Orgonite In Southern Sudan [Download
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Joined: November 2010
Posts: 74

Orgonite In Southern Sudan
In Southern Sudan we have a greater achievement caused especially by
the Orgonite that for many times we have thoroughly gifted in the
most parts of this newly born nation. The fishermen are really
celebrating for adequate catches of fish that they are nowadays
harvesting more on the areas where we had tossed the Orgonite. The
number of fishermen has doubled the number by about 35%.Many
fishermen have come to our nation. Some came from Ethiopia Uganda
and from the DRC. Statistically I guess that in the near future we
will build a good and a big cold storage in the region to improve
our fishing industry for I m very sure that this fishing industry
will expand even more further.
Farming also have picked another era of success since all the
farmers who used the mbolea in their gardens this time are going to
get a wonderful harvest ever before. Last week I was called by one
of the agricultural officers in charge of our area concerning the
improvement in the agricultural sector, really I could not manage to
with hold my happiness but I just broke to him my happiness by
clearly exposing to him the miracle behind all those. He then told
me to keep quiet and they are working it out on how the modalities
could be reached so as to find a means of producing the Orgonite in
a large number so as to meet the demand of many. Also he was afraid
of other companies who had given the ruling Government tax to work
there through manufacturing their native fertilizers. So I’ m still
on the watch out to see another level of hope in the business.
Another thing that I cannot forget to mention is that this Orgonite
in the places where have put it especially in the water, it make the
water to be very clean. Also that water you can simply use without
applying any chemical to treat it. So it’s true that right now
nearly a half of the population in this country has positively yield
to Orgonite and they really like it. So I still hope to get some
more findings and I will continue posting more findings.
Joined: July 2007
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
Christine, this is an amazing development, which you've certainly
earned and I'm very happy for you! Of course we never actually need
the government's help of this sort but the fact that the man was
hoping to extend that help is a positive sign. If there are
corporations who are bribing government officials I doubt you will
see official support for your effort but at least you've probably
made a friend of that official and that will be extremely helpful,
God willing. You'll certainly prevail over the chemical
corporations, too.
Isn't most of the fishing in Southern Sudan done along the rivers,
incuding the Nile? I've often wondered whether putting orgonite in
those rivers has increased the safety of fishermen from the threat
of crocodiles and hippopotamuses as well as increasing the fish
yield and cleaning the water.
Great report dada yangu mpendwa! Nisalimie jamaa zako.
Joined: July 2007
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
Lest we forget, Southern Sudan was a zone that was overrun by the
CIA and MI6 sponsored terrorists who had driven a large proportion
of the population to Kenya and Uganda as refugees. Christine can
tell more about those times if she wishes to for the record.
After our African friends began gifting in the wartorn region peace
sort of broke out, like will probably happen shortly in Somalia,
too, and Christine was chosen to be one of the delegates sent to
Khartoum to negotiate for secession. That was a resounding success,
as you know.
It may be that Southern Somalia was created as a new country thanks
largely to the timely and intelligent distribution of orgonite in
that region. I think history is going to show this clearly.
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Posts: 74

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
In fact to me having such an extension with the officials of the
government is just an added advantage in the process of extending
the business. Even though most of them had been in a greater
opposition to our work but if you can get even one person proposing
that's a greater achievement. I hope through all these something new
will surface up.
Yes in the Southern Sudan fishing is mostly done in both the rivers
and the lakes.Putting the orgonite in those rivers and the lakes
have not increased the safety of the fishermen from the threat of
the crocodile.The orgonite mostly activate the production of fish
and thus improve the fishing industry.The only danger is that where
there is much fish even more crocodile will be attracted to that
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Posts: 74

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
From the historical background, the southern Sudan had been a region
quite neglected; the only thing that they could hope to get from the
Northern Sudan was nothing but frustration and severe suffering from
the tyrannic leadership of the Northern. The CIA, M16 and the
terrorists sponsored by various un-peace units had been dominant
in the region.
For all those days the united force from Africa AU, the UN and the
COMESA groups had for a long time tried to maintain peace and the
stability of that nation but all were in vain. That operation had
caused the whole world funds, time and forces but for all those
years they could not manage to reach a permanent solution. People
like the late John Ghrang tirelessly work till the last breath of
his life but could not reached to a resolution.
Some leaders in the Republic of Kenya as Kalonzo Mzioka at one time
chaired the peace accord so that both the North and the South to
harmonize their differences and have a peaceful power sharing; still
all could not mutually work. When I personally intervene with the
proper distribution of the Orgonite first along the border of Uganda
proceeding towards the Northern region, nowadays something that one
can be proud of is there. Now even if not total peace in the
Southern Sudan had been achieved but there is something to be count
on. A newly born nation which added the numbers of the countries in
the continent of Africa had been found now the Republic of the
Southern Sudan.
It can be a history to some but it’s a reality to me for I myself I
had been privileged to participate in some of their former peace
accord processes.
Now I would say that the orgonite have actually played a vital role
not only in the southern Sudan but to other nations as Kenya Somali
Land. We still hope to continue propagating the orgonite across
where necessary so that if possible the whole of our suffering may
nations and regions may also experience the fruits of their
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
Thanks very much, Christine, for all this new information and thank
you for your vital role in creating the conditions for a prosperous,
new African republic. A lot of people don't realize the importance
of having material like this in the public record. I want to do my
small part to make sure that you will always receive due credit for
your accomplishments and selfless service. It's not my place to
describe the soul-wrenching hardship and loss that you sustained and
then overcame in the years before you were finally able to turn the
tide in Southern Sudan away from bloodshed and agency-sponsored
terrorism but I want our readers to understand that your achievement
is doubly significant on account of all that.
As we witness the grueling conditions surrounding the work of Fatuma
and her Somali associates in the extended distribution of orgonite
in that region I want to remind our readers that things were also
quite dire in Southern Sudan and Kenya at the time that our
associates began to turn the tide. Kenya, in particular, was on the
verge of famine due to the un-naturally created and sustained
drought and several of our friends had recently been murdered with
I offer this observation to Fatuma in her travail in hope that it
will help her feel more hope. I don't know if we in the West would
have the fortitude to press ahead as she and her associates are now
doing for Somalia and as you did, Christine, in the dark period
before your present success. I believe that Mrs Odondi is on her
way back to Somalia to lend a hand and to deliver more orgonite and
we applaud her courage and generosity, again. I hope everyone who
reads this will send some heart energy (we call it 'boosting') to
Fatuma, Mrs O and their cohorts in Somalia. Until this corporate
world order is finally discarded I think they will do whatever they
can to torment Africans, as always. They will be out of business
pretty soon, God willing, and can then be brought to account.
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
When all the political stuff gets sorted out I think that the
conditions you're creating in Southern Sudan will cause the
government to be subservient to the people, as is only proper for
today's world. This is, I feel, because the work you're teaching
people how to do is causing them to be more independent and self
confident, leaving little room for the desire to get 'helped' by a
government. This is how America's European population was before
the Revolution and for a time afterward until the British came back
and took control, again
America was a third world country for its first century, by the
way. The Brits weren't too sorry to lose it, since it didn't have
much to offer in terms of raw materials to exploit. They had already
cut down all of the accessible northern forests before the
Revolution, for instance. That's why New England has such lovely
fall foliage now, by the way
Have you considered that the government of Southern Sudan might
become a model for the entire world? The wealth of any nation is
its agriculture.
This notion might seem odd to some of my readers but I'm in the
habit of writing down ideas that feel genuinely inspired to me and I
suppose I am a bona fide visionary, after all

based on my track record.
Joined: November 2010
Posts: 67

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
Hi readers,
Am happy to share in this very important link. Southern Sudan had
had a very long history for the struggle for peace within their
midst. I am very sore that many have followed the trend of this
struggle, an action which has caused some people their lives. You
have heard this from the last posts by Christine and any other
person reporting from East Africa. Some people like John Garang’,
Silva Kirr, Christine’s husband who was poisoned due to political
interest and the rest are some examples. Just like when we went to
Somalia with Mrs. O, nobody knew that we would succeed to the extent
that we had. After a long struggle for independence, they have
finally gained their interest.
Am very happy that Christine has decided to do one of the most
important things that is almost essential for the prosperity of a
nation. Southern Sudan is the newest of all the African nations. The
idea of using Orgonite in initiating prosperity there is just but a
very cool idea. Very soon, I know that the condition will be abated.
Now there is war going on between the Southern and the Northern
Sudan, though a lot of facts are quite hidden for those who rely on
the media for such information. The major bone of contention is the
rich minerals that are available in the South, which the North
thinks that they should have control over. Many people were killed
last week and that forced us to give a special consideration to
it. That forced us last Saturday to offer some heart felt energy
boosting the nation. From then, some politicians are now advocating
for peace talks among themselves to bring the condition to be in a
level that is easily manageable. That is among the information that
we get from some of the reliable sources.
Am writing all these to let you know that distributing Orgonite in
the part of Sudan that is affected by the war is among the basic
tools that is going to assist bring back the peace in that country.
Christine has done some bit of the kind and I expect that things are
going to better themselves. Hongera dada Christine. Endelea na moyo
Joined: January 2009
Posts: 139

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
All that Christine had done in the Southern Sudan is quite worth. In
fact me who had done a little of history concerning the long time
status of the Southern Sudan just from the late eighties up to the
late two thousand and ten, it’s true that these people have been
surviving under hardship caused by the instability of the
government. Christine effort in the Southern Sudan have helped a lot
in turning the high tides of political waves in to a manageable
condition that finally leads to the birth of a young but a stable
government where all the citizens enjoy the fruits of their hard
labor. She made the land that for a long time had been dominated by
the terrorists to be a place where all the people peacefully
operate without fear and frustration.
It’s true that even we in our nation when we first started this
business the life wasn’t favorable things were very tough till even
some of us ended up in jail for some crimes that they never
committed. But our persistence in the work made us to be where we
are by now. This even made me to determined that the situation in
Somalia by now is quite temporary for soon everything will be fully
in control. Through learning at the circumstances that had rocked
and disturbed out friends in the business is quite tougher
than what we are experiencing therefore our persistence in the work
will definitely make us achieve all that we had been targeting to
It’s true that despite the fact that by now the war against the
Al-Shabab group is really at the highest rate but that could not
stop me from making my ways to the Republic of Somali Land for I’m
very sure that, it’s only through gifting that that the whole nation
of Somali will be relieved from the tyrannic leadership of the
terrorist and the Al-Shabab. Even if I personally delayed my journey
but we will frequently sent the heart energy to keep her to be
steady and stable.
From all these I believe through our Lord’s support we will go
through by rescuing our brothers in the Somali Land from the hands
of cruel leadership very soon
Mrs. O
Joined: January 2009
Posts: 139

Re: Orgonite In Southern Sudan
Orgonite actually have worked effectively in increasing the economy
of the nation of Kenya. Since this orgonite where it’s effectively
applied it create a good environment for animals and even birds
habitation. It’s in record that where the orgonite had been
thoroughly gifted even the hippopotamus and crocodile normally
gathered there and for that reason it become very easy for the Kenya
wildlife on the museum section to have easy time in coming to easily
trap them there. And in fact these animals for many years have
helped our nation of Kenya to gain much foreign Income.
Mrs. O