- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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ARSL 2nd Edition Pages 16, 17


ARSL's bland assurance that the animals immobilised in stereotaxic devices, or head clamps, are "kept unconscious with an anaesthetic during such operations" is merely an attempt to keep the public unconscious and anaesthetised to the legal torture taking place and the massive profits being made from the manufacture of torture instruments, the vast array and range of choice of which is of great magnitude.  (Refer Chapter 1 The Vivisection Industry.)  But the cat, so to speak, is out of the bag and the public slowly awakening to the fraud.  With the aid of such instruments of torture it is not only possible for the vivisectors to see the exposed brains of their victims but to see the degradation to which they themselves are prepared to stoop.

In his booklet CIVIS Bullet-In, Nr. 2, The Infiltration in Animal Welfare, Hans Ruesch reprints as an introduction, his own article translated from Germany's highest-circulation weekly Stern, Christmas 1983.  Entitled "Goodbye Stupid Little Kitten!".  It is about a kitten in a stereotaxic device obviously designed by an unbalanced mind.  Eyes wide open, the kitten's unsheathed claws desperately grip the board showing that it is fully conscious.  This is not an isolated case, but one of thousands.  In honour of Hans Ruesch, leader of the modern abolitionist movement, that article is repeated here in full:



No, you stupid little kitten, nobody's let you out, although your picture and cry for help were on display on all the news-stands of Europe, where millions of people saw them, and probably thousands couldn't sleep the following night.  But this is all they did - and we, too.  For a mad moment we hoped that some of those boys who liberate laboratory animals would rush to your rescue, but of course the odds were heavily against it, because the police protect the laboratory torturers and not their victims, heroes are few and far between, and the animals slated to die in the pseudo-scientific laboratories to provide alibis for the drug pushers are millions.

Soon you'll be immobilized in a stereotaxic device, so tightly that you can't move your head even by a hairbreath, maybe two steel rods will be inserted into the enucleated orbits of your eyes, and two clamps will press your ears so hard that your eardrums might burst - but don't worry if that happens, because its not going to influence the result of the experiment one bit, according to the catalogues of the manufacturers, Lab-Tronics and H. Neumann and Co., near Chicago, who ship such torture instruments to laboratories the world over.  What counts is to keep you absolutely still, while the real action gets underway.

White-robed devils, disguised as 'scientists', will drill holes into your little head, and stick cannulas, sensors and electrodes into your little brain, to repeat on your nervous system pointless experiments that are being done time and time again since the last century; experiments that have never brought forth any benefit whatsoever, neither to mankind nor to catdom, but only to the experimenters themselves, procuring them personal satisfaction, sometimes fame and honours, and maybe even a Nobel Prize as in the case of Prof. Walter Hess of Zurich University - before it was discovered that all his conclusions were erroneous and must have caused untold harm to an undisclosed number of patients.  Anyway, his and his colleagues' pseudo-scientific works still stand, largely unread, in some medical libraries, and stupid cats like yourself helped them get there.


cat in sterotaxic device (25k)


For you see, you were only created to 'serve' mankind.  Don't you know that?  Even the Pope explicitly said so, probably on his assumption that you don't have a soul (which he can't prove, however), whereas your torturers have one (which he can't prove either), since they're 'made in the image of God'.  Some image!

And of course the chemistry boys keep repeating it too, the manufacturers of products that are poisoning the earth and killing people by the millions, the governments and politicians on their payroll, the faculty professors and presidents of universities, the mediamakers who earn a lush living not from reflecting public opinion but shaping it, and even heads of the big animal welfare societies like the RSPCA and WSPA and Eurogroup and HSUS et al who instead of widely advertising the evident, huge damage that accrues daily to mankind through its erroneous method of medical research, deliberately hide this fact in smokescreens of inane, philosophical babble - as the research community wants them to do, under the pretext that humanity has to be 'saved', and that only the sacrifice of you and your kind can do that.

Of course, stupid little kitten, by the time you are clamped down in one of the stereotaxic contraptions, you've probably come to the conclusion that humanity can't be all that it's cracked up to be, and darn right you are.  In fact, man is the only animal capable of killing his own offspring because it disturbs him in his sleep.  He is also the only male that beats the female, although some wags will argue that woman is the only female that deserves to be beaten.  And man is the only animal that murders all known species including his own, far beyond the necessity of survival, relentlessly fouls, erodes and scars his habitat to the point of inability, and yet considers himself - just because he can spread more death and mayhem than all the others combined - the most intelligent of all species, and the only one that deserves to survive.

What do you expect from such a species, stupid little kitten?  But maybe you just want to know why it's always your kind that is being used for the most painful, long-lasting experiments that exist.  That's because it's your misfortune that you were born with an extremely sensitive nervous system, far more sensitive than that of your tormentors, but at the same time you are more resistant than most other animals are.  That's why.

But don't cry out when it hurts, stupid.  If you do, 'they' will cut your vocal cords, because 'they' are tender-hearted and can't stand animals' cries.  In fact, many are not only great philanthropists, but also real animal lovers, who say that they suffer more than you do from the pains they have to inflict on you out of sheer philanthropy.

And now good-bye, stupid little kitten.  May you be dead before the Christmas festivities begin, because in those days you risk to remain for days even without water, immobilised in your device.  But don't count on it, because vivisectors like Prof. Konrad Akert, top dog at Zurich University, and Prof. W.D.M. Paton of Oxford - Sir William, knighted by her Gracious Majesty the Queen for his relentless work on cats' brains - and their colleagues have performed these experiments so incredibly often, with idiotic repetitiveness, that they have become quite proficient at prolonging the agony, even if not one of them has ever been able to name us a single patient they have cured of anything; whereas we can name any number of people who have been ruined for life, and even to death, by their obtuse, counterproductive method of pseudo-research.

But maybe you can get some kind of cold comfort from the following thought, poor little cat.  Just think: from a stupid little head like yours, big men like Sir William Paton - a Professor at Oxford University, knighted by the Queen! - actually hope to find out some day what to do about their own defective brains and the big black hole in them, which worry them so much that brain experiments have become a lifelong obsession with them.

Now we must really leave you, poor little kitten.  May you pass on quickly.  It's really the only thing we can wish to you.  Maybe we'll meet some day, in some other world, which can only be a better one."

Secretly photographed evidence of the stark reality of fully-conscious animals being done to death in stereo-taxic devices, the ingenuity of which defies description, is available in Hans Ruesch, Vivisection is Scientific Fraud.

Refer also to Chapter 10, Differences Between Cats, Dogs and Humans.

Select this link to find details of how to obtain CIVIS Bullet-In Nr. 2.


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