Yad Vashem
[Yad Vashem is Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the
Holocaust, established in 1953 through the Yad Vashem Law passed by the Knesset,
Israel's parliament.]
[2006] In Clear Sight of Yad
Vashem By Paul Eisen
“The Holocaust museum is beautiful, and the message ‘never to forget
man’s inhumanity to man’ is timeless. The children’s museum is particularly
heart-wrenching; in a dark room filled with candles and mirrors, the names of
Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust are read aloud with their places
of birth. Even the most callous person is brought to tears. Upon exiting this
portion of the museum, a visitor is facing north and is looking directly at
Deir Yassin. There are no
markers, no plaques, no memorials, and no mention from any tour guide. But for
those who know what they are looking at, the irony is breathtaking.”--From "Deir
Yassin Remembered" by Dan McGowan