World Mercury Project

Kennedy Jr., Robert F.

our website

''The World Mercury Project emerged from the promotion we were doing for the film  Trace Amounts. I had travelled to a dozen cities, with Director Eric Gladen, to screen the show, speak, and fight the wave of vaccine mandates in 2015, when the pharmaceutical industry tried to leverage a Disneyland measles outbreak into a new California gold rush. When our work with the film came to a close, I recognized that even a committed movement of extraordinarily talented activists would never move the needle on this issue. The forces arrayed against us were just too powerful. We needed a paid professional staff who awaken every morning thinking of nothing except how to solve this problem. How to force a national debate and expose the phony science and CDC corruption. How to use the most sophisticated social media, and internet marketing and what Martin Luther King called the "tools of advocacy": agitation, legislation, litigation, education, and media and grass roots activism.''  [2016 Dec] Mercury, Vaccines and the CDC's Worst Nightmare By Rita Shreffler

Simpsonwood transcripts  [Simpsonwood]

Thimerosal still in medicines