Selling Soul (Pact with the Devil)
"Another time I was looking over at her (Sharon Tate) and asking her what she was thinking about, and she suddenly came out with: 'The Devil is beautiful. Most people think he's ugly, but he's not.'"------Christopher Jones (Daily Mail, 31st August 2007
See: Pact with the Spirit James Bartley Cloning Reptilian-human hybrids Possession
Music [Music]
Metal music
Bon Jovi
Dylan, Bob
Lady Gaga
Lana Del Ray
Lil Wayne
Manson, Marilyn
Perry, Katy
Snoop Dog
Timberlake, Justin
West, Kayne
I keep on dancing with the Devil
I keep on dancing with the Devil
I sold my soul, ain’t no turning back
I keep on dancing with the Devil--Kesha
Scherzinger, Nicole [2013 March] Nicole Sherzinger: “To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil.” “To be honest with you, I sometimes wish I were more slutty. I’d probably be a lot more successful if I were. This is such a tough industry, you know. To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil.”
[vid] A Rapper Comes Close to "Selling His Soul to the Devil"!!
[2012 Feb] Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Denzel Washington & Hollywood’s Black Illuminati Satanist. Lucifer was the most beautiful angel and he was also the angel of music, so there is no way of being a famous musician and not getting your power from Lucifer. You wanna make it in the music industry? Ok, well I just told you who will give you the power.
Exposing the works of Satan: Popular Music In his autobiography "The Doggfather", Snoop Dogg says the devil came to him to make a deal that he would be rich and famous in exchange for his soul. Snoop accepted the devil's offer (by his own words) and identifies that the point at which Calvin Broadus dies Snoop Dog was born.
I sold my soul to the devil. - Katy Perry
Expose Pt1: Celebrities who sold their souls and channel spirits
Bob Fylan Admits He Sold His Soul to the Devil