IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is reproduced for reference purposes only, it contains false and unsubstantiated claims designed to mislead the public. It MUST be viewed in conjunction with its rebuttal (which can be viewed by selecting this link).


But what about those terrible photos of animals in laboratories which are used by those who oppose animal research?

Photos and videos of animals which are in pain or are being held in poor conditions have huge emotional appeal.  The intention is, of course, to shock us, to outrage us.

Most of these pictures were taken overseas many years ago, before the introduction of our present strict guidelines on the use of animals in research.  Some of the animal testing procedures are no longer used and a number have been replaced by tests which do not involve live animals.

The photos and videos used by anti-vivisectionists deliberately play on our feelings, but we are seldom told what is being done, when it was done, or why it was done.


Can you give some examples?

Some of the photos used by those who oppose the use of animals in research show animals with their heads in clamps, rabbits with their eyes held open to test chemicals (the "Draize" test) and burn research using live animals.

Head clamps:
These may appear cruel until you know what is happening.  Head clamps are used to restrain the heads of people and animals when they are undergoing brain or eye surgery.


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