.S. Naval vessel tasked with the
retrieval of JFK Jr.'s crashed airplane? The reason, of course, was
that with the Navy on the scene, they could proceed with the cover-up.
If civilian rescue craft had been allowed to retrieve JFK Jr.'s plane
off of Martha's Vineyard, they wouldn't have bothered with such niceties
as covering up the tail of JFK Jr.'s aircraft.
Adding to this certainty is the fact that civilian rescue craft were on
the scene well before the Navy arrived, but were sternly told to stay
back while the Navy performed the cover-up.
On the same front page, the general public was treated to the usual psy-op
disinformation campaign we have now come to expect from our Illuminati
The public was "informed" that JFK Jr. was a careless, slipshod,
hot-shot, showboating pilot, who nearly always flew his plane outside of
its normal parameters. We were told he constantly took reckless
chances, that he wasn't instrument certified, and that his plane crash
was due to his ineptness as a pilot.
Adding to this, we were also informed by the lap-dog media that the
weather had been terrible that night, contributing to low visibility,
which probably confused JFK Jr. His incompetence as a pilot, along
with the bad weather, doomed his flight.
Many months later, the actual truth began to filter out, but only to
those who cared enough to do the research. Not only was JFK Jr. a very
experienced and accomplished pilot, but his flight instructor, the man
who taught him how to fly, insisted he was exceptionally careful and
thorough. He also stated that JFK Jr. was also fully accredited to fly
by instruments. Moreover, the weather that evening had been clear,
with high visibility.
Unfortunately for the plotters, there were also numerous eye witnesses
who saw JFK Jr.'s plane fall like a stone falling out of the sky, which
is exactly what happens when you lose the control of an aircraft's tail
All of these 'eye witnesses' were repeatedly interviewed by the FBI and
persuaded to change their story. The eye witnesses who had reported
both seeing and hearing an explosion just before seeing JFK Jr.'s plane
dive into the ocean, were very heavily "persuaded."
This is how the Illuminati take care of problematic people. Airplane
assassination, high in the sky and out of direct line-of-sight by the
general public is definitely one of their favorite methods, and they
obviously do not care how many people die to take out their target.
After all, those extraneous people are all just "collateral damage" --
just as all of us are considered in the Illuminati scheme of
manufactured 'consensus' reality.