- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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ARSL 2nd Edition Page 19

Like cystic fibrosis and multiple sclerosis and many other present-day afflictions Alzheimer's disease has been described as a genetic sickness that is increasing to a terrifying degree.

Toxic sodium fluoride, a by-product of aluminium whose many products get in the food chain, is linked with Alzheimer's disease.  "Nowadays no-one could countenance adding fluoride to the water supplies" says Lord Douglas of Barlock (Deputy Speaker of the British House of Lords).  Fluoride has been described as "an added biochemical and physiological poison that at higher concentrations is a common form of rat poison".  Pesticides have also been linked with Alzheimer's disease.

Critics of vivisection wisely argue that if animal research were halted the money could be diverted to purifying the water supplies thus avoiding many of today's health tragedies.  Since there are no profits in prevention, the vivisection industry understandably does not support this logic, but devises ways to capitalise from human misery by seizing it as an opportunity to embark on further batteries of experiments on human beings.  It is now established that Alzheimer's disease can be inherited from parents and the floodgates for human vivisection are wide open as, on a gigantic and chilling scale, women are undergoing abortions to avoid giving birth to genetically damaged babies are being urged to take doses of drugs to enable study of the effects on aborted fetuses (Sunday Times, March 24 1991).  Meanwhile evidence abounds that a dubious trade in late-term aborted fetuses and living fetuses in the 7th, 8th and 9th month is escalating.1

There are now many reports of the dangers of aluminium in milk powder.  "Babies at Risk" was the heading of an article in N.Z. Herald, November 21 1988, which reported that thousands of bottle-fed babies risk longterm brain and bone damage because of aluminium in their food formula.  Surveys show the powders often contain more than 100 times the amount of aluminium found in breast milk.

Other information, which is freely available, shows that Alzheimer's disease is also linked to food additives, flavourings and sweeteners which contain Aspartame, an artificial sweetener.  Great controversy is raging in U.S.A. where efforts have been made to get Aspartame removed from the shelves of supermarkets.  Mr H.J. Roberts, Director of the Palm Beach Institute for Medical Research in Florida refers to Aspartame as:

"an imminent health hazard since it causes blindness, loss of memory, convulsions and Alzheimer's disease... Walk into any grocery store - it's almost impossible to find a food product that does not contain aspartame"...

said Mr Roberts (New Scientist, February 18 1988).  Aspartame, marketed by Monsanto otherwise known as Nutrasweet or Equal was approved for use in New Zealand in 1984.

However, as with the refusal to remove toxic sodium fluoride from the water supplies there will be no removal of deadly and insidious poisons from the grocery shelves while the church, the animal protection societies and the uncaring public continue to sanction and uphold vivisection.  The sacred shrine upon which living creatures, are churned out of carefully-concealed production ghettos, marketed as inanimate and disposable objects, degraded, destroyed and utilized (in phoney alibi "tests") for profit in the most evil and lucrative industry on Earth.
(Der Deutsch Arzt, Vol. 19, 1971, page 1007, id Vol. 3, 1972, page 158.);  (Medizinische Weld, Vol. 23, 1972, page 758.);  (N.Z. Papers - Truth, Dominion and Evening Post, 1983.)

Pollutants saturate the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.  The impact of pharmaceutical drugs on our health is described below by medical historian Ivan Illich:

"The pain, dysfunction, disability and anguish resulting from technical medical intervention now rivals the morbidity due to traffic and industrial accidents, and even war-related activities, and makes the impact of medicine one of the most rapidly spreading epidemics of our time."
(Ivan Illich, Slaughter of the Innocent, Hans Ruesch, page 193.)

"There are but few pharmacologists, physiologists, and other medical researchers who possess the moral stature to reject animal experiments and to oppose group-thinking in this matter.  Destruction is made a technical matter and manipulated in a sterile fashion.  Mass-destruction is made into a perfected production process.  The fact that animals and their sufferings are thus made unrecognizable renders it easy, even for most of the associations for the defense and protection of animals, to ignore, or even worse, accept, and moreover to indulge reassuringly in the generally widespread obedience to science, sacrificing any personal awareness of responsibility."
(Dr Herbert Stiller.)


"Sixteen percent of people in hospital are there directly due to the toxic effects of drugs." (Dr R. Sharpe, Medical Adviser, NAVS, London.)  Twentyfive million people are suffering from irreversible brain-damage, and twentyfive million from Tardive Dyskenesia as a result of taking La-Gactil tranquillisers.  One hundred and fifty million people take the drug on doctors' prescription worldwide.  In a survey in Edinburgh Hospital in 1988 it was discovered that of 95 patients admitted to the City Hospital with Parkinson's disease over half had taken the tranquilliser (Prochlorperazine) on doctors' prescription.  In Chapter 9 (AIDS) it is also revealed that Parkinson's disease can result from a single injection of a synthetic substance called MPPP, sold as heroin, which contains a by-product called MPTP.  A Parkinson's disease clinic has been set up in the Santa Clara Valley Medical Centre specifically to deal with these patients.  The drug Haloperidol, prescribed to the sufferers of schizophrenia was withdrawn from the market after killing the patients to whom it was prescribed.
(For latter see Committee on Safety of Medicines U.K. report in Medical Journal, 1982.)

The above bold heading of an article in Dominion, November 3 1992, expressed concern about the "excessive aluminium presence" in certain softdrinks... The "dangerously high levels of toxic aluminium" it says "could cause mental deterioration, and researchers had established a link between its levels... and Alzheimer's disease".

Aluminum alert (22k)D
(New Zealand Woman's Weekly, August 31 1992.)

1Mobilise! No. 17, January 1987 and Mobilise! No. 35, March 1993.

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"Aluminium Alert.  If the suggested link between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease is proven, then fizzy drinks in a can will be in for a big shake-up.  Research into 52 beverages produced in Australia, New Zealand and Thailand has found the aluminium content of non-cola drinks to be almost six times higher in cans than in bottles.  In cola drinks it was three times as much."
To the right is a picture of a can of "Fizz".
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