Rwanda quotes

“The genocide in Rwanda was 100 percent the responsibility of the Americans!”---Boutros Boutros-Ghali

The "Rwanda genocide" began with the 1990 invasion of northern Rwanda by Ugandan forces that brutally targeted everyone in their path. By the time the RPF/A forces—comprised mostly of seasoned Ugandan troops—reached Kigali, more than 800,000 IDPs (internally displaced persons) were hovering around the capital city: they were terrified, they were homeless, they were hungry, they were angry and—justifiably—they took up arms. [2008 Dec] Merchants of Death: Exposing Corporate-financed Holocaust in Africa.  White Collar War Crimes, Black African Fall Guys by Keith Harmon Snow

[2010] U.S./U.N. cover-up of Kagame’s genocide in Rwanda and Congo by Juan Carrero  The real news is something else: namely, that in a move that breaks the code of silence that has reigned within the U.N. for too many years, the High Commissioner for Human Rights reveals that the U.N. Security Council and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Kofi Annan before him – the same parties who less than a year ago accused some of us of financing the genocidaires – have actually spent more than a decade covering up the continuous genocide carried out by the RPF from Oct. 1, 1990, until today, which probably constitutes the largest one since the U.N. was founded!

'The United States invaded Rwanda, it began in October 1990, culminated in 1994, in a coup d’ etat, we assassinated two Presidents. This was CIA work and Paul Kagame. And this led to the invasion of the Congo and the current state of affairs there now.' ---[2009 Interview: Keith Harman Snow] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

[2006] Who Killed Agathe? The Death of a Prime Minister by Christopher Black   the murder of the two Hutu presidents was preceded a few months before, on 21 October, 1993, by the murder of President Melchior Ndadaye of Burundi, also a Hutu, murdered by Tutsi officers of the Burundian Army. It is strongly suspected that the RPF was also involved in that assassination and it is known that Paul Kagame was in Bujumbura a few days before the Hutu president was murdered. This complicity of the RPF in the murder of the President of Burundi was a principal factor in creating extreme fear in the Hutu majority population of Rwanda that the RPF intended to kill as many Hutus as possible and that no political solution was ever possible with an organization whose methods were worthy of Murder Incorporated of the US Mafia.

[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher Black   like the Contras, the RPF was supported by the United States. This was clear from the beginning of the war. When the RPF launched their attack, President Habyarimana was in Washington, lured out of the way, by the U.S. State Department. The evidence that the U.S. was aware of and supported the October surprise attack was the U.S. administration’s offer to Habyarimana of asylum in the U.S. if he surrendered power to the RPF. Habyarimana refused and immediately flew home. There was no condemnation of the Ugandan-RPF aggression by the U.S. or any of its allies, despite the big noise they made at the same time over the advance of Iraqi forces into Kuwait. Further, the Rwandan ambassador to the UN, then seated on the Security Council, filed a protest in the UNSC, but the U.S. had it taken off the agenda.  In fact, the U.S. and its allies supported the aggression against Rwanda from the beginning, and U.S. Special Forces operated with the RPF from the beginning. Recently in Toronto, Bill Clinton denied any involvement in Rwanda, but this is one of the Big Lies of the Century. He and Bush are up to their necks in the blood of the Rwandan and Congolese people.

[2010] THE TRUTH ABOUT RWANDA by Christopher Black  Antoine Nyetera, a Tutsi prince, who was in Kigali during that period, testified for the defense in the Military II trial and stated that not only were there no massacres committed against Tutsis by the Rwandan Army, but that it was the RPF that began the massacres against Hutus after taking Kigali. He also testified that despite the claim by the RPF of being a Tutsi liberation group, when he saw their long columns enter the capital, he recognized that most of them were Sudanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Tanzanian, and that others were speaking Swahili or Sudanese languages: In other words, they were mercenaries.
    Several RPF officers have testified at the ICTR and stated that they fled the Kagame regime because they had been promised that they were fighting for the liberation of the Tutsis. However, when they wanted to take to the streets of Kigali to stop reprisals against Tutsis by Hutu civilians, the junior officers were forbidden to do so, putting the lie to Kagame’s claim that he attacked to save Tutsis. These officers testified that Kagame wanted (Tutsi) deaths to justify his war. The RPF could have controlled large parts of Kigali as they had at least 15,000 men in or near the capital opposed to 5,000 Rwandan Army forces. Instead he used his men to ethnically cleanse the rest of the country of its majority Hutu population.

 The established narrative’s 800,000 or more largely Tutsi deaths resulting from a “preprogrammed genocide” committed by “Hutu Power” appears to have no basis in any facts, beyond the early claims by Kagame’s RPF and its politically motivated Western sponsors and propagandists....Washington gains a strong military presence in Central Africa, a diminution of its European rivals’ influence, proxy armies to serve its interests, and access to the raw material-rich Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC, known as Zaire into 1997); while the RPF renews Tutsi-minority control of Rwanda, and gains a free hand to kill any perceived internal rivals, along with a client state’s usual immunities, money, weapons, foreign investment, and a great deal of international prestige......Very big lies about Rwanda are now institutionalized and are part of the common (mis)understanding in the West. In reality, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame is one of the great mass murderers of our time, far surpassing Uganda’s former dictator Idi Amin. Yet, thanks to the remarkable myth structure that surrounds him, he enjoys immense popularity with his chief patron in Washington, his image of big-time killer transmuted into that of an honored savior, deserving strong Western support......what Kagame overthrew was a multiethnic, power-sharing, coalition government; what Kagame imposed was a Tutsi-dominated dictatorship; and what Kagame turned Rwanda and the whole of Central Africa into was a rolling genocide that is ongoing. But it is true that he is a shining “star” in the Western firmament and its propaganda system.
.......What the United States and its Western allies (Britain, Canada, and Belgium) really did was to sponsor the U.S.-trained Kagame; support his invasion of Rwanda from Uganda and the massive ethnic cleansing prior to April 1994; weaken the Rwandan state by forcing an economic recession and the RPF’s penetration of the government and throughout the country; and then press for the complete removal of UN troops. They did this because they didn’t want UN troops to stand in the way of Kagame’s conquest of the country, even though Rwanda’s Hutu authorities were urging the dispatch of more UN troops.
...... it also cleared the ground for Kagame and Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni—Kagame’s ally and the two staunchest U.S. clients in the region—to invade and occupy the DRC and beyond periodically, without opposition from the “international community.”
    The Pentagon has very actively supported these invasions of the DRC, even more heavily than it supported the RPF’s drive to take Kigali. This support led to the killing of many thousands of Hutu refugees in a series of mass slaughters (ca. 1994-1997), and also provided cover for a greater series of Kagame-Museveni assaults on the DRC that have destabilized life in this large country of perhaps sixty million people, with millions perishing in the process.  [2009] Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Propaganda System by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson

The United States invaded Rwanda, it began in October 1990, culminated in 1994, in a coup d’ etat, we assassinated two Presidents. This was CIA work and Paul Kagame. And this led to the invasion of the Congo and the current state of affairs there now. ---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

[2009] Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Propaganda System by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson The apology in 1998 by Bill Clinton on behalf of the "international community" for "not act[ing] quickly enough after the killing began" was unconscionable hypocrisy.  Rather than failing at some non-existent humanitarian objective, the Clinton administration facilitated Kagame's conquest of Rwanda in 1994, so Clinton shares Kagame’s criminality for the violence in Rwanda and for the violence that the RPF extended so ferociously into the DRC for so many years. 

Hillary Clinton should be indicted for war crimes. She should be brought up in a criminal tribunal and put on the stand. And we should be told who was involved in the war crimes in Central Africa from 1994 to 2001. And the assassination of all these people and the massive killings. So we can name these officials. Susan Rice is another one. She’s the architect. Susan Rice and a guy named Roger Winter are the architects of genocide in Rwanda. They should not be in the foreign policy establishment in any sense of the word. And, by the way, this is exactly what we’ve seen going down in Sudan. It’s a guerilla war, it’s backed by the Pentagon. It’s using Uganda as a proxy army, and also Chad and also Egypt. And creating this propaganda that the government of Sudan is creating genocide. When, in fact, we are all over it. It doesn’t look like that at all. It’s war. It’s open war.”---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

The Pentagon invaded Rwanda using Uganda. There were almost no Rwandans involved in the invasion of Rwanda from 1990 to 1994. The idea that there were all these Tutsis in exile who deserted. That’s the whole Jews thing. The Jews are a people without a State. They made this article up about the Tutsis. A people without a State. So the Tutsis have been given this moral currency as being supposedly the victims of genocide. To get away with absolute murder. And we’re talking from 1990 to 1994. Millions and millions of people being killed in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo, because of this relationship. And so Kagame, and Paul Kabarbai, and Lawrence Nkunda and some other top officials are responsible for some of the worst crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes in the history of the world. And this is completely unknown. Because as soon as someone like me and you or anyone, especially a Rwandan comes along and says this they are accused of genocide and they’re accused of being a genocide denier. Because the average listener out there has heard over and over and over again, through the media, through Hollywood, through Philip Gourevitch, through The New Yorker, etc. etc., that there was one hundred days of genocide. 800,000 Tutsis were killed. And the Kagame regime stopped the genocide. Which is completely upside down. And so today you’ve got Kagame, he sent out three hundred agents in the world, they’re tracking down anyone who speaks against the Kagame regime. As they just did with this professor from [Inaudible] College, in West Virginia, in the United States who was just arrested and targeted by the Kagame regime and never involved in genocide. There is no remote connection with this poor fellow, with genocide in Rwanda. And this is how the Kagame machine, with its very tight relationships with Clinton officials and Bush officials.” ---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

“We are led to believe by the massive media propaganda system that United States stood around and let genocide happen. This is total nonsense. The United States invaded Rwanda, it began in October 1990, culminated in 1994, in a coup d’ etat, we assassinated two Presidents. This was CIA work and Paul Kagame. And this led to the invasion of the Congo and the current state of affairs there now. And the fact is France did not play a part in the genocide in Rwanda even though that’s what everyone wants to believe because the easiest thing for Kagame to say today is, this is what he says, he goes around giving speeches: “We’re the victims of genocide.” As Philip Gourevitch says, “The Tutsis are the Jews of Africa.” And this sets up this system of feeling that we have to morally correct what happened. It puts us in a position of not being able to say anything about it because supposedly we let the genocide happen. When, in fact, we created the war. We caused the genocide that happened. And this is all just coming out through these two International Courts.---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

December 18th, 2008 the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the ICTR, determined that there had been no systematic genocide in Rwanda in 1994. There was no conspiracy to commit genocide. Now this was their finding in December of 2008. They, there fore, cleared the top officials…They did sentence them to life in prison because the ICTR has always been about victor’s justice. Victor’s justice means that “We Won, the United States invaded Rwanda,” 1990 to 1994, the was a coup d’ etat. The United States, the Pentagon took control and put its proxy army in power. That’s the people who are in control today, Paul Kagame, and we blamed all of the killing on the Hutus and accused them of genocide. And that’s just total fiction. And this fiction has been created and propagated by people like Ben Affleck, who goes in and doesn’t tell you any of the truth…'But then there was Philip Gourevitch who wrote the book, “We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow our Families will be killed,’ and some many people have read this piece of fiction, believing that its non fiction. And that basically was Clinton administration operatives providing information to Gourevitch, who was writing in the New Yorker, and claiming the Kagame and Usemini were the new breed of African leaders, and essentially covering up a Genocide. Most people believe and we all stood around when genocide happened and we should never have let this happen. We should never have that happen again.'---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

[2009] THE RWANDA GENOCIDE FABRICATIONS Human Right Watch, Alison Des Forges & Disinformation on Central Africa by Keith Harmon Snow   From 1990 to 1994, the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), comprised most heavily of Ugandan soldiers led by Ugandan citizens like Paul Kagame, committed atrocity after atrocity as they forced their way to power in Kigali, always falsely accusing their enemies—the power-sharing government of then President Juvenal Habyarimana—of genocide.
......According to the International Forum for Truth and Justice in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, whose discoveries resulted in the high courts of Spain issuing international indictments against 40 top RPF/A officials: “Between 1990 and 1994, the RPA waged a systematic, pre-planned, secretive but highly organized terrorist war aimed at eliminating the largest number of Rwandan people possible—bodies were hacked to pieces and incinerated en masse. From 1994, once the RPA violently seized power, a terror regime was created, and developed, and a criminal structure parallel to the state was set up to pursue pre-determined kidnappings; torturing and raping of women and young girls; terrorist attacks (both directly and by simulating that the same had been perpetrated by the enemy); illegal detention of thousands of civilians; selective murdering; systematic elimination of corpses either by mass incineration or by throwing them into lakes and rivers; indiscriminate attacks against civilians based on pre-determined ethnic categories for the elimination of the predominant ethnic group; and also to carry out acts of war in Rwanda and Congo.”
In contradistinction to the establishment narrative accusing the ‘Hutu leadership’ of an ‘organized’ and ‘planned’ genocide were the countless acts of genocide committed through a spontaneous uprising of the Hutu masses—people who had been brutalized, disenfranchised, uprooted and forced from homes; people who had witnessed massacres and rapes of family members; people who were themselves the victims of brutal atrocities. These were more than a million internally displaced Rwandan Hutus, people who had been terrorized by the Rwandan Patriotic Army from October 1990 to April 1994, as it butchered its way into Rwanda; and possibly a million Burundian refugees, Hutus who suffered massive reprisals in Burundi after the first civilian President, Melchior Ndadaye, a democratically elected Hutu, was assassinated by the Tutsi military in October 1993. There is evidence that the RPA/F pursued “pseudo-operations”—death squads committing atrocities disguised as government soldiers—and evidence that at least some of the infamous Interahamwe militias pursued their campaigns of terror in the pay of the Rwandan Patriotic Front/Army.

Peter Erlinder during my work at the U.N. Tribunal, I had an opportunity to have access to the previously secret United Nations files that were kept by U.N. personnel in Rwanda during the time that’s known as the genocide. And those documents tell a completely different story than the story the world has heard about what happened in Rwanda during that time.
    Also I was able to link that to U.S. documents from the State Department, the CIA and the Pentagon and the documents from other countries. And I used those documents to defend my client and he and other military officers were acquitted of the charge of conspiracy to commit genocide, which means there was no plan on the part of the previous government and military.
...the documents show is that the RPF were the dominant military power in Rwanda. They were responsible for assassinating the Rwandan and Burundian presidents, which touched off the mass violence. They were in a position to stop the mass violence and didn’t do so because of their desire to win the war. And then once they did seize power, continued carrying out violence against civilians.....the documents make clear that the RPF went on to carry out an invasion of the eastern Congo along with Uganda and then essentially to control the eastern Congo, which they do to this day. And that was accomplished because of ongoing support from the Pentagon, and then, unfortunately, it becomes clear that this support was covered up as the ICTR began to develop.