- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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(AIDS victims: gay men who volunteered for Hepatitis B. vaccine trials in 1980.)
In January 1983 Dr John Findbeiner, writing in Medical World News warned that the hepatitis B. vaccine:
"Might be contaminated with a pathogen responsible for the AIDS epidemic."
Alan Cantwell, a Los Angeles doctor confirms in his book AIDS The Mystery and the Solution that investigations revealed that the first 26 cases of AIDS in the U.S. were from New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, the three cities that carried out the most extensive early hepatitis B. vaccine trials. Dr Cladd Stevens of the New York Blood Centre assembled 212 men out of the 1083 who had taken part in the hepatitis B. vaccine trials and found 85 of them with AIDS.
On May 11 1987, Pearce Wright, accomplished science-editor of London's The Times ran a front page story with the headline...
"Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus."
An outside consultant to the World Health Organisation had reported to The Times that the WHO having found a connection between their smallpox inoculation programmes and the incidence of "AIDS" in Zambia, Zaire and Brazil had engaged his firm to investigate. Which they did, and found the suspicion correct. However when the report was given to the WHO they would not publish the findings.
"The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African States which top the table of most affected countries; why Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American Country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of AIDS to the US. Brazil was the only South American country covered in the eradication of smallpox campaign and has the highest incidence of AIDS in that region, Zaire has 33 million smallpox vaccinations, Zambia 19 million, Tanzania 14 million and so on... Haiti had 14,000 citizens living in Central Africa, they had smallpox inoculations there and eventually returned home."
"After a meeting of 50 experts near Geneva this month it was revealed that up to 75 million (one third of the population of South Africa) could have AIDS within the next five years."
Robert Matthews, technical correspondent of The Times, told Jon Rappoport of the New York Native, June 29 1987:
"The World Health Organisation which had been running their 13-year smallpox eradication programme in the third world until 1980 wondered if the vaccinations were connected to the AIDS pandemic. They hired an outside consultant to do a study on it. He did and said... 'Yes your suspicion is correct.' But the report was buried by the WHO and so the consultant came to us... His credentials can not be dismissed... We are not giving his name, but the WHO know he is our source."
There is informed speculation that the smallpox vaccine could also be contaminated with harmful viruses. For thirty years various doctors have claimed that we have been playing with a time-bomb called vaccines and there are many examples to point to. US AIDS researchers in their labs will soon begin to wonder if they themselves are merely dupes working to correct what another part of the medical establishment has wrought in its vaccines... but they will keep their mouths shut because they are paid to do so."
(Dr Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute.)
SOURCE: The Times, May 11 1987 and New York Native, June 29 1987. K. Ungar, California.
Protective vaccination against smallpox can also trigger off cancer in the form of malignant tumours as was shown in the case of 38 persons whose tumours resulted from the vaccination scar.
(This was the report on the first page of the journal Medical News in 1969. Dr Willard L. Marmelzat of the University of Southern California reported at the second International Congress of Tropical Dermatology that none of these patients had ever been in contact with carcinogenic (cancer-forming) chemicals, and not one had ever received any injury or mechanical trauma at the site of the vaccination scar.)
"I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines, such as that used for smallpox, can activate a dormant infection such as HIV." (Dr Robert Gallo.) |
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