- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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ARSL 2nd Edition Pages 1, 19


Members of the N.Z. Anti-Vivisection Society who attended the Society's AGM of April 8 1989 heard, for the first time, that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is not caused by a virus, is not infectious, but that it is as described by investigative reporter Jon Rappoport:

"The precise breakdown in the dynamic balance of our sustaining environment which causes primary immune system weakness.  Evidence suggests that large drug use and chemical contamination cries out as the key factor."

Many doctors agree, and support Rappoport.  About AIDS they say:

"Virus is not the cause.  The definition of AIDS is worthless.  The treatment is poison.  Thousands are dying needlessly as the medical world and media pull off the biggest scandal of our time - and all for the love of power and money."

This article on AIDS is taken from the NZAVS Submission in Support of NZAVS Petition to Abolish Vivisection (1989) - the Petition was signed by 100,640 people.  The Submission was not acknowledged by the Government, other submissions were also ignored, and at time of writing this ARSL rebuttal in January 1992, the Society had still not been informed of the Government's decision on the Petition - despite many enquiries to the Chairman of the Primary Production Committee Mr Ross Meurant, and to the Prime Minister Mr. J. Bolger.



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