The former mining town of Eastwood, sat on the cusp of rural Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, was tagged “brown town” just 10 years ago as heroin trafficking reached epidemic levels. The mining industry (black gold) had once been the lifeblood of the town but when Margaret Thatcher had the local Moorgreen Colliery closed down as part of her plan to smash the NUM, unemployment led to crime and drug abuse. Black gold rapidly became brown gold.
The Labour Party proved ineffective for years but when Tony Blair took ‘New Labour’ to power in 1997, local people thought they had arrived at the turning point but within 3 years the town was dubbed “brown town” and had the worst record of heroin abuse in proportionate terms of any town in England. And of course this created an open market for police corruption to thrive in the drugs and firearms racket.
In late 1999 and early 2000, 19 police officers were arrested in anti-corruption swoops and it was revealed one regional crime squad officer had been selling restricted police intelligence to drug-dealers in Eastwood. Armed with this information, one notorious dealer, emptied his safe of drugs, money and a firearm before he was raided early the next morning. But he ‘bragged’ about his inside knowledge to the wrong people and the corrupt officer who supplied his information was nailed by anti-corruption police. The dealer however escaped ‘justice’ because he had destroyed the evidence of his criminal activity.
The 19 corrupt officers from Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Leicestershire Police ‘services’ were simply returned to unit, pensioned off or forced to resign. The anti-corruption bust made around a hundred words in the Nottingham Evening Post. It was clear the police and press were intent on keeping the scandal as low-key as possible to preclude upsetting the natives.
As a trainee journalist at the time, I was simply dismayed to witness police corruption buried with such apparent ease and noticed the easy and close relationship Notts Police had with the Nottm Evening Post ‘newspaper’. I was determined on a path of investigative journalism but was warned by Detective Inspector [now Chief Supt] David Wakelin – recently promoted sideways and replaced by Chief Sup. Ak Khan - to keep away from the likes of notorious Colin Gunn.
Wakelin, at one time a sergeant at Canning Circus Police Station – firebombed in the August 2011 riots – assured me Colin Gunn was just a businessman who did not always plays by the rules and that people had the wrong idea about him. In the real world however, although few dared admit to it in public, Gunn was renowned as a leading criminal underworld figure involved in drug dealing, gun running, car theft, robberies and corrupting police officers. Nothing could ever be proved but the allegations remained constant behind the scenes.
So much for the ‘businessman’ who did not always play by the rules. I was profoundly concerned by Wakelin’s warning and wondered if he was simply trying to protect me from harm or steer me away from police corruption? Of course, David and Colin Gunn had both spent their formative years in Eastwood before moving to the crime-ridden estates of Nottingham.
Colin Gunn was jailed for 35 years for ordering the double-murder of an elderly couple
And Eastwood, of course, was also my hometown until 3 February 2011, when I had to leave at 03.00 as a result of repeated police harassment. I took the decision to leave to allow my elderly mother some peace. Twice in a week, four different police officers had called at my mother’s home to attempt to intimidate me into silence over damaging material I had published on the internet and in my book Counter Spy.
I had upset the local status quo, police, politicians, and criminal rabble were intent on silencing me but I could not allow my mother to be caught in the crossfire. At 02.30 on 3 February 2011, shortly before I left, I published a tape recording exposing police corruption in D Division, particularly at Eastwood Police Station. There was no turning back and I realised I had probably signed my own death warrant. It was a chilling experience.
Within 10 days, Borough Commander, Inspector Andrew Browning was demoted to SGT because he had allowed the corruption to exist under his ‘command’ and more importantly, he had failed to stop me from exposing it and had heaped ‘shame’ on the police. The ‘public image’ of the police was at rock bottom in a town where violence is always simmering beneath the surface. D Division immediately earned the nickname “D for Dirty Division”.
[Notts Police no longer use the term 'D Division' and use South Nottinghamshire instead after my recommendation to the Home Office in June this year.]
Situated in London, I took dossiers of information to MI5 at Thames House detailing police corruption. There was no way on this earth Notts Police could be trusted to ‘investigate’, expose and eradicate corruption in their own ranks. But MI5 and the Home Office seemed content to leave the corrupt officers in situ and thought demoting Andrew Browning was sufficient. If the officers were left in situ to maintain a watching brief on their activities that is acceptable but if not what does that tell the public?
I was offered no thanks for my work and more importantly no protection. MI5 refused to be drawn on the problem of police corruption and how to deal with it. I was warned by a police officer in January not to trust MI5 or the police. His opinion was that they were not interested in exposing another corruption scandal at Notts Police and I was not surprised.
At the end of February, I had a chance encounter with an old acquaintance who gave me chapter and verse on his dealings with corrupt police officers and he warned me not to return to Nottingham again. He said, “They’re capable of anything mate, they could have you shot or seriously beaten up by some lads for what you’ve done.” My source was referring to serving ‘police officers’ enraged at being exposed.
A few days earlier I had spoken to Anthony France at The Sun newspaper regarding police corruption. I knew there was no way on earth the News of the World would expose the scandal because they’d been in bed with corrupt police officers for years. Was The Sun going to play the same game I wondered? There was only one way to find out and on 22 February 2011, I was telephoned by Anthony France…
Police Dirty Division Smashed in Corruption Investigation – VIDEO
After the call, he spoke with his news editor and said lamely that the corruption had to be exposed by the IPCC – professional whitewash brigade – and I knew then The Sun was not going to expose the corruption because the IPCC does not expose police corruption, it conceals it and has done so for years. What was really happening? The Sun’s tale about the IPCC was puerile and I was of the opinion that someone was doing favours for corrupt police officers. After all, News International had dozens of bent coppers on the payroll and I was aware of this fact through working with The Sunday Times and the News of the World.
In the press, fresh allegations erupted every day about News International. For several weeks I had been in contact with James Robinson of The Guardian and had given him some inside information on police corruption and dirty tricks at News International. We arranged to meet in Islington close to the newspaper’s office at Kings Cross but I cancelled at the last minute. I didn’t know why but something didn’t feel right, sixth sense perhaps, and I reasoned there was more to it that would come to light at a later stage and indeed it did…
In January and February 2011, I wrote to Gloria De Piero MP for Ashfield, who was set on making Eastwood her new home. Surely she would be interested in exposing police corruption? Three weeks went by and all I received was a letter from her secretary saying the matter was receiving attention. That meant she was doing nothing and the same close relationship between New Labour and the police had continued where dodgy Geoff ‘Buffoon’ Hoon had left off and I was not accepting it!
In April and June this year, I wrote to De Piero again in London and all she could advise was cooperating with an anti-corruption ‘investigation’ led by Notts Police. I realised then that she had no intention of petitioning the Home Secretary to authorise an anti-corruption investigation by an outside force not based in the East Midlands.
Gloria De Piero is now a shadow Home Office minister appointed by Ed Miliband. What qualification does a former TV producer have to become a Home Office minister? New Labour have learned nothing from 1997-2010 and are intent on making all the same mistakes again.
I was contacted by the Notts Police Authority (NPA) and they urged me to cooperate with Deputy Chief Constable Chris Eyre to uncover rampant corruption inside Notts Police. But there was no way I was going to give Notts Police, through Chris Eyre or anyone else, a chance to pull their usual whitewash stunt with my full ‘cooperation’. If they whitewashed the ‘investigation’ as usual that would leave me without a shred of credibility and they would say, ‘well, he cooperated with us at every stage and he can have no complaint’.
I decided to take the battle to the doorstep of the Home Office and exchanged correspondence with civil servants and assured them I would only cooperate with an anti-corruption investigation led by an outside force and suggested Hampshire Police as an example. After several days of wrangling the Home Office refused and said I should cooperate with Notts Police. I was not in the least surprised by the Home Office stunt. In March, Theresa May visited Nottingham and gave Notts Police a ‘clean’ bill of health. It was now political at the highest level of ‘government’.
Riots strike Britain as Home Office protects corrupt police officers – VIDEO
This was just days before the Hackgate scandal erupted into outright firestorm and engulfed the entire media and political class. I warned the Home Office of the ugly mood festering in the country and that riots would soon erupt if the Home Secretary allowed the police to get away with lying, cheating and intimidating anyone who dared to try and expose and stop them. The Home Office thought my warning amusing but then given the fact they don’t live in the real world, they would think that but within weeks the smirk was wiped from the Home Secretary’s face when Britain burned during days of rioting and looting.
The Hackgate scandal, followed by the IPCC spewing out more lies about the fatal shooting of Mark Duggan in Tottenham was the straw that broke the camel’s back and within days, Britain was on fire. In Nottingham, St Ann’s Police Station was firebombed. The next night Canning Circus Police Station was firebombed and Bulwell Police Station attacked with bricks and bottles. I was astonished that Beeston and Eastwood Police Stations escaped the firestorm despite serious tensions in the air.
I sat back with a wry smile as one politician after the other denounced the rioters, saying it had nothing to do with Hackgate and institutionalised corruption within the rotten Establishment. The ignition point came in Tottenham when the IPCC spread their usual lies about the killing of Mark Duggan but of course police corruption had nothing to do with it.
I was faced with the prospect of having to deal with Notts Police’s laughable anti-corruption and Professional Standards Directorate and that was NOT going to happen in a million years. Just months before, a complaint I made against PC Philip England had been whitewashed by the Notts Police PSD.
Chief Supt. Brian Beasley said PC England’s colleague PC Parsons had backed his ‘not guilty’ story and PC England was ‘exonerated’. I then appealed to the IPCC who then proceeded to rubber stamp the police whitewash. But the IPCC made a damning confession in relation to Chief Supt. Beasley; it transpired that PC Parsons had NOT supported PC England’s story and that in fact Beasley had lied about the matter. I was not shocked but the IPCC also exonerated PC England.
The IPCC admitted that a senior police officer, tasked with rooting out police corruption (LOL) had lied to save a junior officer but recommended no action against him or PC England. This appalling whitewash simply confirmed that the IPCC and the Notts Police PSD could not be trusted to uncover any form of police corruption…
The Home Secretary, who had given Notts Police a ‘clean’ bill of health in March, could not perform a U-turn and authorise an anti-corruption investigation by an outside force. To do so would make a mockery of the previous ‘clean’ bill of health claim and land her in deep trouble on the public relations market. Instead, Theresa May decided to sacrifice me to save her own skin and protect corrupt police officers.
on 30 March 2011, I was attacked by a South African psychopath who believed I was an “MI5 agent” sent to spy on him and report back to my handlers in London. He gleaned the warped idea from the smear spread about me by The Sunday Times and the leadership of the British National Party.
Shaun Breach, a former special forces soldier, with an appalling record of murder and violence in Durban and Cape Town, South Africa, should never have been allowed to settle in Britain in the first place. This was a failure of the New Labour regime and one maintained by Theresa May’s useless Home Office and the impotent ConDem coalition.
I told the police that I would not make a formal statement about the attempted stabbing and death threats in Nottingham on 30 March until the corrupt police officers in D Division had been removed from the service and no longer had access to the Police National Computer. But the Home Office under the direction of Theresa May would not authorise the resources to nail the corrupt police officers and they remain in situ. There was no way I was giving Notts Police my address and location for corrupt police officers to access through the PNC.
I asked the police to conduct a routine stop and search on Shaun Breach for concealed weapons but they ‘refused’! I demanded an explanation and the police at Central Police Station refused to explain why they would not stop and search Breach. I had given PC Ross Clarke at Eastwood Police Station a tape recording of the attack on 30 March and the police had all the evidence they needed to nail Breach but they refused to enforce the ‘law’.
War Criminal Launches Frenzied Knife Attack On Journalist – VIDEO
I had no doubt at all that the rotten police simply wanted me dead and buried and silenced. I had been betrayed at every turn by the people who were supposed to uphold the ‘law’. I asked the Home Office to explain how a monster like Breach had been given a British passport? Their eventual response was “we have no means to predict when we can make a response on this matter” and I had not asked them for a clairvoyant reading.
[In November this year, John Hemming MP admitted that the British legal is "completely corrupt and Parliament has no powers to remove corrupt judges."]
Equally, the Home Office has no control over immigration and dangerous criminals and when caught out they will lie as naturally as the rest us draw breath to conceal their corruption and incompetence. The recent scandal involving Theresa May and senior civil servants at the Home Office has proved this fact beyond doubt.
And then on Twitter, Gloria De Piero MP let it slip she’d been in a long-term relationship with James Robinson of The Guardian. This was the same James Robinson I had given information to on police corruption and his partner Gloria De Piero had turned her back on tackling police corruption. I was disgusted, so emailed Robinson for an explanation. I asked if any of the information I had given him had been passed on to Gloria De Piero and then to the corrupt police? He did not or could not deny it but instead issued some pathetic response about loving and respecting his partner…
Of course, De Piero is supported by former County Councillor Eleanor Lodziak, who sat on the Notts Police Authority for several years and has contact with all senior police officers in the county. And Lodziak, local Labour Party leading light, was a close friend of Jim Kenny, former Labour Mayor. And contract killer Shaun Breach is married to Susan Cooper, niece of Jim Kenny, all closely connected to the Labour Party. I had walked into a nest of corruption and would need a small army to fight this battle and set about building up the resources I need to eradicate this nest of pure evil.
MI6 Intelligence Report on South African hitman Shaun Breach – Document
Without public support, this battle is going nowhere and I hasten to add that Eastwood is the perfect example of broken Britain in microcosm. But I am determined to fight this battle for the heart and soul of Eastwood because in fact it is part of the larger battle to save this nation from utter destruction at the hands of its enemies.
The corrupt status quo in the Eastwood area has a disturbing number of foreigners calling the shots. Gloria De Piero, an Italian born in Sheffield, is supported by Eleanor Lodziak, Polish, and by Milan Radulovic also of Polish extraction. The ‘leader’ of the Labour Party they support is Ed Miliband, a Polish Jew with Marxist tendencies whose grandfather fought for Joseph Stalin’s Red Army murder machine in WWII. One should remember Stalin’s damning maxim: “No man, no problem,” to ‘justify’ his mass murder and the same concept applies to me in this battle.
Milan Radulovic’s brother Marco was once a member of the ultra-violent Class War organisation that was infiltrated and maintained by MI5 and Special Branch agents according to Annie Machon and David Shayler. On a train journey to Derby several years later, Marco, a born-again Christian, desperate to cleanse his soul, confessed to an incident in Derby on 23 September 1993 on the night Ian Stuart, Nationalist leader and lead singer of Skrewdriver was fatally injured in a ‘car accident’. The full story can be read in my book The Fanatics on sale now.
Marco alleged that he was at a Class War meeting in Derby on the night when several of his comrades burst in and claimed “we just killed Ian Stuart on the A52″ in Derbyshire. The car’ s steering wheel had locked without explanation, a tyre burst and the car flipped across the dual carriageway. Stephen Flint died at the scene and Ian Stuart died the next day in hospital in Nottingham. At the time Ian Stuart was becoming a “big noise” causing the Establishment serious problems by exporting his message to white youths in America and Europe and he had to be stopped!
Rob Sherlock who was driving the doomed car said it felt that the “steering wheel had been snapped from my hands”. Derby coroner Peter Ashworth concluded: “We are still no nearer finding out what caused this tragic accident. All we can say is that because of the car’s two defects the car became less easy to control. But there must have been some other factor which contributed to the crash, even if Ian had not grabbed the wheel in a way many others in the same situation would have done.”
Gloria De Piero and James Robinson's lovenest on Church Street, Eastwood.
Derbyshire Police Special Branch of course have no interest in determining precisely how their local enemy number one Ian Stuart was killed but Marco Radulovic is convinced he was murdered after the car had been tampered with in Burton-on-Trent the same night. He gleaned this impression from fellow activists at the Class War meeting in Derby on the same night of the fatal ‘accident’. He alleged a chisel had been used to weaken the tyres and cause a blow-out in transit thus causing a road traffic accident.
Milan Radulovic has also used his police connections to have his nephew cleared on suspicion of cocaine dealing in the town but several of his accomplices were charged with dealing Class A narcotics. But Milan’s nephew walked away with a smile on his face… This proves once again that joining the rotten Establishment at any level is a ‘get out of jail free card’.
And of course Eastwood is riddled with police informers; the most notorious of the bunch is Andrew Robert Chrich, exposed in the police corruption scandal in February this year. But the police have no intention of arresting their pet Andrew Chrich because that would open up a nest of corruption that would rip the heart out of Nottinghamshire ‘Police Service’ and they cannot afford another corruption scandal.
Shaun Breach continues to brag about having a firearm to his associates in Eastwood and has promised to shoot me dead me on sight if I ever appear in the town again. Breach is protected to the hilt by corrupt police officers and they in turn are protected by Gloria De Piero, James Robinson of The Guardian, and Theresa May at the Home Office. In microcosm Eastwood is a replica of the corrupt Establishment on a smaller scale but I will not surrender the battle to save my hometown from organised crime.
Therefore, the purpose of Operation Strikeback is to nail corrupt police officers, smash the criminal gangs, disrupt and degrade the influence of the rotten Labour Party in the area and send Gloria De Piero hurtling back to Sheffield or London with James Robinson hanging to her skirt. There will be no stepping back from this battle to save Eastwood and the nation at large.
With the economy on its last legs and the Eurozone slipping into meltdown, people are just about ready for anything and in this fertile breeding ground for organised rebellion against the rotten Establishment in the public interest I shall give my utmost to save Eastwood and the nation. Before this country can thrive again, the institutionalised corruption that has infected every public ‘service’ must be eradicated!
There is no point in sitting back and complaining about what is wrong because that achieves nothing. Whereas the historical imperative teaches that socio-political change only comes through organised direct action. Therefore, the criminal mob who have taken over Eastwood and the nation at large had better realise that we are coming to end your reign of terror over the decent population.
NB: Jamie Pyatt’s arrest on suspicion of bribing police officers for The Sun newspaper came as no surprise on 4 November this year. It also explained why The Sun refused to expose corruption inside Nottinghamshire ‘Police’….